The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@depejohnson @RosaMT @Kkrazie Hey guys, maybe you can start a separate thread for Missouri State? That way others searching for that school will easily find it. I don’t know but you might even be able to move or copy your comments to a thread dedicated to that program??

@MTSthistime Do you mean Crucible Cast Party?

@BloomingGirl , he is on that one, but in previous years there has been a separate group where they can discuss acceptances. I’m not sure if that one is up and running this year. I think last year it was called kick ball something.

@MTSthistime Yes, the group is called Kick Ball Change the World! 2024!

Wondering if anyone has any tips/experiences with moving forward from rejections from “lower tier” schools. I know it is sooo subjective which programs are “lower tier” or “higher tier” and that what really matters is fit! But I’m just curious if anyone can give any insight towards continuing to feel motivated about impending and upcoming decisions from more selective schools after getting rejections from ones that are less selective.

Since Chicago Unifieds my D has gotten three more no’s: Ithaca, Rider, and Montclair. I am holding my breath now for just one BFA yes. I see that others have heard from LIU but my D has not so that does not bode well. The only other “rolling” admissions schools left on our list are SCAD and Marymount. Has anyone heard from SCAD? Or from a Marymount video audition?

Thanks @Davale22 !

@AnxiousNovice DS had to submit audition by video. Two months elapsed with no further communication so he emailed them last week to confirm they received his submission. They replied confirming that they did receive it and that he would hear by mid-March. I hope that helps.

@gold24 please don’t feel like you are the only one getting rejections. My D passed 50% of prescreens and started getting rejections after auditions. Only has one acceptance so far… it’s tough out there. Fingers crossed for 2 more so she feels like she has a choice. My D’s teacher said you have one day to cry and scream and be upset, then move on. It’s prepping them (and us) for their professional life!

@AnxiousNovice It’s ruff and no matter what we tell them they’ll be hurt by rejection. Everyone gets them. It appears to be random. D has been rejected by prescreens of programs she considered somewhat safety and passed others considered to be top tier. Many have similar stories. I think we’re all just hoping for one or two yeses and hope they are good fits. If not, we’ll deal with it and all things are on the table, including a gap yr.

Rejection is just reality in this world. They can’t take it personally…but try to explain that to them. Very tough.

@MTdreamin Thank you so much for sharing your story. The idea of this dragging past May 1st makes my stomach lurch. Your story of resolution in April makes me feel better. 6 WL is insane! By the 3rd or 4th, my response would’ve bordered on manic laughter. Glad your D got such a happy ending!

@MTSthistime ~ I believe it is crucible cast party…

@erayann my son is a senior Acting major at Fredonia. His girlfriend is a senior MT there. Fredonia is (overall) a great music school and what we’ve seen in all of the musicals there is that the kids have beautiful voices. There are voice, acting, and dance classes and the MTs are busy with all of those every semester. The department produces four mainstage plays or musicals per year. The dance department is integrated into the theater department and there are mainstage dance ensemble pieces each semester as well. All students audition at the beginning of the fall semester for the year, so they know if they’ll be in a department show at any point in the year by early September. The student-run Performing Arts Company produces several shows per year and auditions are ongoing for those. There is also an improv group. Fredonia, being a strong music school, has so many talented musicians, in and out of the department. There are several excellent acapella groups (my son’s group just performed with the Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus) and many student bands that are great. The town is a cute rural town that has some fun festivals. They have a nice 10-day London trip every January if kids want to experience London (they see 7 or 8 shows, do bus tours, etc) but don’t want to spend a semester away.
If you have specific questions about the MT training, I can get you answers to those. Just let me know.

@gold24 it is SO HARD to know what is helpful to others through this challenging time, but in my family we’ve found that being busy is helping. My D had a very disappointing “no” last week and she was so busy with a play she is involved with at school that she seemed to take it pretty well. My job kept me pretty busy too and I think that is helping, too. We cannot control the outcome so we are trying to be mindful of that and focused on the things we can control right now. Best of luck to your family with staying in this moment, and getting more clarity soon on the path ahead.

@gold24 I agree with being busy. It’s been a huge help.
If you look through old threads where people list their results, you’ll find examples of kids being rejected from schools with high yields and then shocked to receive an acceptance from a more selective school. Even if that doesn’t end up being your story, it really helps to illustrated how subjective this whole process can be.

Thanks @lojosmo . I found out that Crucible cast party is for them to discuss auditioning and Kick Ball Change the World 2024 is for them to discuss acceptances. Also want to just send a big hug out to all who are making their way through this process right now. Praying that everyone finds their place and gets through the hard days to some really happy ones ahead.

Has anyone heard from Hartt recently? I know they sent a bunch of decisions out a week or two ago but I still haven’t heard anything. I’m also not sure if any of those decisions were acceptances as everyone I know who received a decision from them so far was rejected.

Just got home from our final audition at Coastal Carolina will provide review in the audition day thread later. Hard to believe we started w First audition at Muhlenberg on 10/1 and now it’s over

Was “ thrilled” to get the infamous Montclair socks after a NOVEMBER academic acceptance followed by an artistic denial a week after NY unifieds.

The legend of the Montclair socks…gotta love it!!

8 more results await us. Even more Thrilled to have some early acceptances but fingers crossed for a few dream schools still out there for my D. AND all of those waiting for their first yes.

Hoping to see some final decision threads very soon!! ?

Thank you it sounds really nice and my D would love the London trip ! My D said the dance room was beautiful and everyone was very nice . My only concern is they said there’s nothing off the campus . My husband and daughter had a hard time even finding a place to eat . Also it’s over 7 hours from Ny . Do you leave close By ? Otherwise the price is right and seems to be a good fit . Just scared of the distance and outside of campus .

I just wanted to share…I am not allowed to tell names yet, but my D has already received TWELVE rejections! We are to the point now that we kind of laugh when new ones come in…“just add it to the pile.” I think we are kind of getting numb to this whole thing…which may be a good thing.

Just wanted you to know that there are others out there, and we are definitely here for you!!