The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@GloriaVaughn Thanks for the info on Millikin. I did check out the BA versus BFA curriculum when she got in and concluded what you indicated but then heard differently from a number of others. Good reminder to decide for ourselves once we see if she has any other choices.

@AnxiousNovice Glad your D applied to Muhlenberg. I’m feeling positive about her chances there. I have had several students go there for MT. It would be a very good option for your D. Glad that the information about University of the Arts helped as your D should give it a shot!

Anyone waiting on MSM today?

Is Michigan going to let kids know on Friday?

@AnxiousNovice, in the CC Class of 2022, there was a poster called DramaQueen219 whose daughter went through the whole audition season with no acceptances, and was very upset and depressed, so they added some last-minute applications and auditions, and she ended up at University of the Arts and is very happy there! Fingers crossed that your daughter gets some great BFA acceptances, but if she doesn’t, hopefully she still gets a happy ending from UArts or other last-minute auditions like DramaQueen’s daughter! (You could even PM her and ask for advice!)

And 5 or 6 years ago, there was a CCer called KaMaMom whose daughter likewise went through the whole season with no acceptances, added some last-minute auditions, and ended up happy at Nebraska Wesleyan.

@EastchesterMom, I think the same thing happened to your D, am I right? And her last-minute audition really hit the jackpot with Molloy/CAP21!

So take heart - there are so many stories of people getting happy endings after lots of rejections!

@Jasklo Yes! I called MSM to make sure they were releasing decisions today and they said they would email and update portals by the end of the day. Good luck!!

@dizzynadrama Nazareth – my D and I toured Nazareth several months ago. It is a really nice school with a solid MT program. Our only concern was the fact that they were formerly an all girl school. Can’t remember when they changed to co-ed, but the percentages are way off female to male. If this is not an issue, this is a solid MT program with great people.

Absolutely @actorparent1 - and another mom of 2022 @NewEngMTMom had a D who went through this process without BFA MT acceptances and got a last minute slot at LIU-Post. I know she’s been over the moon about her D’s progress there.

@AnxiousNovice and anyone else looking to add non audition schools . I second the North Central College recommendation. This was my daughter’s safety but would have chosen this program over several top MT programs if she didn’t get in ED Syracuse for Acting . Great merit aide with auditions for performance scholarships. The campus community was warm and inviting and Naperville is beautiful. The MT students we talked with love the program and their opportunities in Chicago . There is a train station basically on campus. They just won a football national championship so I think more people will hear of the school. It is not a school to be overlooked .

Has anyone who auditioned for University of the Arts at LA Unifieds gotten a decision yet? I heard they mail decisions out a week after an audition but we haven’t heard yet.

For those of you considering different schools or looking for information on new schools here, I just have one piece of unasked-for advice - please take everything you read online, including in this forum and on the rest of CC, with a grain of salt. There are some “sour grapes” posters and there are “cheerleader” posters for various schools. Many CC posters try their best to be impartial but it’s hard when you feel strongly about a program or your own child’s experience. A lot of people will provide second hand information with the caveat that it is not their personal experience and that’s great - these forums are invaluable sources of anecdotal data. Just make sure that one person’s anecdotes, personal or second-hand, don’t totally sell you on… or scare you away from… a program that might actually be wrong/right for your performer. Use a filter, know that no one one this forum is an expert in your unique situation. Most of us are “just” parents and our experience is limited to what we have read here and what we experience in RL, which means we are probably biased… and definitely falible. :wink: I’m a huge fan of the help provided by these forums, which is why I’m still here (and I really do need to leave some day) but I also think that ultimately anecdotal data shouldn’t be weighted very heavily when it comes to making decisions on schools. I would say visits to the school, curriculum review, discussions with students and alumni and other more personalized feedback or objective criteria should be what drives an artist to choose where they apply and/or attend.

@NeensMom My D auditioned for University of the Arts at Chicago Unifieds and hasn’t heard anything yet even though they said to expect something in two weeks.

We’ve had one rejection so far from auditions, but I’m completely panicked that we’re going to get no offers as well. So I appreciate all of these additional school ideas and I’m going to be investigating tonight. Thanks!

@AnxiousNovice Muhlenberg is a great choice–a recent grad is opening on Broadway in Sing Street next month!

@Jasklo My daughter is waiting on MSM. She auditioned in Chicago. You?

@CaMom13 So helpful! Thanks for your perspective! We’ve definitely heard things (good & bad) about programs from different sources, and I’ve told D we just have to judge for ourselves if/when an acceptance comes. This forum provides great “food for thought,” but since our kids are all unique, in the end they have to evaluate programs based on their own wants/needs, not someone else’s viewpoint.

We did have a moment after a few No’s when we considered adding programs to D’s list, but she felt that we made our original school list for a reason, and she didn’t want to add schools at this point. (Fatigue definitely a factor!) She applied to only 16 schools (one non-audition safety) because she had geographic restrictions and didn’t want to apply to schools where she wasn’t sure she could see herself attending. At this point she has a BA MT admit from her auditioned “safety,” so I think she recognizes that the process is kind of working the way we planned… Just keeping fingers crossed that she has a couple of additional choices before we’re done!

For those still scrambling, Xavier University in Cincinnati still has a few audition slots open on Sunday, March 1. They have two later audition dates, but those are full. Xavier is a BA Musical Theatre program (no BFAs offered). The director of the program is absolutely wonderful and they have an ambitious and varied production schedule with many opportunities to be cast. Daughter was accepted to the program in 2018, but ended up at a state BFA school with full tuition–hard to turn down! She is happy and thriving where she is at, but I know she would have been quite happy at Xavier as well. We were so impressed with our visit and audition experience there!

OMG. I did not know that about NAZ.

Is that whey the school is not always mentioned on the MT listings- regarding acceptance, etc.
How do I find someone on here that has first hand experience with the program. It concerns me that I cannot find much info. Help!!!

@toystorymom - my D almost didn’t apply to the school she now attends because random people (none of whom went to the school or had kids there) said negative things. It’s funny now because we look back and think “were we crazy?” because she’s absolutely thriving there. I literally cannot imagine her going ANYWHERE else and being happy. Hindsight is 20/20, always. Good for your D for sticking with her intuition and moving forward with the schools she picked from the start - I send many positive vibes and hope you can stay positive and “keep the faith”! There’s a long month of waiting ahead but by April 1 hopefully your 20/20 hindsight will tell you it was all for the best.

I totally agree with @CaMom13 about finding out for yourself. There have been schools that have very positive experiences for many that were our least favorite auditions and one of our favs has consistently been given negative comments here. There are also individuals who have negative experiences at any school, where many thrive so you have to note but not take as universal experiences - if such a thing exists. As much as decisions are subjective, these experiences are very personal. Take the note down but don’t take it as a write off until you have your own experience.

Thank you @user_752736!