The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@Sitzprobe and @Collegegame2018, my son is a junior this year and he is talking about making the process his senior project starting this summer when he works on choosing his songs, and monologues for his prescreens, to his headshots and choosing colleges to submit to and apply to. He may even include the dance lessons that he will start taking this spring.

@Sarahsmom42 your post made my day because my daughter does not even want to discuss anything and rolls her eyes when I give updates to people.LOL

A benefit to the audition season. D had a job interview for a summer job last week. Hiring manager was so impressed with how she interviewed she was hired on the spot. I imagine after standing in front of adjudicators for months, this felt like a cake walk. So even if they never set foot on a stage professionally, the lessons and skills our kids learned from college auditions will be incredibly valuable for the rest of their lives.

@BloomingGirl Your letter made my day! Maybe Montclair should send brownies instead of socks!! :smiley:

@sarahsmom02 Guess I should join the #badmom club too–I probably share more than my D would like… I try to respect her privacy, but this is such a great forum and resource for support, I wouldn’t want to miss out. I know our kids are super stressed, but we also lose sleep over this crazy process!

Hang in there everyone! Sending best wishes and hopes for good news to all your kids!

@RoarofGreasepnt Thank you for posting that video. Made my day so much better!

From the How/When/Where thread - it’s been reported that UM is making calls now. This is not first hand info, but thought I would share.

I heard that Ohio Northern is also sending stuff out (snail mail). Not firsthand, also, but know two people who have gotten something!

@SingerDancerMom My son is currently an MT freshman at Texas State. Let me know if you have any questions I can answer. :slight_smile:

Heard UM was making calls today as well. It’s now 10:30 and no call. My D has no idea calls were being made today . I didn’t have the heart to tell her , since it’s her dream college . I guess she will find out in an email. Since I heard all yeses are told in one day. We shall soon find out . Best of luck to everyone.

To those asking about Nazareth College in Rochester, New York: I have a child at the school (not in MT)

  1. The facilities are AWESOME. Plenty of practice rooms too!
    2, Food is very good
  2. School is clean and well maintained.
  3. Teachers/Faculty/Staff are very supportive.
  4. School is in a very nice area of Rochester. (The best actually) Campus safety is great. Students can get a beeper to carry around with them that calls campus security if they need.

However, no greek life, it’s rather quiet.

They have a great website that details the curriculum and I believe there is quite a bit of flexibility. My kid takes dance and is not in the program. Good luck!

@erayann Different school but I was in your shoes on Monday. Couple of things: kid will likely take reaction cue from you, so steel yourself to say “OK, Next!” or whatever that translates to at your house (our version is profane). This is a big dose of reality all at once. I can see our D growing through it. Your D may take it in stride, or it may take a few days to sink in. She will have to learn to accept what she cannot change if she wants to thrive in the business.

Wish only the best for you & yours.

@Sitzprobe - I offered to shoot the documentary about the process…but I didn’t pass the pre-screen

Got the no from Montclair yesterday, but at least we got the socks!

@StanfordAI2019 @Sitzprobe OMG this just made my day… so hilarious!!!

@sarahsmom02 If you don’t pay, you will always wonder if it could have been a yes. Unfortunately, the socks, while not worth $50, are a consolation prize, but if you don’t pay your kid might always wonder about the answer.

For parents with kids already in a program, did you experience issues with housing, finding roommates, or scheduling by waiting as long as possible to commit to a school? Seems like we’re all in the same boat, but need to ask.

@DancerMTMom, my daughter is at Hartt, and we waited till April 30th to commit. It was no problem getting housing. All freshmen are required to live on campus, so they make sure they have enough dorm space in the freshman dorms for all of them. And they have a great online roommate system where you can post your likes and dislikes, living habits, etc. and other people can do the same, and you can pick a roommate yourself that way. My D is an acting major, and she and an MT major chose to room together and it worked out very well. Scheduling classes was no problem either because they don’t do that till orientation ( and it was only two academic classes that had to be scheduled anyway, because the BFA curriculum is set already.)

My D didn’t get the call from U of Michigan. It is her dream school. She mourned through the night and off she went to school this morning. I’m just grateful for the fact that her spring musical rehearsals keep her busy during this brutal season.

Since the super fast "No"s from Ithaca and Penn State (Chicago Unified), we are still waiting to hear from Ball State, CM, IU-Bloomington, Pace, Temple, Roosevelt, IL Weslyan and Point Park. Not a single yes yet.

Hang in there all of us!

@DancerMTMom - zero issues with housing at NYU, commitment date is 5/1 and all the housing assignments are done over the summer. Like Hartt, they have enough housing for the whole freshman class. NYU actually guarantees housing for 4 years for all students - the freshmen get the dorms closest to campus… the sophomores get the next pick, etc… Roommates are assigned by the school, which stinks if the roommates are incompatible but it’s an opportunity for “personal growth”, lol.

@Abigcurveball, big hugs to you and your daughter. It’s so hard when they don’t get into their dream school. Keeping my fingers crossed that she gets some great acceptances.