The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@MTMom2024 just following up from earlier, check your portal.

Thanks @TM701 . I hope you got good news! It doesn’t look like there is an update on my son’s portal yet.

Thanks @SingerDancerMom and @peacemama for the replies. We are not going to NY Unifieds, so we’ll contact the schools and see what they can do.

@TM701 I assume the update is right on the first page after you login? Thought I should double check we are looking in the right place. :slight_smile:

Does anyone know for certain if you HAVE to pay by check for walk-ins or can you use cash?

@24mtjourney We are still waiting on USC, too.

@counselinggirl that is a good question. I would like to know as well considering it is already difficult enough not knowing how many walk ins we’ll do or how much each one would be.

@counselinggirl Does anyone know for certain if you HAVE to pay by check for walk-ins or can you use cash?

I didn’t know we would have to pay for walk-ins? Does this refer to NYC Unifieds? Is it the application fee? Would we have to fill out the application on site too? TIA!

@counselinggirl and @Rocketwoman37 - My D didn’t do walk-ins but there’s always a lot of talk about them. Since no one who really knows has chimed in, let me offer some observer’s perspective and other people who know more can add on.

Walk-ins are not available at all programs and even the ones that offer them don’t plan on having lots of them - so it’s not like they’ll all have cash registers and safe boxes ready to go to accept fees. I would bring a checkbook with lots of blank checks to be safe. Cash is a headache for the schools to handle and increases concerns about security. Even if one program accepts cash (and I don’t know that any do) chances are low that all of the ones you want will be okay taking a cash payment.

Please don’t count on walk-ins as your main form of audition at Unifieds. We put on the master list which programs have offered walk-ins in the past but that all depends on their current year’s scheduling / applicants. There are no guarantees that the programs you want will have openings.

Program fees vary - we had a couple of members last year who were irate that programs they applied to (and some of them pre-screened) were allowing walk-ins without an application / audition fee. So you might get lucky and audition with low/no cost - and you might get shut out and get no walk-in auditions. Just be prepared for both scenarios.

Very excited for all you headed to Unified auditions in 12 days! I think most applicants enjoy Unifieds and it looks like you guys might get some snow in NYC, which is magical. Stay healthy and get some sleep!!!

Someone talked my older daughter into doing a walk in at the NYC unifieds two years ago. We had to pay an audition fee by check while there, and then she went home and did the application and application fee.

Are sheet protectors (non-glossy) for music frowned upon by accompanists during auditions? I’m reading mixed reports.

@GeddyMcNutty I don’t have vast knowledge but my S did an audition in November and another one yesterday where he used them and it was fine.

My daughter had a scheduled audition this weekend at a regional audition in Tampa. There were 6 schools there, and most of them were allowing walk ins. My daughter decided to sign up for one walk in and we didn’t have to pay anything. There was just a sign up sheet with open slots outside each school’s room; once it filled up it filled up. No idea about Unifieds, but I’ll definitely be bringing my checkbook just in case!

D was there too. Good overall experience. Also did some walk-ins with no fee. I’m assuming there will be an audition fee at unifieds.

@GeddyMcNutty I’m not an expert, but D has been told not to use sheet protectors in her book. This advice came from her voice instructor in NYC.

Agreed. Accompanists don’t like sheet protectors. I would advise against them.

D is doing her first audition tomorrow. I am unbelievably nervous for her. Good luck and prayers to all of you and yours.

BAL to your D @Jasklo !

It’s more nerve-wracking for us parents, I think, @Jasklo ! I’m sure your D will crush it!

Re: sheet protectors - don’t use them. Instead, print everything on slightly thicker than average paper (like 28lb or 32lb) and accordion-tape it if it’s 4 or fewer pages.

My son has on campus audition/interviews set up at a few schools that we also have scheduled for auditions at Chicago Unifieds. We got the on campus audition/interviews set up after we had already scheduled them for Chicago. We do one of the on campus audition/interview the weekend before Chicago Unifieds, the other is set up for about 2 weeks after Chicago. Right now we don’t have any other Auditions set up for Chicago, but will hopefully end up with a few. Is it worth doing on campus auditions and Unifieds for the same schools?