The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT


Thank you for sharing that!

Does anyone know what is expected of the UColorado Boulder prescreen? Like is it just a recording or a video? It says they want you to submit an mp3, but I am just unsure exactly what they are looking for. If anyone has any info, it would be well appreciated.

@crazytheatregoer An mp3 is a type of audio recording format, so they want you to use that format:

I know it’s been said that prescreen results don’t predict much but I have to admit I am getting a bit worried after getting mostly nos. We are considering adding more schools to the list even though my child will audition in person for 13 schools. Just based on the prescreen results that is suddenly not seeming like enough! Voices of experience and reason welcome to chime in…

@CBSQandA adding auditions as a result of pre screen " Nos" is very reasonable from all the threads I have read…are you going to unifieds in NY, Chicago or LA,?

There is another thread on here from last year that people reported all the schools that had Walk-ins available…its no guaranty they will have walk ins this year but a reasonable approach.

you can also add schools now that dont require Pre screens if you want to be 100% sure you getting front of that particular school…there are many examples on these threads of kids who ended up falling in love with a walk in school and attending a school that wasn’t even on their list. hope that helps?

@CBSQandA I think it depends on the schools chosen, honestly. Did they have a balance of schools for reach schools with other “levels?” Some schools accept so few – as many have mentioned – talent is only PART of it. Type is just as important. If you are a type they are going to see much more of, then the prescreens are going to be more selective. If you have chosen schools on your list who only let 6-15 students in their freshman class – again, more selective. I am helping two students (a male and a female) now and they have a healthy mix of reach vs. other schools including a few safety schools (non-audition). Already, they have added to their lists based on the CAP (College Audition Project) and NTDA (North Texas Drama Auditions) auditions. And crossed off some of their “dream” schools because they didn’t get called back. Each of them now have about 5 schools really interested (enough to be contacting them and continuing the conversation), but they both know until there is an offer in writing, to keep auditioning and adding to. NTDA was interesting because a few schools that didn’t call them back from CAP DID call them back at NTDA. So, after seeing them twice (and both of them changed their audition material because of time), they had a different opinion. I think that it has been really educational for both of them even though I told them just because they love a school on paper (and online), doesn’t mean they will click with the director and faculty. I honestly and wholeheartedly believe you will be where you’re supposed to be. Find that director or faculty that sees something special in you. And make sure you feel the same way. Each of you are about to invest four years in each other. Make sure there is a good fit.

Hi All…first time poster! Thanks for sharing so much needed information. Can anyone tell me how long it took back to hear from Pace?

For the prescreen, I think it was a week or 2 at the most. I know Pace is fairly quick

My DD auditioned 11/23 for Baldwin Wallace. Yesterday, her counselor got a request from BW to send a progress report card, even though they have her transcripts. Anyone else? Just a coincidence?

My D auditioned 11/23 as well. We have not received and emails or requests that I know of (of course her school is closed this week so I assume the counselor is in the Bahamas for Thanksgiving LOL).

My D thought the vocal portion of the audition was not as warm and fuzzy as she thought it might be. She said it was very “business”. We both agreed that it makes sense given that the panel would have 50 or so students belting at them that day… which sounds nerve wracking to me. Please share any updates you can. We both fell in-love with the staff, the students, and the campus. A no will sting from BW at this point. We both felt it would be a great place for her to grow her craft. Thanks and BAL!!

I agree! We both loved BW. It was my D’s first choice going in. She also thought the audition was very quick and there was no feedback - just in and out. Yes! Let me know if you hear anything and we’ll do the same. I think results come out Dec. 10.

I have a weird question friends. How did everyone package their resume and headshot? We are having a debate in our house. I know it’s not make or break. I heard many times that folks do not like staples. So we opted to face them back to back and secure them together with double-sided tape. But we are debating the size of the resume. The headshots are printed 8X10. I know there was one school that my D applied to that specifically requested that they not be attached to each other in any way. Just curious if some folks would share what they did. Thanks!!

We still do it the standard way of stapled back to back. Both resume and headshot 8x10. I haven’t come across anyone requesting them not to be. However, my d always keeps at least 1-2 extra Of each in her music folder just in case.

When D went through the process, she used industry standard, 8x10 HS/R stapled back to back, as she does for all her current professional auditions. There may have been one school she auditioned for that requested the HS/R not be attached, but that was not the norm.

CAP had us staple 8x10 resume and headshot back-to-back (which is the “usual” way). We bought a mini-stapler with smaller, less obtrusive staples and they came out great.

I can breathe a little now. My daughter was accepted to her safety school . She truly loves the school and program and will be very content and happy to attend if her top BFA choices don’t pan out. It’s a good feeling to know she will have a home she is excited about . Happy Thanksgiving to everyone .

@BlessedNStressed We used Reproductions in NYC and for a nominal fee they resize & print the (Adobe pdf format) resume directly on the back of the headshot. Saved us all these worries and allowed that time & attention to be used for other things. It’s not cheap but this whole process is a total money pit; that incremental expense was hardly noticeable. Besides my D would have spent way too much time obsessing about this stuff that honestly is NOT where her focus should be. Much easier to outsource.

@onette Based on your post, does it seem feasible for someone who didn’t get a callback from a pre-screen could do a walk in at Unifieds for the same school and possibly get a different result?

We print the resumes ourselves on the back of the headshots. It’s easy and almost any home printer can do it. We only do a few at a time, to add any new shows, and she does take some headshots and resumes separate in case someone wants them a different way.

Happy Thanksgiving all! It’s a much needed day to be grateful for our awesome kids and relax and eat turkey. Enjoy!