The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@jacobhendrickson Did your friend audition for MT? I have not heard of any acceptances yet for MT.

Thank you @jacobhendrickson and @modanbsmt001. I am sorry about your rejection @jacobhendrickson. I haven’t heard of any other notifications so I wonder when they will let others know.

@TM701 I wonder if notifications are based on RD or EA. My son did RD so maybe that means he won’t hear until March?

Parent of a current Elon MT here…

RD for the Elon MT program is the norm. When they say only 1 or 2 will be accepted early, they really mean it. Most of the acceptances go out in March.

@jacobhendrickson Did you apply RD or EA?

@MTMom2024 I just checked and we did Rolling Admission. I don’t recall if there was an option for anything else. At the latest, we will hear by 1/15.

@TM701 I am curious - how do you know you will hear by 1/15? That would be amazing!

@MTMom2024 There was a letter in the folder we got that day that stated “all early audition decisions released by January 15th.”

@TM701 Ahh…good to know! Thanks. We just looked at the folder from when my son auditioned at Moonifieds and there wasn’t anything that said when they would be notifying.

QQ… I am having trouble finding what the On Campus audition requirements are for Coastal Carolina. Can anyone provide assistance? Maybe you follow the pre-screen requirements? Thanks everyone.
Hang in there folks. BAL everyone! Prayers nightly that our hard working actors find the training home they were meant to have.

@BlessedNStressed Same here. I figured that as we get closer maybe they will communicate again and if not my son can reach out and ask. But maybe someone here has figured it out. Thanks for asking!

@BlessedNStressed and @MTMom2024 the Coastal Carolina confirmation email said that they would provide more details as the date gets closer. I did ask about a dance call though and they said that there would not be one at unifieds but that if they wanted to see dance they may ask for a video after the audition. My older daughter also auditioned for Coastal 4 years ago it was the same as everyone else… 2 contrasting songs and 1 monologue.

@BlessedNStressed In the past on campus has been 2 contrasting songs (can’t remember if 16 or 32 bars) and a one minute monologue. They usually email the requirements before the auditions. On campus the auditions are in the morning (along with a campus tour and student panel), then lunch with the faculty and students. After lunch there are 3 workshops that the auditioners rotate through. These include acting, dance and voice. Make sure your student is prepared to dance. It is a full day but a really great one. The faculty makes a point to really get to know the students. Most auditioners remark later that it is one of their favorite audition days.

@stagedoormama and @SingerDancerMom Do you remember if they specified the type of monologue (contemporary, classical, etc.)?

@MTMom2024 My daughter has an audition scheduled with them so, like you, I’m also waiting for detailed instructions, but based on my older daughter’s experience 4 years ago it was a contemporary monologue so I’m assuming it will be again this year. Most programs ask for one contemporary monologue, some ask for one of each, but I can’t think of any programs that ask ONLY for one classic monologue.

@SingerDancerMom Thank you! I am particularly interested since they asked for a classical and a contemporary monologue for their digital pre-screens. However, my son live prescreened with them with different guidelines (no classical). Having to do a classical monologue wouldn’t be his top choice. haha. I like what you said at the end of your post so I will just hope that they will say contemporary. Thanks again!

@MTMom2024 I asked my D (she was in recruitment for them for several years before graduating). She said for MT people usually do contemporary, but if you can really rock a classical- go for it!

@stagedoormama Thanks so much!

@stagedoormama my daughter pre-screened without a classic monologue too. ? Was fully expecting a rejection because of that. Surprised when the prescreen pass came through.

Does anyone know if my application is submitted today but my dual enrollment college transcript doesn’t go out until they are back from break, will that keep them from accepting my application? Will that make it officially late since all documents weren’t in? All of the rest is complete, and they even received an “in progress“ transcript from the University where I am doing the Dual enrollment but the final one won’t make it there until next week.