The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Not alone!! D’s guidance counselor is awesome, the guidance office front desk employees don’t get it. D has repeatedly had to explain that it’s not “too soon” and she doesn’t have “plenty of time”. Caused some paperwork delays but she’s back on track. D has East or West Coast Location high up on the priority list so no urgency over possibly missing out on the Midwest Reaches.

I must say, while there was that little twinge of FOMO for D when I saw the Prescreen Results updates, it was so exciting today to see the thread was up and to get to start celebrating this year’s class!

There are a lot of schools signing up for MARCAS auditions. Here is the list so far:

Sitzprobe–I can totally empathasize with guidance dept. issues! D’s counselor told us that if we applied to schools this early, her apps would sit in a pile somewhere… She advised us to stick with Nov. deadlines for Early Action but didn’t understand that many MT programs don’t allow EA/ED and actually EXPECT to receive apps in Sept/Oct! We ignored her… :wink: Now we just need to get her on board with getting materials to schools when they need them. Fingers crossed it all works out!

Does there need to be a slate for the dance prescreen or wild card? Almost done, but keep coming up with questions! Thanks for any info.

My DS keeps refining prescreen - thinking he has until last date to submit.
Is it hurting his chance to not submit sooner?

Only Michigan specified they want that as far as I saw. “Say your name and the name of the song, monologue or dance before you begin each section.”

Which of course, I didn’t see until before submitting. :neutral:

@mommydi I wouldn’t recommend waiting until the very last date to submit. There are many schools that will run out of audition spots before that last day. So he could end up passing the prescreen, but then be unable to actually audition for the school. Always best to get them in as soon as possible.

“A Little Bit in Love” from Wonderful Town - Is it considered uptempo or ballad? Stage Agent says Uptempo - others say ballad.

OnStage Blog Top 30 is out -

Actually - looks like Acting programs, not specifically MT

Doesn’t OnStage Blog do a Top 30 for MT as well? This one seemed more acting focused.

As far as that top 30 list for Acting, I am baffled how CMU is not on it.

Wondering a bit, as well, about USC and U of Michigan. Also, U of Minnesota (Guthrie) and Syracuse.

Mom of MT BFA Nebraska Wesleyan alum here. Hi ya’ll … some of you may remember me from “my DD broke her foot at her dance audition …” other from “Indiana University didn’t accept my DD but used her face on their theatre promo advertising materials …” or maybe you remember me from “how many auditions can we cram into one month?”


Just popping in here to wish you guys continued broken legs as the audition season starts ramping up. And there is light at the end of the tunnel …

DD packed her bags and moved to NYC a few months ago - and is putting her degree to good use by serving in Manhattan. :wink:

@soozievt I’m also confused by the list. It seems that they combined BA and BFA programs, which I guess means that they had to drop some programs but I don’t understand why they dropped the programs you mentioned since they definitely belong on a list of “top” schools. I guess some of it has to do with the factors they used in determining what belongs on the list, such as affordability and safety of the area in which the school is located. I also don’t know how I feel about combining acting with performing arts programs since most of those programs include MT and are not straight acting.

@GeddyMcNutty I’m not familiar with Wonderful Town, but a quick search shows this as originally from the 1950’s - done on Broadway and TV. I’d try to listen to as many recordings as possible and see if you can discern if there is a point at which the tempo was changed. My son did a song from Woman of the year that was originally written as a ballad and then changed to an uptempo in later renditions. He made the choice to use the song as his ballad and was able to explain the history of the musical, when the tempo change happened, etc if asked.

@GeddyMcNutty like a lot of golden age songs its like a ballad “That moves”. If your child wants it to be an uptempo they could change the tempo to be faster. The only thing with doing that is that auditors know the song well and may react negatively that you are trying to force it into being an up song? If your child sings it really well than its worth making it work. If they are on the fence then maybe find a real up tempo. If you are looking for a ballad it will work:) hope this helps.

@GeddyMcNutty Haha! My BFA MT sophomore daughter needs an uptempo golden age song (soprano) for her MT lab class this week that isn’t overdone: there aren’t many that fit that category that aren’t considered overdone. And we had that exact same discussion over text this morning: Is “Little Bit in Love” uptempo or what you would call moderate?!!

My D is close to submitting to those who don’t have supplemental essays. School/theatre/choir keep getting in the way of her finishing up. I keep telling myself to breathe. She will get in where she is meant to be and stop stressing over the deadlines. If she misses certain ones then she didn’t really want to be there/wasn’t meant to be there.

Hi everyone! I would say I’m a late attendee to this thread… and MT college things in general. You all seem very experienced and knowledgeable about all things MT. As I said, I am very late to this whole process and could use all the help I could get. I didn’t realize how early all of this process started. My DS has not finished his Common App and has not started filming his pre-screen. Is it too late in the year to even start? He just told me very recently that this is what he wanted to do, apparently, he has been planning and researching for it for years now… I am really worried. I want him to be able to audition and pursue his dream, and it would break my heart (and I’m sure his) if he didn’t even get the chance to make it past pre-screens because we were just too late.

-Worried Parent

Hi @AceBrandon314 , and welcome! :slight_smile: . No…it isn’t too late…but it’s definitely crunch time, and your son will need to be focused and organized and devote much if not most of his free time to this pursuit. First, there are still plenty of people who haven’t filmed/submitted prescreens…I think for most schools, if he has them done and submitted by the end of the month, he will be fine. Some schools have further out due dates than that…but just know that it is possible to pass a prescreen but then not be able to get an audition slot that you can actually attend, especially if you’re submitting at the last minute. However, there are many schools that don’t require prescreens…once he has his Common App done, he needs to apply to those right away so he can secure audition dates/times for them, because many of those schools’ audition dates fill up fast. Also, know that many of these schools require one or more essays in addition to what’s required for the common app or for the college in general…and yes some material can be reused/modified to fit, but nevertheless it is a time consuming process that some students don’t fully anticipate. I’m sure others will chime in with advice because this is a friendly and helpful group here on the MT board, but those are the thoughts I have for now. Good luck, and don’t despair…there is still time to make this happen! :slight_smile: