The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@DivaStageMom & @ElizaDoolittle yeah, 65 seemed surprisingly low to me too but I’m certain that’s what she said because the number was so low it caught me by surprise so I asked someone else after the info session if they heard her say 65 also, and they did. But I agree with you both that it doesn’t make sense. Maybe we misunderstood and she was referring to something else… like maybe 65 at Chicago Unifieds?? Either way they take their time with each student, giving them 15 minutes each, so they have fewer spots than many other schools.

@Jenny1993 Did they send notification by mail, email or portal?

Does anyone know the numbers for Hartt (applicants, # MT, # wait listed, etc.)?

@FingersXd20 It was an email said that there was a change in my D student portal.

There were more than 65 at the Chicago dance calls. That number is inaccurate

@SingerDancerMom ? maybe they meant 65 that day ?

Thank you all for your replies. I was at U Michigan Jan 17. I just couldn’t recall the numbers. I wish I took notes. At the financial aid/admission session - the guy (not Mr. Cardinal) said their target number is 22-24 and they have a very small waitlist because their yield is good. He said last year no one declined. But, he said, the years before there were a few who did come from the waitlist.

Here are the Hartt numbers that I posted in the other thread.

Hartford told the parents of auditioners that they have approximately 900 audition spots between the on-campus and off-campus locations and they aim to enroll of class of ~24 for MT. They did say that they accept more than 24 in order to yield that number, but they didn’t say specifically how many more.

Penn State posting rejections from Chicago on portal this morning.

@ElizaDoolittle 2200 for Pace? Maybe they are adding in acting too - I find it hard to believe that they are somehow attracting an additional 600 MT’s than all of the other top schools like U Mich, Penn etc… It has to be the same 1500 or so students applying to all these prescreens yielding on average 400 auditions - for on average 20 offers - so if you are one of the 400, meaning you passed most of the prescreens you have a decent shot at getting into a top 10 school - 200 offers for 400 auditions.

@DivaStageMom that Pace number could be right. I think they had 1800 2 years ago and the numbers keep going up. I believe BoCo had over 2000 this year too. I think some of the schools like Michigan and Penn may get less applicants because some kids know they wouldn’t be accepted academically, so they don’t bother.

@NeensMom 2000 MTs for BOCO?

@DivaStageMom we haven’t done the Pace audition yet, but I watched a panel discussion that Amy was on at BroadwayCon and that was the number she gave. I do not recall if she indicated if that was MT only or MT, Acting, and Film…but that was the number she gave for the prescreens they received this year…all the numbers are just crazy!!!

@TM701 That is the number a current parent of a BoCo student gave on another thread when people were complaining about how long it was taking to hear back about their MT prescreens.

@NeensMom Wow!

I would expect Pace’s 2000+ prescreens to include Acting but I would also expect about 70% of those are MT-desirous! NYU has auditioned over 2000 for several years and I would bet there’s a lot of crossover on the applicant pool for the two schools. I don’t think it’s the “same 1500” applying to all the schools - the total number of applicants is higher and although many schools are popular any one performers’ list varies from the next. The west coasters are not as interested midwest schools as the midwesterners and easterners etc… :slight_smile: I haven’t done a headcount on the number of auditioned slots for MT but I am guessing it’s close to 2000 nationwide.

Just counted - even looking at only the schools listed on CC there are around 60 MT programs. if those accept an average of 24 performers , that’s close to 1500 slots. Add in AMDA, NYU and BoCo, which have larger programs and then consider how many schools AREN’T listed here and there are well into the 2000s of freshman slots for MT. Apparently, those slots fill up and applicants do end up not going MT… so there are a good bit more (3000? 4000?) than that of nationwide applicants.

@CaMom13 - wow those are depressing figures!

Has anyone heard from the University of Oklahoma? Acceptance, Waitlist, Rejection? I saw somewhere they have rolling admission through March 1.

Anyone have any insight or experience with Hartt’s WL? Is there any chance of getting off of it?

Anyone know how Otterbein and Ohio Northern notify?