The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@NYYFanNowMTdad ooops! Congrats on her acceptance to CUA!!! Chalk it up to tired mom syndrome - lol!!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congrats on the early success - you deserve it! Yes start the new threads!

Like many of you out there, my daughter had zero BFA MT acceptances at this time in her audition process (in retrospect, way too ambitious with the application list and lulled into false security with a lot of prescreen success) and it worked out fine, after much joy, anguish and nail-biting in March. You’ve done the hard work at this point. Just stick to your plan, let your personality pop in the auditions and don’t second guess yourselves.

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congrats! Keep’em coming:)

Congratulations @NYYFanNowMTdad! What a great way to kick off the holiday season! Please keep sharing!

That’s great news NYYfan! Congrats. Share the threads if you create them.

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congratulations!

@lithpool - thanks so much, love hearing from the " old timers" from whom I learned so much!!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congrats!!

@MTorBust2020 Thanks so much…Also I agree with your post in the pre screen thread, have see far too many people do well in prescreens, start narrowing their field & then not necessarily do well in auditions, not saying THAT will be you , my point is that you should 100% keep auditioning until you have a few in the bag…20 auditions for females is not at all unusual.

@NYYFanNowMTdad agreed, we did set some of the school auditions for late March and I am hoping we don’t have to do them but our mindset is to do all the auditions.

She researched her schools and we used a counselor to suggest schools which we added to it. Counselor had us at 15 schools but in the end we are at 27 schools. DD did not tour any schools, as I never wanted my daughter to get her heart set on a school because this process is so crazy.

We have our mix of pre-screen, non-prescreen and no audition schools and she actually could wind up doing 22 auditions in total.

Wondering if anyone has auditioned on campus at either Coastal or Montclair as I have both coming up and am hoping to get some insight on what to expect?

@MTorBust2020 We only visited one of my D’s schools before she applied - in April, we visited her top two acceptances. No regrets! It is so easy to say “don’t fall in love with a school” and so hard to actually do that! The accepted student visits are so different too - it’s not “what do they have to offer here?”, it’s “Can you see yourself here in 4 months?”.

@NYYFanNowMTdad Terrific! Congratulations! Wishing your D much continued success.

We heard from Elon last night and my D was deferred to RD. They said at the audition they would only give offers to 2-3 and some would be deferred. We are happy she is still in consideration. Has anyone on here had this experience? I am wondering what her chances are from here.

@modanbsmt001 I noticed a couple of days ago her academic decision was deferred to RD but wasn’t sure if that also related to artistic decision. The audition results email is expected out today.

Does anyone have any tips for what they wrote when cancelling an audition? We have looked at the schedule and two auditions are just too hard logistically (and do not attend Unifieds). For one, we may be able to do a digital, but it would be alot of refilming, so may be too much in this busy season. For the other, we are concerned about being extra polite because the head of the program was the person who set up the audition…and we don’t want to burn a bridge. A gap year may be in the future and who knows!

Logistics question regarding Unifieds at Pearl Studios…When going back and forth from dance to song/monologue auditions with an hour or less between, where does one change? I know the bathrooms in there are tight. Do most just wear dance clothes under audition outfit and flip flop?

We were there two years ago, and a lot of people just ran to the bathrooms to change. There is a waiting room where parents would sit with backpacks or duffel bags, and the kids would just run in and grab what they needed. That said, we did stay at The New Yorker right across the street then, and I’m staying there this year with my younger daughter. If she has an hour or more to change, we’ll go back to our room. But I already know her first audition will have her racing to change at Pearl…

For everyone scheduling auditions at NY Unifieds, just a heads up that Pearl Studios is actually in TWO buildings that are across the street from each other so be sure to look at whether the address is 500 or 519 8th Ave. If in the opposite building you may need to factor in time to take the BUSY elevators down, walk to the end of the block, cross the street, walk back to the middle of the block, talk to the desk attendant, and elevator back up in the other building.

Was anyone at the December 14 MT audition at Penn State?