The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

MANY THANKS EVERYONE…4 am here in OKC headed home from yesterdays audition, exhausted but relieved will send a review of audition day at OCU from the plane or at home this eve…thanks again still a long way to go and will be pulling for all of you as you have for D & I !!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Awesome and Congrats on Belmont!!! Really fantastic.

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congratulations - great to have one in the books!! I am hopeful that happens to me ! Good luck!

@NYYFanNowMTdad , congratulations to your D! So awesome!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congrats to your D!
We have a singer songwriter friend who is a junior at Belmont and is in love with the school and all her opportunities she has been given. She is not a MT major but said that program is top notch. Great acceptance into a great program Congrats!

Congrats to your D @NYYFanNowMTdad…so awesome!!

OCU audition day review:

we were there on Saturday 11/16 they had an audition day on Friday 11/15 as well.

check in started at 8 am with very enthusiastic current students eager to help. went into the auditorium( very nice performance space) where 3 students answered questions informally till 9 am. it was a larger group than we had seen at prior auditions on campus…guessing about 60 kids?

9 am great talks by Dean of the music school and Dr. Herendeen the head of MT, they really surpassed expectations and lived up to the hype that Ive previously read on a welcoming environment where they prepare kids for the profession Dr. H is someone both kids and parents easily fall in love with.

10 am was dance call, Dean parker gave parents Music Dept. building/facilities tour- very impressive facilities with no details missed. things like steinway pianos in every room ( literally hundreds) and sound insulation that was truly impressive

reconvened w kids at 12, D said dance call was fairly easy & she would not be considered " dancer first"- there were campus tours, and other meetings offered to parents throughout the day- financial aid, housing, etc…

when we checked in we were given separate audition times for song & Monologue they were 90 minutes apart in diff rooms w diff faculty so we went for lunch.

returned for song portion around 2pm , D had 4-5 faculty where she sang 2 full songs, they didnt ask for the Aria which we were told to prepare for this school. D felt good but the song faculty was not nearly as warm and fuzzy as Dr. H who ran the monologue session, she enjoyed it nonetheless.

D spoke with Dr H for a solid 10 minutes before even doing her Monologue( which is why they were running a bit behind- he really tried to get to know each kid) . After Monologue they chatted a bit more and then we were done for the day

D really loved this audition, Dr. H " spoke to her" and " she felt the vibe" . they will get back w decisions in approx 3-4 weeks…who knows if that will mean anything as we have learned nothing is predictable in this process :slight_smile:

this school is very impressive on every level- BAL to those auditioning later in the season.

Belmont! How fabulous is that? My younger daughter was in a professional cast for several consecutive contracts with a Belmont alum adult cast-mate – truly one of the all-around finest professionals we had the privilege to know and she always credited her education there with why.

My daughter goes to school in Nashville and I can say that there are many Belmont students who are in the professional shows at the equity theatres in Nashville.

I received an acceptance today to Ohio University BFA program and I am beyond excited ! I auditioned early, in October, and loved the school. So happy to have the pressure off

@DramaLove2020 AWESOME to have 1 “in the bag”!! congrats & enjoy the audition season…super happy for you

My S was accepted to Ohio U BFA MT today!! Super excited to have a really good & affordable option! My D visited last year (before they started this new program) and really liked it and loved the program director.

CONGRATS @Brennak so happy for you & Son in your 3rd year in a row amazed you are still standing :slight_smile:

Congrats @BrennaK ! Takes a lot of pressure off to have these early ones :slight_smile:

@NYYFanNowMTdad wow!! That’s Great!! What a relief!!! Congratulations!! Still haven’t done any auditions… seems like such a long road!

@BrennaK I was accepted to Ohio today too! Did he audition at the Arts Day?

Congratulations @DramaLove2020 !! My S auditioned in Cleveland at the Cleveland Musical Theatre audition weekend (10/11-10/13).

Congratulations on your acceptance, @DramaLove2020 !

So, my D20 is getting nervous now about her applications. She truly has 2 safeties - no audition and her stats are above the average for both schools. Unfortunately, we will not know anything until March. She originally wanted to stay in California (where we live) and financially speaking probably needs to.

However, are there any schools at the Unified Auditions in LA that she can audition for that have pretty simple applications? I keep trying the Unified website but get an error. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong place.

@mommacat, go to each schools website, when we started getting pre screen Nos we added a few schools, on the west coast Arizona has a solid reputation and doesnt prescreen, we got our academic admit in less than 1 week and scheduled for Chicago unifieds, cant recall if we applied via common app or coalition, but we had all our info and essay on those platforms already…I’m sure there are others, but unified site wont help nearly as much as going to every schools own website & google school name +musical theater auditions…its time consuming but likely will yield lots of results