The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@ugotthis In years past, BW has typically notified via email around 5-5:30pm ET. Good Luck!

Our understanding was that BW’s notifications would be put in the mail today

My daughter isn’t auditioning for BW until their January call in Santa Ana, CA. Anyone else going then? I wonder how many spots they will offer now and how many they will save for the spring??

@DancerMTMom Thank you very much!

Yes, it was Tracey Moore. She actually co-authored a book I have used a lot with my kids - “Acting The Song.” GREAT resource!

@NeensMom I imagine every year is different, but in the past, they have only offered a few yeses and some wait-list spots based on the fall auditions.

So excited! D20 was invited to audition at UCLA based on her UC app and the Musical Theatre supplement whatever that means since they keep it all a secret. For those who apply in the future, her weighted UC GPA is 3.90 and SAT is 1310. Will be sure to post more once we get there. Audition is scheduled for February 16. Yay!

Thanks, Onette! Great to know about the book as well!

My D’s BW notice came via email yesterday evening (Rejection–bummer, but moving on!)

BW rejection by email yesterday at 3:45PM central. Auditioned at Moonifieds. Break a leg if you’re still in the running!

My D received a no from BW this morning via email. Still waiting for 6 more pre-screen decisions.

Have been lurking for a week or so, first time commenting. Thanks to all for sharing your wisdom and experiences. My question: we have Pace auditions on campus in January- I’m not sure how much time to allow. Can anyone speak to how long that day runs for MT auditions? Thanks in advance.

Its hard to say because Pace makes cuts during the day. You sing in the am and then they ask certain people to come back to dance.

Thanks mamaboyz, that is helpful!

Anyone applying to UNCG? I submitted my pre-screen a month ago, and haven’t gotten a yes or no from them yet. Wondering if anyone else has heard from them recently?

@actornc my D submitted her pre-screen to UNCG on 10/17 and heard back on 10/21 with a yes. It was earlier then you did so maybe that attributed to the quick turnaround. The timing seems to be all over the place with the pre-screen results for many schools. Good luck!

@MommaCat the UCLA audition is really fun. The info session for parents and students is excellent. Break a leg!

@DramaLlama18 My D is super excited although she realizes it’s still a lottery school with such a low acceptance rate. I think she’s really just looking forward to the experience. Plus, as crazy as this sounds it’s her only audition school. She decided to stay in state and we cannot afford the private schools here, so her list was pretty limited.

@actornc My D submitted her prescreen to UNCG and heard very quickly. It might be a good idea to reach out to them and ask about it. We have met some of the admissions team at UNCG and they are extremely friendly and helpful.

@BFAMom2024 When did she submit? Do you know the day? I submitted a month ago today. I reached out via email Dec. 1, and I was told that it should just be “a couple of days.” I’m starting to worry some.