The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

My male student going through had Arizona on his list and auditioned at Unifieds. But he felt they said that crossover (directing and learning in non-performance areas) wouldn’t be likely. Not sure if he misheard? He was genuinely interested because of the training in film that is there also. He has decided to drop them and not submit the dance audition.

@PNWdrama, @Stress19372919, @GeddyMcNutty, @SingerDancerMom Re: Ball State Last year on 2/15 my D got what sounds like the same email from Bill Jenkins, saying that they had been impressed with her audition and encouraging her to visit the school: it seemed like an email that had been sent to many people because it mentioned applying to the school if you hadn’t already, and my D had already been accepted to the school. At that time I was told by a parent with a child in the MT program that this meant you were still in the running. Then on 2/25 Ball State made calls with their initial offers. I think there were also redirect and rejection emails at that time as well. Then they made priority waitlist calls on March 12th (my D got one of those). They took people off the waitlist last year- we have a friend who came off the list a few days before decision day! My D decided on a different school, but she did love Ball State a lot! This is all from last year though: no guarantee that it will happen the same way this year, but hope this helps. Hang in there- we found the waiting for results was the hardest part of the whole process!

Thank you @MTdreamin that’s very helpful and great news. Yep sounds like the exact same email. I can’t believe you remember all of those details so clearly!

@SingerDancerMom -I didn’t remember- I still had my old notes! Probably time to get rid of them!

@cruisemama4 - so no socks from Montclair but we did just get a banner from IU - funny story is, in general, she didn’t apply to schools in the mid-west - which actually eliminates a lot of schools - anyway, later in the process D got nervous and we threw a few more on the list - IU was one she was able to pick up at this later date - then we canceled the audition when we got a few acceptances - Montclair is one of them - so not socks from Montclair but now a banner from IU - I guess at the end its the chotchkies that keep us going :).

@NeensMom Have your guidance/college counselor follow up on the Montclair transcripts directly. I seem to remember ours had to do that last year and it worked out - she had to resend I think. Their academic acceptance is separate from artistic and you can still attend for another major if rejected artistically (could be a good deal as they offer in-state tuition for out of staters if over 3.5 GPA or something like that). They in fact “lost” D’s artistic notification in the shuffle (rejection) but we still got the socks around March/April.

@NeensMom the socks somehow seem to come out later, a few days before the artistic rejection (if they bother sending the artistic rejection at all) so it gives kids one last shot of hope before the heartbreak.

@lovetoact UGH. Well her portal finally updated with an academic yes and an artistic no. Hate the rejections but appreciate the end of wondering about it. I’m going to need a stiff drink come April 1st (and a few before then too!)

Re: Montclair D received a package in the mail saying “Congratulations you are in” on the outside of the envelope. She was BFA artistically rejected however academically accepted and no socks haha. That is after being academically accepted with another large mailer several weeks ago. She laughed.?

Sorry @NeensMom ! I wish they had a sad face button next to the like button. Hang in there!

Well, here’s our funny story. Received a notification from Montclair to check an update. Did, and there were two letters. The first was entirely blank. The second was from admissions telling her they had heard she was not accepted into the program, but they want her to come anyway.

So, after reading posts here…was she waitlisted? Rejected? That is just one of the mysteries of life that we will never know because we’re not calling, LOL!!!

Our Montclair socks arrived a couple days ago, more than a month after artistic rejection. They came in their own special padded envelope.

@WDWMom - D just got the same in her portal - it’s a rejection from the BFA program, but an acceptance to the school for “undeclared major.”

Hopefully Montclair has the tact not to pursue students the way Pace has in the past - getting repeated calls and mailings about joining the school when a student has been academically accepted and artistically rejected is really aggravating. Elon sent a big glossy envelope to my kid with all kinds of rah-rah stuff after rejecting her prescreen. As I recall she cut it up into some pretty window art.

@CaMom13 If only. Both parents and kid are getting frequent Pace spam. Montclair too. Others but less frequently. So glad to have paid application & audition fees for the privelege.


LOL!! We keep getting messages from Ball St. asking what her enrollment plans are. I want SO badly to reply saying, “Well, that depends a bit on you, now doesn’t it?” ?

I am getting to the point of being punchy with all of this…

Just got the socks! Ridiculous.

Yeah, but she didn’t get a rejection…she got a blank letter, LOL!!

And no socks!??

New topic, Missouri state musical theater. They have a really good program and my daughter auditioned for it ; however I am not seeing much of it on the boards. My daughter auditioned in Chicago. Anyone have experience with them?


@Kkrazie can you comment on Missouri State?