The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@AnxiousNovice I don’t know if anyone who auditioned at LIU in Chicago has received a decision yet. I know several people who auditioned in NYC like we did, all heard on the same day. My D got another early admission over the summer from Rockford University. I don’t know if they take digital submissions, but if they do, they have a BFA MT program at a reasonable price point.

@SingerDancerMom @flippedout iv got my first free day today and I’m plowing thru/sorting a mountain of laundry, which I’m ecstatic I finally get to do! Also catching up on shows while I’m doing this so win win in my mind.

Congrats to you too!!

My D heard back 4 days later on her portal .

D had her UNCSA audition yesterday and is…DONE. Now the waiting begins.

I have to say I wish each school ( at least on campus - not realistic at Unifieds) spent the time to lay out their program as UNCSA. What an incredible place for the right kid, of which they spent a fair amount of time describing. Amazing this resource exists in Winston Salem, NC. Yet it’s location doesn’t harm it a bit. They are sooo tied in to the industry and bring an army of pros to campus on a regular basis. Like most top programs, ridiculously competitive. 900 auditions for 28 spots. They also have a HS senior yr boarding school program so you wonder how many of the 28 are already spoken for.

Best of luck to all your kids finding a great fit and a great future!

@Sonnie323 I just wanted to jump in to give some encouragement. My son is in school now as a BFA Actor - MT has never been his passion but he went to a performing arts high school and is in a school now with a very strong MT program, and somehow he seems to get cast in a lot of musicals so he spends a lot of time with the MTs. I will tell you that he finds a lot of the diva energy to be a bit exhausting, and is always happy to be in his pure acting classes where he describes the energy as being more craft-focused, in his perspective. That said, he has a very work-oriented and team-focused personality and seems to have had a lot of success crossing over into the MT world, to the point where he unexpectedly gets cast in things he would not necessarily have sought out but for a relationship with a particular director, etc. So I think your son will probably do just fine and I would not second-guess his likelihood of success. Just make sure he keeps finding friends (in or outside of the MT community) who can help him keep feeling grounded. MOST people are truly wonderful with a real sense of cameraderie and it’s fully possible to kind of side-step any competitive drama, from what I have seen.

@ajks1020 I hadn’t heard that about CCM, but I don’t doubt it. My daughter was thick in rehearsals for two shows when the prescreen was due and tried to submit hers that final weekend. It wouldn’t post. She tried multiple times and it just wouldn’t finish uploading. She contacted them on Monday after the deadline, and they allowed her to post late, but she didn’t get an invitation to audition in person. It’s probably just as well. I told her things happen for a reason…

@onette I have heard some not nice things about CCM’s program in general, so I was kind of glad my daughter didn’t make it past the prescreen.

@gold24 My understanding is that SCAD is really a "no audition’ school. My D was told at Chicago Unifieds that the audition was only for scholarships.

@WDWMom Thanks so very much for sharing. Reading your post is heartbreaking and I am so very sorry that you daughter is in such pain. All that being said, it is indeed comforting to know that my D is not alone in her anguish. Sending you and your D all good karma–for financial aid as well as admissions to schools of her choice/budget.

@erayann which school did your daughter hear from 4 days later?

@TheatreDad69 I appreciate your point about thick skin for “no” but I think (hope?) that the best programs (at least the ones that will be a good fit for my D) help prepare students for this. They are 18 and green at this point. I definitely have heard some program students talk about how the faculty explicitly train them to handle rejections. These are the schools at the top of my D’s list, despite their supposed “ranking” because she understands that training includes more than technical skill.

@Jenny1993 Sorry I do not know about Pace MT at Chicago Unifieds. My D did not pass Pace MT prescreen–only Acting (& Acting for Film) prescreen.

@Jenny1993 my understanding is that there were no MT callbacks at any of the Unified auditions.

@Jenny1993 @NeensMom is correct… there is no callback for Pace MT. Each student does monologue, singing, and dance and then just wait until they makes offers.

Hey y’all I’ve been lurking on here for several months now, and since I’m almost finished with my last audition I figured I’d share my experience. This info may or may not help you, but I haven’t been able to find anyone in a situation remotely similar to mine so I thought I’d put myself out there for anyone else that might be lurking!

A little background: I’m a transfer student, I studied Computer Science at the University of Washington for a year, participated in a summer stock this past summer, decided Music Theater was my true passion, transferred to a community college to finish an Associates in Arts, and started this INSANE process about a month before prescreens were due. Thanks to my unpreparedness I only ended up sending in auditions for 5 schools: Emerson, Roosevelt, Pace, BOCO, and Point Park. I passed the prescreens for all of them by some miracle and I am finishing my last audition for Boco tomorrow!

To be completely honest, I think I will be extremely lucky if I get into any one of these schools. I am NOT a dancer at all, and I feel that’s been really dragging down my auditions. I’m talking I can BARELY pull of a single pirouette and I can’t remember choreography in a dance call to save my life. I consider myself a pretty decent singer/actor but I’m sure I’m nothing compared to students who have been preparing for this for several years! So if anyone’s kids are feeling down on themselves, just compare it to my situation and maybe they’ll feel better!!

I can confidently say this is one of the hardest things, if not THE hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Harder than interviews for software firms, harder than final projects for my uni. Computer Science projects, harder than the freaking chapter I wrote for a published journal (yes some bragging here so I can feel a little good about myself throughout this process haha). BUT I feel like I’m making the right decision and I’ll continue to pursue this even if I don’t get into any of the programs!

If y’all are interested I’ll keep you updated as results come in. I did my first three in Chicago for Unifieds so it sounds like I won’t hear back until mid-March through April! These have been and will be very very long months.

@justavery thanks for sharing. I suspect since you went 5/5 on pre screens ( no easy task) that you are better than you give yourself credit for. Please do keep us updated

I have a question about Northwestern Theatre admission (which I have already posted at Acting forum so apologies to those of you on both threads).
I know that Northwestern is a real reach for everyone academically but my D is stronger on academics than on MT skills so we have applied to several non-audition schools–others less academically competitive than Northwestern). Here is my question.
Does anyone have any sense of how many they took ED for Theatre and how many they plan to take overall? They told us at info session last summer that it is entirely an Admissions Office decision but I have a sense from others that there is a maximum number accepted to this program. My D submitted the “optional” MT supplement (which lots of people told me is not really optional) but; 1) admission to Theatre program does not guarantee admission to MT certificate (you mus audition once you are there); and 2) they kept saying that it would not impact admissions decision but them why ask for it of it impacts neither of these things? Anyone know?

@justavery Best of luck to you! How AMAZING that you are finding and following your passion!

Frustrating for your daughter and for anyone who didn’t get a prescreen response. It’s been hashed out enough here that the first year of CCM prescreening had bumps in the road and will be improved in the future.

I can understand the resentment about that for sure. But using it to disparage a program in general is, a little out of line. I think the current students who attend there would definitely disagree with you.