The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@user_752736 My daughter is a junior in the Missouri State MT program - feel free to PM me with any questions!

Geesh, Montclair --growing pains? I am so sorry for all the heartbreak. I’m glad some of it was ameliorated with socks? I am hanging here waiting for all your kiddos to find their fit school! It is out there! Love to all!

Does anyone have first hand information about Nebraska Wesleyan’s program?

My D auditioned for them on campus and talked to the people. She also spoke to a girl from her high school who is a student there (mom used to be on here, but I cannot remember her name).

The things I know about this school are: incredibly nice staff, tons of performance opportunities, dance program is in kind of a “rebuild” mode right now. My D says she thinks it is an “acting first” school, and voice lessons are 1/2 hour every other week. She says they are highly regarded for their acting.

There is also someone who used to be on here who was unhappy at their first choice school and transferred to NWU.

Maybe someone who knows more can chime in.?

One more comment on Montclair–glad to see we’re in good company! D was admitted academically MONTHS ago, auditioned at NY Unifieds and rejected about 10 days later. Have been reading about the socks and thinking “what the heck–no socks?” Then socks arrived yesterday–in padded mailer as mentioned above. Just wish the right hand knew what the left hand was doing at Montclair! If D had received socks with her academic admit back in the fall, she might have been excited–now, just rubbing salt in the wound…

does anyone know if UArizona calls EVERYONE they’re accepting? afaik, the due dates for BFA aren’t technically due yet.

@toystorymom - I swear, if your D wants to make a buck and feel better for it, she could probably sell those socks! The Montclair rejection socks have achieved mythic proportions over the years on CC by simultaneously providing amusement and aggravation to their recipients. Just let her know she’s one in a long and proud line of artists rejected by Montclair immediately before their socks arrived.

We are away on another audition - our final one - yay! And my husband sent me a picture of a big letter from Montclair - they must be the socks!!

Now I will be really disappointed if my daughter doesn’t get socks. Probably more disappointed than if she gets an artistic rejection. I want to see the famous socks!

@CaMom13–great perspective! I was probably more annoyed by the socks than my D–she just commented, “Great–cheap socks!” and then moved on. :slight_smile: Got to hand it to these kids–they just keep picking themselves up and moving forward. One last audition for us on March 1 at Wagner, then we’re done!

In North Carolina for our last audition expedition and it’s snowing. Heading south for snow, love it. Just another twist and turn in the exciting MT journey lol.

@sarahsmom02 its been a few years but @KaMaMom is the guru for all things Nebraska Wesleyan

@user_752736 & @RosaMT - we can answer MO State BFA questions. Both our kids are MT. RosaMT … I think ur right I think my D is ur D’s MT lil sis. Ur daughter is so talented. I loved her in Oklahoma! Here’s my impression of MIssouri State MT. It’s been a great fit for my D. She’s very challenged and loves her professors & fellow students. She’s been fortunate to be cast in productions. Currently she has Lisa Brescia & Robert Westenberg as her teachers. Loves them. Her class really adores an acting professor named Ed Swiney too. He subbed for Lisa when she was in NYC cast recently for Dear Evan Hansen. But she’s back now on campus directing Picnic. My D adores her advisor Heather Luellen. She is the Musical Director for all the musicals & Tent Theater which is the professional Equity point earning theater on campus. She’s a veteran professor and I’m so grateful she is watching over my D. John Goodman just gave a huge gift to the school. He was a BFA Acting graduate. This gift will make Tent Theater a permanent structure. Lots of money coming to the Department recently & it has been a bonus for improvements of facilities. Department is headed by Joe Price. Google him. Formerly of Guthrie/Minnesota, Arts Bridge & Chicago theater. Google the staff to see their professional credits. MSU Dept of Theatre & Dance doesn’t list all that on school site. Follow on MSU Department of Theatre & Dance on Instagram & Facebook to see more insight too. Overall my D loves it. She’s sooo busy. D called & is tired after a long day & just left rehearsal at 10:30 pm for Secret Garden musical which Bob is directing …he was in original Broadway cast. She loves the friends she’s made in MT/Acting the most! It’s true once these kids are in a program it becomes a real family. But she’s also in a sorority and loves being involved with that too. MO State seems like a low key State Campus. I like the midwestern work ethic the school has. It’s made a positive impression on my daughter. We are from a different part of the USA, so that’s been great. Lots of students work & pay their own tuition or Greek dues. I respect that. The tuition is great. My D got instate tuition & scholarships. So financially it’s been incredible. Hope this is helpful. Let us know if you have specific questions.

^ Also here’s something that may be helpful too. BFA Acting & MT tracks at Missouri State do crossover a lot. They do a lot of classes together especially Freshman year. Think they don’t have as many class together as they become juniors & seniors though. But MTs get cast in plays and Actors can get cast in musicals too. Really it’s who directors want for a part for casting. Right now in Secret Garden musical a lot of Opera BFAs got cast. Just depends on the director’s vision. I know several BFA Acting students are going abroad Junior year. But harder for BFA MT students because their classes don’t allow that during school year. Told they go abroad more during the summer. @RosaMT may know more about abroad opportunities than me. Summer Stock is always a factor too vs. going abroad.

Hi, does anyone know who was in the room for Boston Conservatory at NY Unifieds? I know it’s been a while, but I’d really like to send them an update, and I can’t remember who it was. - I do know there were three people in the room.

Any tips for tomorrows audition? My D has a full morning of info session/dance/acting and then gets a 10 minute slot close to 5pm. She got excited about this program when she went to TPAP Blueprint last Summer.

@WhiskersStone which auditions are you asking about???

@user_752736 @Kkrazie covered a lot so I don’t have much to add. (And glad to know that your D is her little - can’t wait to see Secret Garden, and maybe we can meet up there!) The acting and MT students go through all of their acting classes together the first two years. After that, the acting classes are electives so they’re not all together, but my D still has many classes with both acting and MT students - stage combat, costume construction, acting for the camera, audition class, ect. They also brought in an artist-in-residence faculty member for contemporary commercial music, and my D has taken that all year. Faculty is great…in addition to the people @Kkrazie mentioned, my D has also had great teaching from Sarah Wiggin and Kurt Heinlein. I’m not sure about study abroad - it is harder for MT, I think. My D is going to Italy this summer for a bel canto program through MSU (her voice teacher is the program director) to keep up her classical chops and it will provide some gen ed credits. She did Tent Theatre the last 2 summers - the 1st summer she worked on the marketing team and last summer was in a show. Equity points and earning $, so that’s a great opportunity. It’s been a great place for her - if you have any specific questions, ask away!

Missouri State tomorrow February 22

@WhiskersStone … Hi. I don’t know really. I didn’t go to audition with my D two years ago. But she’ll be helping with auditions tomorrow along with her other friends in the BFA programs. They always have current BFA students there to help. Feel free to ask the current student’s questions. They are eager to give you insight & are excited you are there. They went through this audition process themselves and know it’s really hard. So they want to make you feel welcomed to MSU. I do remember that when my D auditioned she was in a show back at home & didn’t get out of rehearsal till very late in the evening. My husband drove for 8 hours in pouring rain and got to Springfield at 2 am. D had to be at MIssouri State I think at 8 or 9 am. None of that came up in the audition though. Then they had to drive right back home for a live show the next day my D was in. But it was all worth it. My D now says she was so tired from the long drive in the rain that maybe that was why she was relaxed in the audition. I remember she had ballet & jazz dance. I think she said she tapped too. But now it’s something new in the dance segment and taught by new dance professor this year. So just go for it dance wise. I also remember D spoke to a panel of faculty and they talked about all kinds of things trying to find out about my Ds interests…not just MT interests. They wanted to get to know her as a person. My husband went to parent panel and was impressed that faculty really wanted the parents to ask questions. They didn’t want to end the discussion until every parent asked questions. So perhaps have questions in mind. Be friendly & outgoing is good advice. Being chatty was a plus when my D auditioned two years ago. So have your questions ready & know it’s okay to relax and show your “real” self. Break a leg & find the big bear statue in front of the student union. It’s good luck to take a pic with it. May your child find the right fit whatever school it may be. Blessings.