The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Hi I replied below - my D is at BU class of 2024 - feel free to DM and I can put her in touch with your D

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Ugh; Iā€™m sorry. My daughterā€™s bestie also had to choose a program sight unseen last year, and she loves it. Fortunately, that wasnā€™t the case for us, but it was for many last year. She was just one of the lucky ones . My D is at Belmont and the MT Class of 2024 has their own Instagram account (bumt2024). Theyā€™ve all been taking turns doing IG Takeovers posting stories showing them in class, at rehearsals, at dinner, etcā€¦ as well as ā€œAsk me Questionsā€ posts. I know both the IGs for Belmont (belmontu) and The College of Music and Performing Arts (belmontcmpa) have also been having student takeover days. On the Class of 2024 account there is a post for each current student with their picture, a brief bio, and personal IG account info. My D said sheā€™s received and responded to DMs from several prospective students; all the kids have. Iā€™m guessing most of the schools are doing this if not something similar, so maybe your student can find something on the social media pages of the schools they are considering? Best of luck!!

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Happy Passover to you! Thank you for all you have done for me and for the families of '25 this year on the board!


@dharmawins --thanks same to you

had my matzoh Brei this morning :slight_smile:



I can assure you that the children of famous folks also receive rejections. And if they are admitted to a ā€œlotteryā€ program, it IS because they have the commensurate talent. That truly does not = nepotism.


Does anyone have any insight into SCAD?

D was admitted to SCAD last yr. We got to see it prior to Covid. Very strong acting program. Didnā€™t have a full MT program which is why D chose another school. I believe they have a music minor with an MT concentration. From an acting standpoint, very impressive. Facilities are very solid and they have a professional talent agency on campus (thatā€™s headed up by a woman who was the casting head at CBS Primetime for about 10 yrs - so imagine the contacts). Their students get work. Have a sister campus in Atlanta where a ton of film work is done. Savanah is a great town. Artsy, foody, pubs, history, etc.

The new freshmen dorm area was great. Brand new facilities. Huge rooms, suite style. Kind of set up in itā€™s own little village with a dining hall, gym, etc.

I think a big draw to SCAD is essentially the whole school is involved in art. Pretty cool environment for a creative kid to explore lots of things.

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This is such a perfect description of the process. Hang in there everyone , this is brutal.

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Re Boulder mt: on Friday 3/26 my d received waitlist notification after hearing nothing for weeks after acceptances went out. The comical part of this is that it states if she is interested in remaining on the waitlist, she should respond by 3/15 which had long pastā€¦ just wondering if anyone else was waitlisted there and when they heard. She had already ruled out that program but I just find the communication from some schools to be ridiculous.

(re: Boulder) My D got an email from the director of the MT program on 2/26 offering her acceptance. There was no update in the portal or email from the school. In fact her portal shows sheā€™s accepted to the school but still nothing about MT. I wonder if an earlier email to your D got lost? In any case I agree that communication could be better, and the portal should reflect the program acceptance!

My Daughter got the same email on Friday (CU Boulder MT WL). She also noticed the date and we laughed about. Her communication with this school has been a little weird anyway

Wow, I cannot wait for 3/31 - decision day for NYU and our last outstanding decision (other than the waitlists). Whether itā€™s a yes or a no, Iā€™m looking forward to finally having all the options on the table so that we can make a decision!


Same happened to us but my dd got the email on March 20 I believe. She declined the WL offer because she has other schools that sheā€™s very interested in that came in a while ago. I donā€™t think they did themselves many favors by the lack of communication and everything coming out so late in the game! My daughter auditioned in October! But the campus is beautiful and my daughter really did love them during auditions way back in October.

WOA!! I beg to differ !! MT kids and their parents definitely donā€™t have the corner market on the how hard and stressful this process is. Not by a long shot. Just had to get that off my chest!! My instrumental kid and I were on the road EVERY weekā€¦ from November until Marchā€¦ EVERY. Single. Week. with auditions, and lessons and just to put what you just said in perspective. And yesā€¦ you can say maybe the process in MT is more brutal, but the mental aspect, no different. Been holding my tongue, ( on a LOT ) but couldnā€™t let that one slide. OKā€¦ carry on. :wink: Thatā€™s what I get for reading my favorite thread overnight. while I was working. Also to put this in perspective, I came on this thread when I (or my son) was stressed about the process ( AND I HAD an MT niece) so that we could de-stress a bit and have anā€¦ ā€œMan, I though WE had it bad momentā€.

Folks, your students will bloom where they are planted. THATā€™S a promise you can take to the bank ! So where was Iā€¦ I HATE this new forum format sooooo much.

I also wanted to comment on someone who had a question about PPUā€¦ but this crazy forum format is not allowing me to find that. My son has an MT friend over there and from conversations, thereā€™s a LOT of cross over opportunities. In general, almost ALL the universities in Pittsburgh have a somewhat incestuous relationship with each other. :wink: This is a good thing and one of the reasons he LOVES Pittsburgh. He actually has a PPU instrumentalist in one of his ensembles and he was going to be in the Marching Band at Pitt. Not really MT related but just to give you an idea of how things are around there between the different universities. And Pittsburgh is a FABULOUS city. And whoeverā€™s daughter is at PPU already from Texas, my son is the same way. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll stay in that city after graduation and wonā€™t want to come back home. Iā€™m OK with that. Maybe Iā€™ll move there myself :blush: I just LOVE that cityā€™s vibes. Anyhooā€¦ Back to your regularly scheduled programs.

CONGRATS on all the acceptances. IF this format was better, Iā€™d offer some input on what I know from the process instead of just lurking, but alasā€¦ itā€™s the way it is so I just read. Know that Iā€™ve been cheering your kids on. And absolutely, you need the wisdom of the oldies (not me, but those MT Moms and Dads of years past!) . OKā€¦ until April 1st, maybeā€¦ Slinking back into my lurk !

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I clearly wasnā€™t referring to any of the arts kids. Of course, they all have been through this rigorous process. I was comparing the proceess for strictly academic students as compared to students who have extra hoops to jump through to apply for their academic, artistic, athletic pursuits etc. With each added layer comes additional stress. Wishing all kids regardless of their endeavors the best.


Not sure that was really "clearā€™ when all you said was ā€œparents of non-MT kidsā€ ( instrumental kids are definitely non-MT, though they make great friends) but I appreciate you clarifying that. See what I did thereā€¦? OKā€¦ I clearly need to get to bed. Thanks for the response. My feathers are back to being unruffled :wink:



@DivaStageMom in the house! This gang of miscreants tagged me out of obscurity as well. Glad to have the 2024 band back together. I miss you guys!


@BenniesMom1 @Twelfthman Ditto on hating the new forum format. I would be on more often if they hadnā€™t changed things!