The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@lkcmom I am so sorry about Otterbein. One of my kids had been in constant communication with a faculty member there who called him back from an earlier audition. This person really liked him and felt he was a good fit. Unfortunately, he did not do well at his audition at Unifieds and got a “no.” Not a waitlist. It was the school he had connected with the most, so it was super disappointing, but he understands why. (I think I already posted this, but lesson learned from him - don’t plan the audition you care the most about on the last day of Unifieds when you are run down, getting sick and exhausted!). I know this is no consolation, but I keep telling him - “You will be where you’re supposed to be. I want someone to see that special spark in you that makes them excited to work with you.” And although it wasn’t Otterbein, he has found that with at least four other schools so far. One school did a rather unusual interview with him at Unifieds (him and my other student - both have been in countless shows together opposite each other - they recognized the similar resumes and headshots and same town and invited them in to interview and audition together and their onstage chemistry rocked the interview!) and seems to be very excited to work with him. He told me last night that being wanted at “xxxxx” makes up for the no at Otterbein (and Hartt, another school on his list that was a rejection). He is just happy that someone saw that “spark” and saw “him.”

Great question! I was in your shoes two years ago but remembered being worried about housing too! Every school is different. Some schools do not allow anyone to apply or select housing until after the national commit day so that all freshmen/first year students complete that process at the same time. Of course there are exceptions for learning and scholar communities that have reserved housing. You can always call the schools to gauge the process so that you know in advance.

I saw that someone on here said a couple of days ago that a Point Park decision had been received in the mail. Was that for the MT BFA? Or was that maybe just for the school itself? It’s been a few days since then and I haven’t seen anyone else say that on this or any other thread that I’m on. The school said decisions would be sent all at once around March 15th. There have been no changes in the portal and nothing in the mail on this end. Anyone have any insight on this? I can’t find the post I saw before to tag that person.

My S did his worst at his first Unified audition and his best at his last one. After doing several on-campus auditons he was a rather jolted by the change in atmosphere at Chicago Unifieds. You can’t perfectly predict or manage it.

Like @prarie my kid’s auditions improved as she went through Unifieds and her best audition was her last (and the school she’s attending!) but - I think this is the difference from that @onette is saying - she wasn’t run down. All her auditions were at Unifieds, she came in healthy. I think when you’re planning a long slog of auditions and travel it’s a good idea not to “save the best for last” .

Oddly, I think both kids I had at Unifieds had the opposite experience! The guy did best on the first two days of auditions, the girl did best on the last two days (hers got stronger). I think she had flown in directly from another audition to Unifieds and probably was a little run down to start with. He had nothing before but had to fly directly from Unifieds to Florida State, where he is pretty sure he blew it. He was getting sick and was really run down. This is a kid who doesn’t do caffeine at ALL but we joke that he is a “vampire” because he can often sleep just 2-4 hours a night and be 100%. I honestly don’t know how he does it. (But I warn him it will catch up with him when he passes 40…LOL). They both remarked they wish they had spaced their Unifieds auditions a little differently but the fact is, by the time they got some of their notifications, there were few time slots left. I can’t even say “early” is the key because some people who submitted in Aug and Sept still hadn’t heard from some schools in January before Unifieds!

@SingerDancerMom , at our Point Park audition the admissions Director said all MT decisions would be released on March 11.

Just posted this on the Artistic Acceptance thread but thought I’d copy it here, also:

Roosevelt CCPA will definitely release all admissions decisions on or around March 15th, but it could be as early as next Friday, March 6th. This word is from the CCPA Office of Enrollment today. (I have a student there.) This is earlier than they have done in the past. All CCPA decisions for all majors will be released at the same time. I hope those of you waiting on Roosevelt only have to suffer through one more week instead of two!

@lkcmom One thing I have learned from this process is just how selective it is - not sure there are things that could have been done better or an additional email that could have been sent - at the end of the day its just numbers. My d is a white female - she represents 70% of the application pool - I was told this going in and being at both Chicago and NY Unifieds that number panned out. With a class size of 14 half being boys that further reduces her chances, then you take in diversity, and type be it character actress, ingenue, you are probably talking about one or two spots in the top 10 schools so 20-30 spots - so the chances of getting into one of these top ten schools is pretty slim. D passed almost all prescreens, for the most part, had solid auditions, moved into different rooms, asked to sing another song, pulled out into a smaller group at dance calls - whatever - and yet we got no calls this week! Although she does have some solid options - so she is fine. I don’t know that there is anything that could have been different…

With that said you do have to put things in perspective - it’s really all about training. D did an audition at what we considered her safety school - I don’t want to give the name because one person’s safety could be another’s reach - but we both left being extremely impressed with the faculty - I think she could have gotten great training there. There are great programs even if they aren’t on the top of everyone’s wish list.

Also, about the gap year - we know people who did a gap year. I would say the biggest difference is that they cast a wider net - they opened themselves up to new opportunities outside of the small group of schools on everyone’s list. They were very happy that they did it, have some great school choices already and yes one, in particular, got rejected from Michigan again! But I think all is good - they went into this year with a better attitude - being more open to the process. So if that’s something you think makes sense you should do it. Good Luck :slight_smile:

Can anyone talk about Temple’s BA program? We are wondering if it is still worth considering compared to the BFA. I believe someone mentioned that the BAs take similar classes and still have performance opportunities. any info is greatly appreciated!

@themomager I don’t know about the BA but when I was at their show last week I spoke to a girl who was handing out playbills and she was a Theatre minor and was talking about how she feels very included. I don’t know how many classes she takes but she said she really could be as involved or uninvolved as she wants as a major

Both of the kids I have been working with this year took a gap year. And both think they couldn’t have done what they did without it. They both piled on the AP classes, were in GT and wanted to do the sole musical their high school does each year (out of 7,000 students, they get one big show a year). At first, they were worried about a gap year…they wouldn’t be perceived the same or they would take a hit in some way. But it was seamless. The guy is younger, was 17 when he graduated, so that helped, but the girl has already turned 19 and nobody cared. They are actually meeting with two kids that are in their theatre circle (that I am going to be helping next on a VOLUNTEER basis…again, with me since elementary school) next week and give them their take on the year and process. I am actually interested to hear them give this advice. I am curious what they are taking away from it. I actually recommended it based on their course loads in high school and from posts and stories here on CC.

@SingerDancerMom yes a kiddo we know got their acceptance for mt from PP

Anyone know the # of kids accepted at u of AZ? What size class do they shoot for?

@SingerDancerMom - I am on another site and it shows PP Acting - no MT in that group.

It also shows Syracuse MT, so I guess that went out for anyone looking for it - at least some acceptances.

@Collegegame2018 UArizona will accept 16.

@themomager - my info might be old but we visited Temple 2 years ago for the Honors College welcome. My D didn’t apply to Temple BFA because she couldn’t make it out to campus to audition, she applied BA only with the idea of auditioning once she got on campus. We were so impressed with the vibe there - the students were very welcoming and I loved how they interacted with the faculty. We also were impressed with the academic opportunities the Honors program offered. My D chatted with some of the Theatre folks and they were very encouraging about her chances of auditioning into the BFA plus the faculty said specifically there was a “performance track” for BAs who wished pre-professional training and he called it their “stealth BFA”. As it happens my D was admitted to (her) dream BFA at NYU and she chose that program but we agreed after visiting both that we were impressed with Temple and she would have probably been very happy to go there.

@DivaStageMom Does the other site you are on indicate number accepted for PP Acting?

@Collegegame2018 University of Arizona class size for MT is 10 (equal gender split) and with acting I think they are at 16. I don’t know how many they make offers to though.

@collegemom2018 - I may be wrong but I think somebody on this thread got a U of A acceptance and I believe they got a phone call.