The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

LOL - Long Beach more likely. :smiley:

Which reminds me… General info for anyone coming in at LAX and looking for an Uber/Lyft/Rideshare: you can’t call a rideshare to pick you up at arrivals. DON’T PANIC! it’s fine. LAX has something called LAX-IT next to Terminal 1 which is a hub for the ride shares and Taxis. You can either take a shuttle bus there or you can walk - there are paths crossing the center of the airport and a lot of people walking, you can follow them. We always walk because it’s nice to stretch your legs after a flight but the shuttles also come often. Here’s the cool thing - you don’t have to even call your ride-share, the Uber and Lyft drivers get in line at the LAX-IT pickup and get matched with riders as they show up, just like a taxi stand. They give you a code and you connect once you’re in the car. It is a much better system than it used to be, where people would wait for 30+ minutes for a rideshare to make it through the airport traffic so don’t be intimidated!

If you are staying at one of the hotels on Century you can walk from LAX-IT as fast as drive - just keep going past LAXIT and there’s a sidewalk that takes you across Sepulveda and down Century. The Hyatt is literally across the street. The Sheraton, Embassy Suites and Crown Plaza are a stroll past that.

Hope that helps!

@modanbsmt001 So sorry your daughter got sick on such a key weekend. I keep trying to tell my D (and myself) that things happen for a reason and it will all be OK but when it rained hard on my wedding day and people told me the same thing it really did not help me.

Anyone know anything about Dean College? I cant find much info on their program. I Know it used to be an AA, and now it is a BA. Just didn’t know how well the program was there.

@AnxiousNovice I completely understand. Hang in there!

For those of you who are wrapping up auditions, what songs were you hearing over and over? Just wanted to get a sense of over done songs this year as my junior D is beginning to choose her songs for auditions next year.

I heard a LOT of Anastasia, as well as “Vanilla Ice Cream.” I surprisingly even heard quite a bit of “Think of Me.”

@CaMom13 “our one day of rain in LA” LOL!!! LA Unified parents - I echo the sentiment - remove the driving equation entirely in LA. Uber/Lyft rides are plentiful and it’s a lot less hassle. And it will cost less or about the same price as renting a car/parking/gas. Just follow the instructions in super helpful post #1380

@NYYFanNowMTdad Amen! It’s so tragic that our MT kids are robbed of a normal senior year. Sure, our kids chose this path, and yes, we signed on. And we all know going in that it will be hard. But…this hard?!? The extreme emotional roller coaster starts now, just when you’re so happy that you’ve cleared auditions. There’s nothing more to do. Your kid is watching friends get into programs s/he didn’t get into. Reading (and yes, truly celebrating!) CC parents’ victories. Trying not to compare anything to anything. Hearing no after no. Wondering if you need to “settle” for a good program that might not be your dream school. Feeling guilty that you feel that way when some kids don’t even have one yes yet. Waiting for a special (or in some cases, any) yes.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a National Signing Day for MT? Then at least everyone would be in the same boat and know, on the same day in February, where they stand. I guess that date is April 1 for MT, but that’s so late in the calendar and a pricey scramble to visit schools last minute or make adjustments.

Hang in there, everyone, and try to plan something non-MT related for March. Your kids are awesome and talented and you WILL come through this!

A friend who’s going to LA unified auditions is asking if I know all the hotels/locations that schools will be holding auditions. I know they are officially in the Westin (and Hyatt?) Are there any other locations they should check out?

@TenaciousC ~ I just read on FB that someone has three different hotel locations but I don’t know which… so more than just the two.

In the past they’ve had auditions at the Crown Plaza and possibly the Residence Inn? All of the Hotels are very close. We stayed at the Hilton and walked. Oh - and if anyone is staying at the LAX Hilton… The “Conscious Life” Expo is going on this weekend, it is a TRIP - be prepared to have your eyes opened a bit and know that parking will be difficult.

Anyone know when LA Unifieds start tomorrow? My D’s first audition is around 9, but she’d like to try to walk-in to a few schools and wants to be there early to try to sign up. Any advice about walk-ins would be super helpful. Thanks!

Has anyone received an email from a school thanking them for auditioning with them? Just wondering if that is normal.

@flippedout My daughter received a couple after NY Unifieds. It was clear the schools were interested in her. One gave her an offer a few days later, the other has sent several additional messages since but no offer yet.

For LA Unifieds I think the bulk are at the Westin, but also have ones at the Renaissance and Hyatt Regency. All are relatively close. Check all the reminder emails carefully!

@flippedout i was wondering that also.
@SingerDancerMom did you reply to them? Didn’t know if its a generated email to everyone.

@flippedout & @tygerpig in the case of the communication my daughter received from those two programs I referred to, it was clear that they were both personal messages as they contained details and questions that were relevant to her specific audition… for example, a reference to something she discussed in the room. So yes, she did reply right away and continued conversations with both. She did receive another email from a 3rd program post audition that seemed very clearly to be a general “Thanks for auditioning for us, here are the next steps” message that most certainly went to everyone that auditioned for them. She just replied to that one with a simple “Thank you” .

Has anyone heard from Montclair with an acceptance - I heard they were either waitlisting or rejecting this year until they are finished with auditions…

@DivaStageMom Yes my S got an acceptance to Montclair’s MT BFA program in early January. We were nicely surprised to hear so early.

Got to have a sense of humor…so had to last minute rearrange flights to get to Syracuse (original flight cancelled do to weather). Finally got in to hotel at 1 am. Had double head count because Friday was cancelled so both days squeezed into today. So no time for two songs / two monologues. Got through it. D thinks it went well…and now where stranded and can’t leave Syracuse. Hopefully that’s a sign they want her to stay :smile:

Got some good BBQ (don’t tell my cardiologist).

So a whole weekend for one song/ one monologue.

Ok done venting!

Quick update for Manhattan School of Music. They are notifying 2/28 this year as they started requiring pre-screens and had an earlier cut-off date. FYI(