The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@collegehelp – when we got a waitlist from Montclair, we got an email. There will most likely be something in the portal though! Hang tight!

Yes, my daughter got a no from Temple MT about a week after her on campus audition. Adding insult to injury, her academic acceptance arrived today!

This process is brutal… We are all in the same position, waiting… getting nos…waiting… We all just need one yes to a school they want to go to!

Current mood:

To whom it may concern,

We are entering our final month of battle and still there is no victory in sight. We have received waitlists which gives us some hope, but war is fickle and we know there is no promise that in the end we will prevail. It is becoming more difficult to keep a happy mood at camp, and the songs sung around the fire have become much less uplifting and much more dirge like. If you find this letter, please send reinforcements in the form of double fudge brownies or a BFA acceptance if you have one. Preferably the latter. But brownies are fine too.

Keep us in your thoughts,

Desperate MT mom

@BloomingGirl great letter, but can we add any form of Alcohol in lieu of or in addition to the Brownies??

@NYYFanNowMTdad YES!!!

Or you could add a secret ingredient to the brownies?

Or both.

@collegehelp! Our Montclair State artistic notification came via email.

@Jasklo Desperate times call for desperate measures. Send what you got!

Just a comment for Temple applicants - Temple was my kid’s “BA” option and we loved that the BA Drama students have a lot of performance class options. They even had a performance track for BAs. The impression we got when we visited was the BA students weren’t second class citizens. So maybe keep that in mind. Hang in there, everyone!

Anyone apply to USC SDA for a BFA or BA?

Hang in there, @BloomingGirl ! We have fingers and toes crossed for you.

Trying to decide if the Montclair socks are worth another $50 to me. My D was a walk-in audition and wasn’t charged anything at that time. Today, she told me they won’t release her decision without the $50 audition fee, when they told her last week to just pay the $65 application fee. She had 4 other walk-ins: 1 charged everyone $25 cash up-front, 1 only charged application fee if decided to apply, & the other 2 gave her a code to waive all fees, including application fees. She likes one of her other offers more, & I’m thinking if they wanted her this wouldn’t be standing in the way. Am I just subsidizing the socks?

So, she hasn’t made any decisions yet and won’t until the process is complete. I’m not to post anymore, and apparently, I’m paying $50. #badmom

Know what would be fantastic? A comedy show about this process for parents near Chicago Unifieds. (BTW my S did all acting auditions, but I follow this thread because it’s lit!)

Anyone who sent their kid to summer camp may remember the video about refresh, refresh, refresh. This reminds me so much of that…only much worse!

@RoarofGreasepnt so true. Also - for those that are completely obsessed, usps informed delivery is a great option. Let’s you know early in the morning what’s going to be in your mailbox today so you can leave work early and stalk the mail-man if you see something interesting. LOL

@prarie I’m BAFFLED that nobody has filmed a documentary about The Process.

@Sitzprobe my kiddo was going to do his senior project and make a documentary on it, but decided it was too late in the year.