The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@ElizaDoolittle I will definitely post back here when we here something (checking portal too). Did Hartt give your daughter an idea of timing when she called?

@MTMom2024, they said after Unifieds (NY, I assume), but they were any more specific than that.

@muttsandMT, no offense taken at all! I appreciate the help.

*were NOT any more specific

@MTMom2024 and @ElizaDoolittle we are in the same boat with you. Keep me posted. After Unifieds could be a long wait. Hopefully they meant NY Unifieds.

I am sending wishes for safe travels, good weather and positive audition experiences to everyone heading off to NY Unifieds this weekend! BAL to the talented performers, I hope everyone can relax, focus and shine!

Coastal Carolina Freshman Mom here…
BAL to all this weekend!

Syracuse freshman mom here.

BAL to all the kids and parents, try to take a breath and enjoy the time and experiences you’re sharing with your kids! The next couple months may have some stress as you await results but time is going to start flying for the rest of senior year.

@flippedout No, unfortunately, Molloy does not have a portal. I would contact Rebecca she is very kind and willing to help. PM me if you need her particulars.

I think I am going to lose it! Just received an email cancelling our audition for CCM on Sunday. We paid for the auditon and a hotel in NYC that I cant cancel. Are they kidding me with this??!! We received a confirmation email yesterday.

@modanbsmt001 we live in NY, its really windy here & we heard of some flights being cancelled, maybe the CCM staff couldn’t get into NY, other than that its inexcusable

@NYYFanNowMTdad I don’t think it is that. They updated her application portal and put a rejection letter. This is after her passing the pre-screen in Oct and receiving several emails confirming the audition for this Sunday. I am so mad right now. My daughter is going to be extremely upset over this. I hope they made a mistake. Now I am out almost $300 for nothing. I have missed the deadline to cancel the hotel room. This is really unbelievable.

I don’t have a horse in this race. My kids are out of college. My own MT kid never applied to CCM. I know CCM is a highly regarded program. I recommend it to others who might be interested.

However, I have been reading this thread now (or maybe it was the Prescreen results thread) and trying to keep my mouth shut post after post about those who have not gotten results of their prescreens for this school yet, especially some who submitted theirs in August or September no less. I find this inexcusable!!! Programs know that applicants come from all over the country seeking out these MT programs, and travel plans (often at great cost) are required (costs increase closer to flight/lodging dates), and putting together the scheduling puzzle of all the student’s auditions. It is now mid-January and for some applicants to not have gotten pre-screen results is just not right. Non-MT students apply ED and EA to colleges often by Nov. 1 and all their materials are reviewed and results are typically released by Dec. 15. I believe prescreens that are submitted by Nov. 1 should also be given results by Dec. 15 in order to plan audition schedules and travel. Most schools do this. So can CCM (or whomever else still has not notified…Elon? again, my kid didn’t apply there either…I have no grudges…As a college counselor, I help students apply to Elon even).

OK, there, I said it.

PS @modanbsmt001 If you find out, please post why your child’s CCM audition was cancelled 3 days before it is scheduled to take place!!! That doesn’t sound right. I hope there is a fair reason!

@modanbsmt001 I am outraged on your behalf! I think you need to get someone on the phone - ASAP. I hope it is all a mistake. Please keep us posted!

Otterbein freshman MT mom jumping on the BAL bandwagon. It’s the craziest thing my son and I ever did but it made us so close. We both look at each other with mutual respect and admiration for having made it through the process

@modanbsmt001 , I am going to pray that this was a terrible mistake, and that you will be able to get in contact with someone tomorrow (guessing offices are closed now) who will set this right. If not, and they have just “changed their minds”, I am outraged for you as well. This is just terrible. I’ll be hoping and praying and crossing my fingers and toes for you and your D that this is worked out with a positive outcome! :slight_smile:

:astonished: @modanbsmt001 that’s outrageous! I was about ready to blow a gasket when we didn’t hear from CCM about prescreens, but to have Unifieds cancelled altogether is unconscionable.

They must have a ton of crap going on, what with their “interim admissions advisor” and these absurd delays. I know it’s highly regarded, but I am not trusting their program right now.

My d and I both hope it gets resolved. To cancel your audition the day after they confirmed it and right before the audition date is unbelievable and really not good for their reputation. Fingers crossed and prayers said for a positive outcome.

I don’t what to do at this point. I will be calling first thing tomorrow and giving them a piece of my mind. The worst part is tomorroiw is my D’s birthday. She did not need or deserve this 3 days before the audition.

I seem to remember someone posting on a thread that they received a rejection from CCM after receiving a pass. They called, and were told the rejection was a mistake, and they were allowed to audition. I am HOPING that will be what you hear tomorrow as well!

I looked for the thread but did not find it. However, I did find a thread about schools that cut after freshman year. The schools mentioned were CCM, DePaul, and Univ. of AZ. The thread is from 2008, so I know a lot of things could have changed. Does anyone know if this still happens at those schools, and does anyone know any other schools where this happens? I know SMU used to do this when I was a kid, but I thought schools had pretty much stopped this practice.

@WDWMom Cal State Fullerton is a cut program. I called and asked them about it because my daughter wanted to apply there and I couldn’t believe they still did this and they said they did and they stood proudly by that practice. So we cut them from our list! If we invest in them, they should invest in our kids!!