The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

We got an indication from one school that we needed to reply with a non-binding commitment by such and such a date to ensure that DD would receive the talent scholarship being offered.

Another school offered a more generous scholarship but virtually demanded a “non-binding letter of intent to enroll” along with a tuition and housing deposit of nearly $1K.

It appears these schools feel unburdened by custom or tradition…

I fail to see how their approach can help them or anyone else.

We may sign “non binding” intent letters with 5 or 6 schools to keep our options open; of course that probably means $5-6K in “refundable” deposits. I’ll wager it ain’t so easy to get that refund though…

@CaMom13 I think that was a reference to the movie Airplane, which I totally appreciate. I may try either or both of those up instead of drinking. Like everyone here I just hope for a viable option where kid will be happy.

Schools that pressure you to commit before May 1 or even “to ensure” your kid will get a talent scholarship sound shady in my book. We were warned by the top program my D now attends at the audition last year to not let that happen. And no, their very generous talent scholarship was included with the acceptance with no strings attached in terms of early commitment.

@Jasklo - it was! Glad you got it. :wink: Have faith. I know this is a crazy time but having watched people go through this cycle 3 times already I can tell you - it works out. The kids do get into viable options and they’re generally really happy at the end. Just set your course, focus on what has to be done based on that course and try not to let the side worries overwhelm you. And don’t stop drinking until … maybe May 1. It’s a marathon.

@Camom13 - We have been VERY fortunate on Prescreens, in terms of who. My fear is we go 0-13 because they are top programs. Now, one could reason that if you have that many high quality yes’ that you will probably do ok. But, the devil in my head is winning the battle right now and I am scared sh**less as i read list of when and how schools notify.

Anybody else’s daughter doing one final spring show?

Hi everyone! Wondering if anyone is willing to share experiences with Manhattan School of Music’s Musical Theatre auditions? If your child auditioned recently, that is. Appreciate any info you have. Thanks all!

@Jasklo - don’t let that get to you. You picked your list, they’re good fits, she did great on prescreens. All is good and you just keep chugging forward. Have faith that your D’s talent will place her where she needs to be.

For all the crazy be over-prepared, cast a wide net, have a back-up planness of the standard advice here many well-prepared students end up with multiple offers then have the unenviable position of having to turn down offers from some great schools. If you’ve got 13 programs on her list that you consider “top schools” , you’re doing great.

Find your zen, breathe, relax, do the MT 12-step program: recognize that there are MT Gods and you have no control over what they decide… take it one day at a time… and also really, have faith that your kid will get to where she needs to be by virtue of her talent and drive no matter what happens this Spring. There are many paths. You have 3.5 more months to go so please take it easy on yourself!

As a note on this - I’m not kidding when I say that this process goes until May 1, folks. The applicants who get multiple offers from their top programs may seem like the lucky ones now but they have the WORST time of it in April because they need to reject all but one of the programs that loved them back. Don’t worry about that (or anything else) now just take good care of yourselves and let your performers get out there and shine.

Venting … D got CCM Acting audition @ Chicago Unifieds, but it’s 20 minutes after another audition and no possibility of moving that one (we tried). Guess she’ll try to make it on time, but CCM should have provided some kind option when they let us know this late in the game. NOT paying the $100 change fee!

How much time do most recommend to have in between auditions? I was told to keep an hour apart. With so much scheduling or having to move things around that can be difficult to do. I’m worried about one school running behind schedule which would effect our next audition. Do they seem to run pretty much on time? And is an hour a good amount of time between auditions, or even a half hour?

@tygerp in our past experience, the schools seemed to be very particular about staying on time and not running behind. We had several auditions a day and it all works out. There were times tho when we rushed from one to the next lol.


It is super cutthroat, but the beautiful thing about MT is that it’s not dog-eat-dog. Most of these kids are caring and supportive of each other. This is why I was so glad when S switched from soccer into theatre. And yes, most schools only take 20-30 kids, but all these kids will end up where they’re supposed to be.

We’re all in this together! Once February is over we can all sit back with an alcohol-free seltzer and chillax. :smile:

^ I’ll take mine with alcohol please :smile:

@LadyMjolnir I hope your right, but from past threads /“old timers” they all seem to say that the waiting in march and April is the worst part- hard to believe but… so im with @rickle1 :slight_smile:

Make mine a double!

for anyone curious, at the Baldwin Wallace info session after the audition VB gave the following INFo:

roughly 800 auditions will be done, they made " a few offers" after the fall auditions with " only 2" committed at this time.

they accept ~34 w a target class of 20. wait list is BY TYPE, meaning if you are brunette soprano on the waitlist you need a similar/ same type to decline. it is not a “numbered waitlist” .

they are not rolling so if you weren’t in the fall everyone else will be notified in the first week of march.

Any chance you would share how long the audition day was? Trying to book a flight out after this coming Saturday’s audition and seeing we may have to deal with snow and not a lot of outgoing flight options to begin with! Just trying to get a feel for what time the day might end. Thank you so much!

@cs01234. I think we were done around 5pm at our BW audition, maybe a bit before. But, I would say 5pm is a safe estimate.

@cs01234 our audition was in NYC not on campus

Does anyone know anything about the MT program and the University if Central Oklahoma?

@lkcmom - if you use the search function from the MT major main page and use “UCO” as your search term you can find a lot of information on their program from prior posts.