The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@NYYFanNowMTdad Nothing. That’s the weird thing. Unless the older kids got an email (ours specifically was addressed to incoming freshmen CAP21 students. So, the older kids would still have all their NYC training. )That’s why I think it’s a social distancing housing issue (liability mgmt). The juniors and seniors live off campus and primarily are in the city so not much for them to worry about there.

@rickle1 someone mentioned on the Facebook page that the classes for sophomores may be on campus as well this Fall so it is probably a combination of housing as well as distancing in Manhattan.

@rickle1 How disappointing for you both. My heart sank when I read your news. It must feel like a bit of a bait and switch at this point–1st semester at home is very different from what we all signed up for. I hope you get some good info from the zoom session that makes you feel more encouraged.

If you don’t have a piano at home, you might want to take some of the money you’re saving on housing and get a full keyboard with weighted keys for her piano class. She’ll use it for Music Theory, too. It’s worth having going forward, as well.

@upstaged Thanks. Good idea. We do have a piano that needs to be tuned so we’ll get on that.

@rickle1 if its ANY consolation at all, my Non MT daughter is taking 13 credits of Gen Eds online this summer so that she can free up her schedule when shes actually at college, all she needs is the credits ( grade doesnt count in GPA - so just pass)

it truly sucks, BUT if she can really focus on MT only when she gets back that maybe a silver lining?? now if you have a kid whos into all the gen ed stuff ( I do not) then its no consolation at all…idk just trying to find some positive spin :slight_smile:

Just putting this out here, on both the 2024 and new 2025 thread, in light of the awareness of the inequities in our society. I know lots of new families read these threads every year. New families entering the audition process who are finding it an economic struggle should know about The Fund for College Auditions. It was started by Ellen Lettrich of MTCA and I am so proud that that organization cares enough to actually do something. Here is a link:

I don’t know where else to get a potential wide net for advice–CC kept me going this last year while DS applied for and eventually chose his MT school which he is still scheduled to start in August 2020. Does anyone have advice with late teen (he is 18) Invasalign treatment while singing, acting, auditioning and being in shows? I know he could take them out, which is a great option vs traditional braces, and his correction will be small and mostly to address crowding. I’m concerned if it’s worth it if he has them out for up to 6 hours a day for the above activities. Niche problem, sorry if too specific for this forum. Any ideas? We’re thinking better to do them in his first year so he’s ready should he get more professional work later.

@allfour1 My D wore invisalign during her senior year/college audition season which also included multiple shows. She didn’t need much adjustment as it was for a jaw pain. We discussed with the orthodontist before she did it about having them out for shows, voice lessons etc. He didn’t think that would be an issue, but warned it could possibly prolong her slightly. But once she had them she adjusted quickly and didn’t take them out near as much as she thought she would. She even performed in them a few times because she forgot she had them on (and no one could tell from the audience). So I would say go for it. But I would recommend getting them asap so he can adjust to them before classes start because there were a few weeks…thinking it was just two in the beginning when my D had to adjust to singing and speaking in them.

@MTSongbirdMom thank you so much! This is really helpful and I copied and pasted for him to read about your D’s experience. He will sign (18 means it is him!) the contract this week and get those trays in asap.

@allfour1 , my son also had Invisalign while doing shows and sometimes even left them in with no problem. His treatment might have been slightly prolonged because of wearing them less total hours some days, but all went well. The part for you to consider now with your son going away will be to time check up appointments for when he’s home. Other than that, should be fine!

@rickle1 I’m so sorry to hear that. If it’s any consolation, the sophomores - seniors don’t have any information yet. They have a zoom call tomorrow to hear what the plan is for them.

I suspect it is easier to rearrange the freshman curriculum as they are not doing performance projects yet. But that said - we may find out tomorrow that things are not going to be normal for the kids in the other classes either.

@MTSthistime thank you so much! I am starting to realize that once a CC MT forum parent, always a MT forum parent! Hope to be able to count on this community for years to come.

@singoutlouise - thank you for posting this link. My “day job” is non-profit. D and I left the audition season with an acute sense of the inequities. I found myself researching if funds like this existed and what it would take to create one. I hope this is the first of many.

@rickle1 I’m also so sorry to hear about the Freshman MT at Molloy/Cap21! Feels a little selectively unfair but based on your description it sounds like it was based on logic and having no choice but to pick one out of a pile of crappy options.

@Sitzprobe I’m making certain assumptions other than the correspondence we received. We have a zoom tomorrow. Hopefully we’ll get a bunch more information.

Chin up!

@rickle1 I am so sorry. ?

For those following the Molloy/CAP21 restart plan - it’s not all roses and unicorns for the sophomores - seniors either. There is a ton of uncertainty because the NY state/local government consider education “stage 4” which is the last to open up. This will be the same for any school in the NYC area. I think some have issued statements of “we’re planning to open as normal in the fall”, but the reality is that they don’t know if the state/local governments will allow that.

The school has sent a note to the soph-sen students with “options” they are considering depending on what the state/local governments tell them they can do. One of those is a plan very similar to what they’ve communicated for freshmen. Additionally, the school communicates at orientation their policy for taking a GAP year, which is the same as what they indicated in their plan to the freshmen class. Basically, you have to prove that you’re still at the same (or better) level of performance competence as you were when you left AND there has to be space available in the class behind yours to be able to take you. If the class is full - it’s full. That usually isn’t a problem because they have maybe one student every couple of years that wants to take a year off. This year - that could be an issue if half of one class takes a year off but the class a year behind them doesn’t.

Although we haven’t heard the details of plans for other schools in the NYC area, the’re all bound by the same government agencies so behind the scenes, this kind of discussion is likely ongoing elsewhere as well.

So very sorry @rickle1 - I’m sure Molloy won’t be the only school to send out this kind of news. Fullerton (and all the Cal States) are remote next year. There are a lot of shoes left to drop. I’m optimistic about NYU but I also know they are planning on in-person instruction and hedging with remote-enabled classes. Even assuming all goes well and school opens on time in August there’s always a chance that a change in the medical climate could send everyone back to using zoom. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

@“2kids2dogs&aclass” @upstaged @onette Hi my daughter will also be at CCPA - MT c/o 2024 I’d love to connect with some parents esp after last nights townhall

@shmyers That would be great! I’ll send you an email.

Boco/Berklee just announced 60% virtual 40% in person for fall. Only singles and doubles. Deferment allowed. Details will be released on Monday. Bummer.