The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@DramaLove2020 for unifieds it really depends on the individual audition schedule of the schools. Some require the entire day, some are half a day, some have a dance call, some are only 10 minutes. I have had two kids go through unifieds so far. It is a bit of juggling but u can fit in several. The first unifieds we went to, my D fit in 11 auditions. The second time around we fit in 9 and also had time for a few walk in auditions in between. It’s just about preparation and organization. Just do what is comfortable for You personally. Many kids come to unifieds and only do 2-3 auditions total for the week. Whichever works for u is fine. For this years unifieds so far we have 8 scheduled for the week, on one day only 1 scheduled and a day w 4 scheduled. It varies. All of them w a comfortable amount of time in between. I definitely agree w BrennaK in scheduling your top priorities first. We also are keeping a couple of days open while waiting on some prescreen decisions.

Is anyone going to MARCAS auditions next weekend? 90 seconds total for song and monologue? That’s really difficult.

or anyone going to Belmont this coming weekend? wright state weekend of the 9th or OKCU weekend of 16th?

@GeddyMcNutty I got an email today - MARCAS changed to 2 minutes!

Looking for info on UNC-Greensboro program

My daughter is interested in Acting and MT at Penn State. Does anyone know if you prescreen for MT they will consider you for both or will she need to prescreen separately for them? Thanks

As luck would have it my daughter injured her knee last week. Nothing serious but she is wearing a knee stabilizer when she is dancing and it is helping. She has her Elon audition on Friday and wanted to wear the knee stabilizer. I am thinking it is not a good idea. I would not want them to have the impression that she is injury prone. What do others on here think?

@modanbsmt001 I am of the mindset that if she is injured, she absolutely should wear the stabilizer. My fear would be, she dances without it and injures herself even worse and is not able to complete other auditions in the near future. Students who are auditioning wear all sorts of braces, stabilizers, etc. It is not uncommon at all.

@stagedoormama Thank you so much for the feedback. It is good to know that it is not uncommon. I feel better much better knowing that.

@modanbsmt001 good luck & please share details about the Elon audition if you wouldn’t mind!

My daughter had her Elon audition last weekend! Extremely organized and very relaxed! They made it very clear that dance will not break or make your audition! @modanbsmt001 I would have her wear it—I can’t imagine it would be an issue–let me know if anyone has questions about the audition! and BAL!!!

Summary of the Belmont audition experience this weekend -

check in was 7:30 for ALL music majors- instrumental, commercial voice, MT, etc…

about 150 kids in all. about 30-35 MT kids 80-90% female.

8am the president of the school, the dean of the music school, a financial aid representative and a student panel took us till approx 11 am w Q&A / break sprinkled in after each presentation.

kids came in and out as they had prescribed audition times from check in… basic musicianship test ( 5-10 min). audition : 3 songs- an Aria, 2 contrasting MT songs. strict adherence to 1 minute limit per song-accompanist forewarned, but no one was rude or anything like that, just organized and structured. Plus 1 monologue. Daughter felt it went well they asked her a question about her vocal training but thats about it.

11:30 am MT specific meeting w program head Nancy Allen and faculty + about 15 students from various classes. Q& A w parents for about an hour. again friendly, well run. She seems very nice , very invested in the students and their well being.

Lunch break followed by a 1:45 dance call and done by 3pm

overall very nice program, the school is putting a ton of money into the department including a new performing arts center in 2021. hyped they are location of the 3rd presidential debate in 2020. Beautiful well manicured campus. kids seem happy. seem to have many opportunities in the Nashville community and seem to have good relationship with faculty.

they did not shy away from their christian affiliation( not saying they should), something I know thats been mentioned/discussed on these forums before, but were not overly pushy, simply stated they believe in having faith, say they are accepting of all views…example given is “when we have a sick friend we pray for them”

…we are not Christian but I think my D would be welcomed and treated well by all.

overall I feel a very worthwhile fall audition w a very solid program. they produce many working professionals. they also say they will send audition results in next 3-4 weeks…Obviously would be thrilled to get an acceptance so early in the process. …happy to answer any questions but i think that about sums it up

@DramaLove2020 Thank you! I will let you know how it goes.

@catsmeow87 Thank you for the feedback and scoop on the audition. We are looking forward to it.

Anyone who is auditioning for Temple in Chicago, have you gotten a confirmation of your time request? We responded to the email about wanting morning or afternoon but haven’t heard back. Anyone else?

@MTSthistime I did get a confirmation email with the day and time once I made my request!

I found my answer in regards to Penn State. If interested in both MT and acting then 2 prescreens need to be submitted.

@DramaLove2020 ,thank you. I will email again if I don’t hear back in a few days.

Is anyone auditioning for University of the Arts in Chicago? I am trying to find out the times they are offering?

@DramaLove2020 If you put on your application that you wanted to go to Chicago Unifieds, they send you a link to register. They are 45 minute slots.

This year they didn’t rank them: