The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Waitlist at Syracuse


congratulations, lots of those going around today!!!


congrats on all the acceptances &

congrats on the waitlists-so you are saying theres a chance!

I suspect as others have mentioned that with the " ease" of applying via remote people applied to many more schools and there will be much WL movement
not implying that this year’s process was easy, before I get yelled at, just suspect the lack of travel enabled people to apply to more schools than in the past.

anyway we got WL movement from Ball state in early April & BW in Late April, we withdrew from IU & UA before hearing back from them
hang in there a waitlist is not a bad thing!!


She will love it! Reach out if you have any questions!

(NYU Steinhardt) if your d was accepted or WL, some kids made a Facebook page so the kids can start connecting - NYU Steinhardt 2025”


My S is deciding between the MT BFA programs at USC and Syracuse. We feel so fortunate to be in this position and were wondering if anyone else is in this boat or previously was. Would love your thoughts. Thanks!


Be sure your d joins the kids FB group for accepted and WL students! NYU Steinhardt 2025!


My D has been trying to decide between two (now three) BFA acting programs and attending the admitted student events (i.e. seeing/meeting the kids who would be in her class) and attending classes online has helped a lot. Also, for what it’s worth, the MT program at USC is brand new – in it’s second year, I believe. I LOVE the director – he seems like an incredible guy. Syracuse has a longer track record, but I would imagine that USC’s program is amazing! Also, cold weather/snow v. LA. There is that!!!


[Syracuse] There are several virtual Zoom meetings set up for Admitted students (MT & Acting only one tonight). Plus a parents meeting for Drama parents only next week. I’m blown away by the questions these kids are asking and how open the current students and faulty are being. They are recording the general sessions, but each event we’ve attended has another live event coming up. If you haven’t already, have your kiddo set up a Parent Proxy account for you. You will have access to financial aid, housing and virtual events. While I am not familiar with USC (we only applied as far west as Michigan-lol) I love southern Cali! Again congrats and best of luck with your decision. :tangerine::tangerine::blue_heart:


My daughter applied at those same programs. She came close to USC but did not make it and was WL at Syracuse but she would have chosen USC over Syracuse in a nanosecond.


Anyone received honors college invites or merit from Rutgers Mason Gross?

(Syracuse) My son is attending tonight’s session. Looking forward to it! Can you send me the parent meeting info?


Just DM’d you! :tangerine:

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@Ermom2 @Mamacitateatro Congrats! And Congrats to all of the parents here, because I know you have great kids no matter where they attend. I am lurking here – daughter is just a high school sophomore, but will be doing Tisch MT Summer High School program this summer. It’s virtual, sadly, but she is very excited for this opportunity. If any of you whose child was accepted to any Steinhardt or Tisch program, would love to chat if you can DM me


[Syracuse] My son did last night’s meet & greet zoom and thought it was great. The current students and faculty were warm, friendly, and informative. He’s going to have a private zoom with a prof on Monday to get some more questions answered. He even learned he can contact admissions to arrange to observe an acting class which he plans to do next week. There are no in-person tours but we plan to check out campus next weekend. In addition to about a bazillion info zooms!


My DD had the same type of message from NYU two years ago. She is currently a sophomore there in Vocal Performance and is very much enjoying the program!


[Syracuse] DS was there too! It’s good to know about observing an actual class. So jealous you all get to visit, it is a beautiful campus. Can’t wait to hear what you think🍊


We toured both USC and Syracuse three years ago. The drama facilities at USC were just all right, kind of felt like they were in the shadows of the ver prestigious film school and the football stadium. On the plus side, they did a very impressive info session. And all those budding film directors need actors for their projects! The MT BFA was tabled until 2019/20, which took it off the board for my D. Haven’t heard much about it since, but I am sure it will be successful. Syracuse would have been my D’s choice, but that was a “no.”


Looking for advice please!

Which program/school would you choose:

NYU BFA Acting or USC (LA) BA Theatre?

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Without knowing what motivates (and demotivates) your child, it is hard to answer the question.

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