The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

When are people’s Ball State dance calls on Monday and Tuesday of Chicago Unifieds? I am currently on a waitlist but need to book a flight home. Thanks!

@crazytheatregoer I think Ball State MT dance call is on Sunday.

@crazytheatregoer D has BSU dance call at 5pm Monday but I believe there is more than one dance call

@jianzhou Wild! Thanks so much.
@NYYFanNowMTdad Thanks! I thought there was one then, but I have another dance call at that exact time on Monday. I was assuming there would be one on Tuesday at that time as well, which is why I am asking.

Has anyone gotten an acceptance to Mt from Shenandoah? I thought they did not extend offers until after 2/22 but then heard someone say they received an offer last week?

S’s BSU dance call is 5pm Monday. Someone told me they have three: Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.

Has anyone heard from Ithaca or CCM after New York unifieds?

@LadyMjolnir Thank you so much! That helps a lot!

@MTMom2024 We emailed them and they confirmed.

Anyone on the board have any experience with the BW program?

Who else that auditioned in NYC just received an email from your admissions advisor at Boston Conservatory? It says all decisions will come out BY April 1st. Does anyone know if in the past, RD applicants received decisions before April 1st?

@Jasklo - I know two 2022 parents with BW MT kids - one currently attending and one graduate. Do you have specific questions? It’s a wonderful program.

@NeensMom - in the past BoCo has notified very close to 4/1. End of March typically.

@“2kids2dogs&aclass” @MAmum1234 Two of my students got called back at CAP Atlanta for U Northern Colorado. I also talked to some other students who were called back there with them. I had already put that on a shortlist for them to research. What I heard from everyone going to callbacks was that the director was absolutely amazing. Several kids told me they would go to that school just for her. From what they described, she sounded really eclectic but down to earth…quirky but very “real.” Quite a few notable alums (including Playwright Steven Dietz: many Bway OC including Greg German, Andy Kelso, Beth Malone (Tony nom), and film actors Nick Nolte, Greg German and more!

@CaMom13 Do they like the program, staff, etc.? Do they like the Campus, Town? Any general or specific info would be great?

Hey @Jasklo - if you can create a new thread on the BW board I will ping the BW parents I know to come and answer! That way what they have to say can be read by next year’s class as well, since it’s a general inquiry. I know they are both huge fans of the school / MT program.

@Collegegame2018 My S received an email from Shenandoah stating he was being held for consideration and final offers would go out after 2/22 when they completed auditions.

@theaterdad69 okay that’s what we got too. So we wait…

I was wondering if anyone who has been through this process before has any info about whether Chicago Unifieds are run the same way as NYC? I can say that we learned A LOT from NYC Unifieds, so hoping that is the case…BUT is there anything unexpected we should be prepared for in Chicago?

I’m also interested in hearing the difference between NYC and LA Unifieds. We will be there next month!

For those of you who’ve auditioned for UNCSA, what questions did they ask you in the room?