The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Part of the problem is the admissions folks have one goal, they are pushing hard to enroll you and don’t care what major you choose, it seems like a pure sales job. My D gets texts from a school that literally asked her to send an emoji for whether she was interested in the school or not from the admissions dept! I forgot which emojis but I thought that was hilarious and a bit desperate.

Not sure if this is the right thread to post this on, but I am kind of curious if anyone DID NOT get in to LIU Post? I only ask because every single kid we know that auditioned with them was accepted. I do not doubt their amazing talent because they all are super talented but the likelihood that they would all be accepted to this one school has me wondering about size of the class for freshman next year (6 of 6 kids I know personally, not from facebook or from this board were accepted and have seen many more from this board and facebook groups). I know they have a specific number that they are trying to hit so have to make more offers to get their targeted yield but this seems a little strange to me. I don’t know if they are padding their numbers because it seems as though there is some controversy clouding the schools reputation at the moment? Also, seems odd that some are getting email and others snail mail. I have heard that there were mistakes of things being sent out also that was confusing - I don’t have specifics, just comments I have seen. Since this is my first time through the process, I have no idea if I should even be questioning this or if this seems pretty standard. I do know that the fact that they have accepted so many is certainly making the kids I know question and wonder what is up. I really liked what I heard at the parent presentation and the research we did before my kid applied and from many parents and kids online about this program. I know there are also some concerns but it seems like they are trying to address the issues. We visited the campus and it seemed quite charming, not state of the art. I don’t see that as a negative as kids going into the arts are going to have to learn to live with things NOT being state of the art based on the reality of funding for arts in this country!

@Ontheverge - your question may tick off some LIU parents! But I can see the concern. What I can say is it’s a newer program that has lots of fans, is well located but has some issues with facilities and academics. I think they accept talented students but have a relatively low yield rate since many of their accepted students end up choosing more established or better-funded programs. Most of the kids from the class of 2022 who attend LIU are very happy with their choice so I wouldn’t be scared away by the fact that they don’t only offer acceptances to students who will for sure attend (see the Webster discussion).

@Ontheverge This is either a mistake or more than likely the school knows from past years that they need to make a high amount of offers to yield a certain class size - this happens when a school is not most applicants first choice - so they know for every let’s say 10 offers they will only get one enrollment - if they are aiming for a class size of 20 that would be 200 acceptances - so that would seem like a lot, and if you live in the general area of Long Island you are more than likely to know a lot of people that got in.

Thank you - when you break it down like that, it makes sense. We are definitely not from the Long Island area which again, is why it seemed so strange - also, the emails vs. snail mail seems odd but nothing in this process seems to be standard or normal and if it starts to be predictable, it seems like they change it up! Anyway, it will be interesting to see it all play out. I know some students are going to thrive and have a great experience training at LIU Post! Most of the comments I have seen from students have been very positive.

Did anybody else hear nothing from Indiana? On my portal under “academic plan” it says Musical Theatre BFA, but I have received no communication… thoughts?

@bwguy979 we have had no updates from Indiana or Temple which supposedly made updates this week.

I’m late to this thread - so much great info that I wish I had read last year but I don’t believe it would make a difference other than making me smarter about what to expect.

We are at the end of the process. D had 21 schools on her contact either by pre-screen submission, college app or by on-campus audition. She did NY Unifieds and NTDA in addition to the on-campus auditions. She handled all of this herself other than my help with the pre-screen filming and of course the travel.

It has been NO on all. Still waiting to hear from the last 2 but expecting a NO.

She got great scholarships from 3 schools based on her academics. She is very smart (always been in AP/Honors) but has no interest in going to a school just for academics.

D can’t talk about it without screaming at us. It is very sad. She won’t consider anything else so not sure what will happen over the next couple of months to graduation. Everyone else here seems to have realistic children who actually listen to you.

@bwguy979 No updates for us, either.

These have been my hourly rituals everyday ; checking all the school portals we applied for any updates, refreshing CC MT threads and our email as often as possible (even at work). Refresh…Refresh…Refresh…

Same, we haven’t heard a peep or seen any change in the portal from IU. We don’t know anyone who got any notifications, either – just the posts here.

I think IU portal is only about academic acceptance. MT acceptance should be from the MT department (acceptance by email).

@LinnyLou That’s tough to hear. I feel for you and your daughter. This is a ridiculously hard and selective process and career. We have no acceptances right now, 2 waitlist, and no rejections out 10 audition schools. If she isn’t accepted into a BFA program, will she consider a BA program for musical theater? Our back up plan is BA in MT at the least expensive most academically challenging school.

LIU-POST does cast a huge net, but also accepts a large number into their program. The school has been pushing them for increased enrollment. '22 (my D class) still has around 40 students and '23 has almost 80. This includes MT and acting they all train together.
Despite the large number of students my daughter is pleased with the personalized training she receives and as a dancer first she is able to take dance classes on level with the dance majors

Oh @LinnyLou - I feel for you.

Your D may be a good candidate for a gap year, where she just takes the next 6 months to prepare better for auditions by training and getting her material perfect. Everyone I know of who has sucked it up and done that thinks it was the best possible choice but I can see how disappointing contemplating that option is for someone who wants to start school in September.

Oh @LinnyLou My heart breaks for your D and you both. That sounds very stressful and sad. Perhaps now she just needs a shoulder, no advice and let her get her emotions out. Ask her, how can I help you right now? She is not going to hear any unsolicited advice in this state! And she probably is experiencing a huge range of emotions that are hard for anyone to process. Let her throw a big pity party but put a clock on it.

I don’t know how you feel about her going into this tough field but my D and I were clear from the start that if this wasn’t the path for her than she would have to make her own way. It’s a good way to hold themselves accountable lest they think they’ll be plucked from obscurity and became famous without grinding for a good while. My only requirement was that she find ways to make a living and get a degree in the process.

@LinnyLou I’m so sorry for what your daughter is going through and understand how hard it is to be the parent in that situation. My kids are very different people. My oldest daughter (not in musical theatre) would have been very, very hard to help through this process as she is very independent and very private with her hopes and doubts and frustrations. My middle daughter (currently in a musical theatre program) is the complete opposite and was so open to my advice and my help. My son, now currently in this year’s auditions processes had the benefit of learning from his sister that he needs my help through this, even though he is also very, very private.

My daughter actually went through the audition process twice because the first year we had no idea what we were doing. She felt like if she were to take a gap year and re-audition, learning from the process, that she would have much better results. And it was really a great decision.

Your daughter is probably really emotionally raw from the expectations she has placed on herself. It was terribly heartbreaking to watch my daughter go through that. Hugs to you both.

I’m so sorry @LinnyLou . This process sucks. We have no yeses yet but have academic backups so if nothing works out I know my d will still be ok. It must be a horrible feeling to be 100% committed to being in a BFA program and have nothing panning out. I hope that one of the two unknowns become a yes. She only needs one to be a yes! But if not, I agree that I have seen kids take gap years and it has always worked out well.

@MuddlingThru22 Thank you for your reply. That is good to know that they are expanding the program and about the dance. That was one of my kid’s concerns. Did not feel like there was enough of a dance requirement but that is helpful to know dance is available to those who want to train in that area. Also helpful to understand what their target is and the reason they would cast such a large net with a class of that size, they would need a large number of offers go out to get that yield.

@LinnyLou - Any chance she could throw some last minute videos out to some schools I know there are some still accepting video auditions or that still have auditions scheduled? I know there are a few out there that are still auditioning? I have heard of people having some success late in the audition cycle.

@LinnyLou That is so hard, I’m sorry. Lots of good advice from those who responded,
and FYI Think that I heard Western Michigan University still has application and auditions until March 15.