The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

How long did it take people to get a confirmation of audition date and time from Hartt? I have been waiting a few weeks and didn’t know if I missed something.

Maybe a week. Perhaps you should reach out and ask?

Hartt was super quick for us (not even a week), but there were two applications, academic and supplemental. We had both in before our audition date was confirmed. We did this maybe 5 weeks ago, so maybe they’re backlogged after the Thanksgiving holiday and with all of the people who submitted around the 12/1 deadline?

I did not post that, but I have always heard Pace looks for edgier performers. I have always taken that to mean (for girls), strong belters, different ethnicities, varying looks/height/weight, etc. I have heard they are not particularly interested in blondes (unless they are awesome belters), and not particularly interested in sopranos.

Of course…this is all just rumor mill stuff…

@crazytheatregoer , Hartt was two weeks for us back in October.

Is anyone going to Hartt or BoCo this weekend? First audition weekend for my son. Exciting and nerve-wracking!

@NeensMom @Dance3Looks3 Thanks for your input. I did complete both of my applications, and it says on my portal that I completed both applications and has for two weeks. I am thinking about holding out a few days, but I will be sure to contact them if I don’t hear anything soon.

@MTSthistime we are going to be at the Sunday BoCo auditions! You are right - exciting and nerve-wracking!

@MTSthistime, we will be at Hartt this weekend.

@MTSthistime and @ElizaDoolittle, we will be at Hartt this weekend as well. :slight_smile:

Hartt has also been at a lot of the auditions so far. I know Tracy was at CAP and NTDA and doing a lot of work with auditioning and interviewing. She was SO wonderful to all the kids. At NTDA, she didn’t even have a booth – just a table! And she sat there and was patient to see all the callbacks, even though it was super late and I think she had Moonifieds the next day. A lot of the schools packed up super early that night before the kids had time to make the rounds. (Apparently, it previously was a two-day event so interviews and callbacks could be the following day but has been reduced to one-day – not sure why?? those poor recruiters and department faculty and KIDS needed an extra day! The ones I was with tried but couldn’t even get to 1/3 of their callbacks! Thank goodness, schools are now following up who they couldn’t get to.)

@NeensMom I was the one that posted about Pace. My daughter heard the same thing that @WDWMom stated from our dance teacher when my daughter told her she was considering it. My daughter is a soprano and the other girls we heard that did not pass were sopranos too so there could be something to the rumors but who knows. Best of luck to your daughter! It seems like a great program in a great location.

Interesting. My daughter IS a blonde (lol) but she’s also an awesome belter so who knows. She has a nose piercing…does that make her “edgy”? Haha, oh this process is a crazy one! I can’t wait til it’s over and hopefully all our kids are in great programs that are the right match for them!

@NeensMom yes, definitely a crazy process! Who knows what “edgy” truly is. All I know is our dance teacher felt my daughter would not be a fit for them and she was right. We have moved on and are hopeful she will find the right fit soon. It is going to be a wild ride…

Anyone know which schools will offer walk-ins at Chicago Unifieds? Thanks

@MTSthistime My daughter is going to BoCo this weekend (12/7)! Her audition is late - not until 5 pm. So we will be hanging out…let see if we can find each other - my daughter is tiny and long blond hair (guess her type… lol)

Ppl going to BOCO Sunday; . Dance call is 9am so show up in dance clothes? Or audition clothes and then change?

@Runmama Check out the master list that was compiled last year here. Skip to the last entry - I think it’s #58.

@mamaboyz We are planning to show up in dance gear since the dance call is first. Then there should be a half an hour to change into audition clothes for the info session and auditions!

@Rocketwoman37 , we will be there on Sunday! BAL to your D! @muttsandMT and @ElizaDoolittle , see you at Hartt Saturday, I will be with a tall tenor ?. And @PNWdrama and @mamaboyz , see you Sunday at BoCo in dance clothes first. BAL to all!