The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

A fairly new MT mom here. D passed some prescreens and was rejected from others. She’s nervous about the dance call because she’s a bit slow with picking up choreography. Does anyone have an estimate on how long the dance calls at auditions are?

@NewMTMom32 they will vary by school, but general rule is about an hour. Each school is different. Some will teach just a short combo of musical theatre choreo and others will teach 2-3 combos (technique, ballet, and musical theatre/jazz). Some also have an optional tap, but that would be after the standard dance call is complete.

@NewMTMom32–D has done 2 live auditions so far, and at one school they were taught a jazz/MT combo only and the other did a ballet combo first, then MT/jazz. Both took about an hour in the room. D brought 3 sets of dance shoes–ballet, jazz, and character. She said she wore the character shoes for the jazz/MT only dance call, as that was what most others were wearing and wore ballet then jazz shoes for the other one. Hope that helps!

Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Years to everyone. I know we all hit the ground running right after the 1st. Blessing to all of our Kids. May your/their efforts be rewarded and dreams come one step closer in the coming months.

@jasklo- here here…And for all you Seinfeld fans- Festivus for the rest of us…airing of the grievances and feats of strength will ensue this evening :slight_smile:

@NYYFanNowMTdad my Christmas wish is that CCM shows up for the airing of grievances: “I got a lotta problems with you people, and now you’re going to hear about it!”

Cheers and best wishes for a happy holidays, everyone!

Oh I’ve got grievances! But also gratitude and I’m excited for January to get here so my girl can get all of her auditions started!

@Dance3Looks3 oh I hear you, I don’t know if Ill ever get over the randomness of prescreens but am so thrilled and thankful to already have 3 yesses- certainly never expected to be in this position at this time and excited to audition for her dream & reach schools with a safety net in place, feeling blessed for sure!!

It would be a Christmas Miracle if CCM would respond to anyone’s prescreens!!! OR any of us who appear to be in the “maybe” pile anyway!! Happy Holidays

D had said she was taking a break from her material until after Christmas. We are back from the family day and I can hear her going over her material upstairs. It’s apparently After Christmas. D is incredibly fortunate to have 1 early artistic YES at a program where she could be happy. This was after a complete prescreen shut out. Huge weight lifted. Still the singing I’m hearing right now is giving me serious “buckle up vibes”.

Shout out to everyone who saw relatives for Hanukah and Christmas and tried to find a cohesive response to “So what colleges did You/D/S get in to?” The struggle is real.

I hear this. I’ve spent the last two months trying to explain the difference–between BFA and BA, artistic and academic acceptances, applications vs auditions, etc–to my family of auditors and engineers. It doesn’t help that my oldest child went through the regular college application process just last year, where an acceptance means you’re in with no strings attached.

Some of them kinda understood it after the Baldwin-Wallace rejection, so I’m hoping it makes more sense to them as we get close to Unifieds. The last thing I need is my Dad asking my kid again why he hasn’t taken Carnegie Mellon’s offer yet. That’s not what prescreens are, Dad! Gah!

D just heard from CCM acting, still waiting on CCM MT.

Wow - maybe the CCM wave is finally starting to come in! So crazy.

@rickle1 was it an email? Still waiting here for MT

@DramaLove2020 yes email. Not sure if she applied seperatey to MT and Acting or together. Don’t know if this is an acting redirect or simply a pass on acting and more to come on MT. She’s excited either way. She’s had a few redirects to acting, a few “yes” for MT and few rejections altogether.

Auditions can’t come fast enough for me as I just want this whole thing to resolve itself soon.

Finally heard from CCM MT on PreScreen results via email…they seem to be rolling out now. It finally completes the puzzle for Unifieds.

Hoping I hear today - regardless of the decision would just be nice to wrap it up and have closure

CCM update- D got the “yes” email on 12/23. She thought it sounded like an “acting yes”. Their process requires you to submit audition date choices. She just (12/26) received her audition times for dance call and MT vocal / monologue so she did get in for MT.

Question about Wagner BA program–D just got an invite to audition on their Audition Day in March (yay!). The website says that the audition invite only comes after an “academic review”–does this mean D has been accepted academically? She didn’t get a separate email about an acceptance… Now wondering if they just release the whole decision at once, after auditions?

Meant to say Happy Holidays to all! D is taking some well-deserved downtime (and recovering from a cold…). Hoping everyone is well rested and in good heath heading into 2020!