The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@Kyderbymom - Yes, Same here. No word yet.

The rejection from Montclair came today…still no socks. Double whammy! :smile: On the plus side, redirect from BFA MT to BFA Acting at Fredonia with $5,000 per year scholarship…things that make you go hmmmm.

Hugs to all still waiting & thanks to all for sharing their knowledge and insight. I am totally rooting for all of your S&Ds!! BAL to all those still auditioning and for those doing their winter musicals about now… Mine is doing Drowsy this weekend…enough to keep her mind off that silly rejection from Montclair (hopefully).

@Jasklo @kyderbymom MSM is traditionally in the last wave of schools to notify - everyone at once and close to April 1st.

@IStressSoDWont congrats on Fredonia…BFA acting is great, lovetoact had a son go through there and recently posted some things. she has 3 kids who have gotten BFA so she knows a few things about this crazy process… enjoy Drowsy!! you can have my socks if you dont get yours Pm me ill even fedex them :smiley:

I agree wholeheartedly with @CaMom13, and I’ll add that programs can change INCREDIBLY quickly for a variety of reasons. Something as simple as a single new faculty hire can radically change a department’s philosophy, curriculum, treatment of students…and of course, all great programs are constantly trying to innovate to keep up with the demands of the industry. I graduated less than two years ago from my alma mater and I know that there’s already been some curriculum restructuring and new courses being offered that weren’t being offered when I was a student–and I can’t speak to how those are affecting a current student’s educational experience (for better or for worse). I think it’s ESSENTIAL to speak to as many current students as you can when you consider a program–because testimonials from alums are great, but you want the most current information possible.

@Jasklo My daughter just found out she got wait-listed to MSM. She’s disappointed, but she has other good options, so it’ll all be okay in the long run. They only take 25 students, half female, half male, so I wasn’t surprised she didn’t get in right away.

@stephkk My kid heard from U Arts today for BFA Acting. Audition at Chi Unis.

@kyderbymom my older daughter got off waitlists when she went through this 4 years ago. I can’t remember exactly how many, but I want to say it was 4 or 5. It definitely happens!!! If your daughter loves MSM the have her stay in touch with faculty, communicate occasionally to express continued interest and it could definitely happen!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Thanks! Yes, I read those posts from lovetoact- very helpful!!

@IStressSoDWont for Fredonia, students have another chance to re-audition at Fredonia if they didn’t make it into the program the first time. It’s definitely not a guarantee and I’ve seen several kids re-audition for MT and not make it that time either, so it’s a risk that you take. My son isn’t an MT kid and has been Acting from the start, but just so that you know, all of the kids audition for all of the shows (plays and musicals), and I’ve seen plenty of Actors in their musicals. Your daughter could also take dance classes and voice instruction class for non-voice majors (which is a 1-credit course) and with the plethora of musicians in and around Fredonia, private voice lessons to continue to work on that (either while waiting to re-audition, or if they are staying in the Acting track).

@lovetoact Thanks so much for this great info! I will definitely share with her when we get down to decision making time. It is definitely still in the running.

My son was accepted to the MSM musical theatre program. However, he also found out he did not qualify for a scholarship. I just checked out the yearly tuition… quite a price tag. I would love to connect with MT students there to get a better perspective of the program. My son and I attended an open house in the fall but did not get to meet any musical theatre students then.

BAL to all!!

Congratulations. Yeick on the tuition. Maybe they send scholarship information separately.

@rymamom my daughter is a freshman at MSM. Congratulations to your son on the acceptance! Please feel free to message me with any questions. I also have some input on scholarships.
The program has exceeded our expectations in EVERY aspect!!

@kyderbymom & @rymamom D found out her high school transcript had not been received. Wont release decision until they have it. Argh! We know we sent it twice.

D is a little (a lot) raw right now. Reality is setting in. Going to be a tough month. Just got a “no” from UNCSA (her top choice). Intellectually you know that’s going to happen when they audition 900 and take 28 (probably not much more as their yield is very high) but it stings when it’s final. Still has lots of others to report.

Congrats tot hose who were accepted to UNCSA. It’s a fabulous place. Do well!

Best of luck to everyone!!!

So sorry for your D! This process is simply brutal…sending hugs!

Has anyone heard no from Temple? We still haven’t heard anything but have seen several people that have heard yes. Auditioned in NY

@rickle1 Sorry to hear about your D’s disappointment… We feel your pain! Hoping your D gets good news soon!!

@kyderbymom Sorry about MSM waitlist, but thanks for posting. We just joined the waitlist crew yesterday as well–for Rider MT. Keeping fingers crossed for both our D’s!