The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@AnxiousNovice CAP/21 Molloy is at Chicago Unifieds. They have (had?) room for walk-ins. They are on the 15th floor in 128.

@AnxiousNovice University of Miami has a great MT BFA. I’m told good emphasis on acting in this program. I have 2 friends kids there. I know one did audition at Unifieds who attends there now. Gotta have good grades and it’s private school tuition so keep that in your evaluation. My friend did not get any financial assistance, but it was due to not applying for it. So paying full tuition. Plus it’s a fun school with the whole college experience. Greek system & good Athletics that the BFA kids participate in. So not just In fine arts buildings 24/7 which is great fit for many a college kid.

@AnxiousNovice Sorry I just saw your Wagner question. My daughter was scheduled for the morning audition at Wagner last year and was told to check in at Spiro Hall between 8 and 8:30 am. We were also told to plan for the day ending at 1:15 pm, and I think that was about when my D was finished. Then the afternoon auditions began: not sure about the exact times for the afternoon auditions. However, if your D is auditioning for a music scholarship, that will be a separate audition time (although they’ll tell you the time in the email about your Theatre audition). If you need to catch a flight, contact your admissions advisor and let them know the details, and they will make the schedule work. We needed to make a flight, and Anjelica in Admissions was super awesome at making my D’s schedule work for us. Also hope your daughter has recovered, and BAL to her for the rest of her auditions!

SUNY Cortland is not at Chicago Unifieds, they were only at NYC.

Anyone who is at Chicago Unifieds… can you tell me where Webster’s audition room is located?


It is on the 7th floor - Montrose 2, 3, and 4 are listed as rooms

@anastasiasmom Thank you so much!!! :slight_smile:


Break Legs!!!

Hey I have a question. So with the CMU acting audition if you get passed to the other faculty member does that mean anything?

Yes, that’s effectively a Call Back, and it means you’ve got a great shot! Congrats!

I’ve read several places to send thank you cards after your auditions. Has anyone on here sent any? Who are you sending it to? The director personally??

@tygerpig My D is writing one as we speak! She tries her best to get the names of people who were auditors in the room for her auditions and sends each one a short note. Not always possible but she does her best.

Penn State is sending emails with no’s or with you are moving on in the process!

@Collegegame2018 Thanks for the info. From what Penn State audition?

@MTMom2024 Chicago unifieds

@Collegegame2018 Wow. That’s fast. Thanks!

Are there auditions/walk-ins on Friday at LA Unifieds? Or is it just Saturday and Sunday?

I wonder how many kids this happens to? My D got passed around the rooms too, of course it cant be a BAD thing, but they accept so few out of so many, trying to keep things in perspective for D, otherwise its gonna be a PAINFUL No in March…anyway hard to believe the audition season is quickly coming to an end, & then we wait…

@NYYFanNowMTdad It actually happens not infrequently. There are many kids each year that get passed around and think- this is it! And then they are not accepted. It’s always a good thing to be seen more than once in any sort of audition situation, but in regards to CMU, it doesn’t necessarily mean what everyone wants it to mean. Just make sure your D knows she did an awesome job since they wanted to see more, and leave it at that for now. :slight_smile:

When you get a CMU callback, I say take it as a compliment! It’s not just “not a bad thing”, it’s a great thing, even if it isn’t any real guarantee of any solid chance for admission. I read in an interview somewhere that CMU auditors see about 65 MTers each audition season they’d be happy to make offers to. And they make - what 12 or 14 offers? So even if they love you - it’s a numbers game. But the fact that they liked your S or D enough to send them into the second room is a great validation of their talent and how well they auditioned - I’d take it as that and move on. Definitely keep things in perspective - there will be good news and bad news ahead and you’ll need to weather both! Hang in there parents!