The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Ummm…I t think we’re down to “9” :laughing:including waitlists!! But we are visiting at least 6 before 5/1…one top WL, the other’s full acceptances. I’m feeling so much better, but SO much could still shift/happen!! UGH!!

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I’m finding that some programs are facilitating visiting facilities and having face-to-face and / or virtual observation of classes, while other programs are not; it’s a very mixed bag. I’m guessing regarding face-to-face options, local health care officials are “handcuffing” (and by that I mean limiting options in) certain parts of the country but not others?

Anyway, my daughter finds school administration-sponsored zoom meetings informative and interesting but not as helpful in assessing any new differences among programs (at least not so far) because they’re primarily a sales pitch, the schools conveying what they want to. As a result, my daughter is interacting more with current and prospective students to arrive at opinions concerning programs and what may be a better fit for her.

In cases where there is not even a virtual option to observe a class and visits are discouraged, how are the young artists you know deciding on one program over another if they’re fortunate enough to have two or more offers to their liking?

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Unfortunately that is how we eliminated 1. No contact now does not represent good contact later. Going with… actions speak louder than words. Only way to make these quick and hard decisions. Do feel very fortunate that we have options to select from.


Yes, out of two of our BFA acceptances that are similar, one is probably more prestigious, but the other has much better communication and offers of meeting current students and take virtual classes…Director communicating with her. The other has been crickets. She joined the accepted group on fb and likes everyone, but has no connection to the school yet.

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After talking to some current students at a prestigious school it was interesting to hear about how poor the communication has been throughout Covid and how ill prepared the school has been as compared to other schools that have been better equipped. It made us pause when considering the school and might be food for thought. It seems that they haven’t communicated any thoughts about the Fall yet either. I know things change, but some general goals would be helpful.


We eliminated one that way as well. Hardly any communication before or after the audition. Kind of weird when all of the other programs had an almost annoying amount of emails and mailings! LOL

My D is down to a top 3 and we have been able to visit all 3, luckily! Of course, the one she likes the most is the most expensive. She had a zoom call with the head of that program yesterday that went very well and today, we have a zoom with her academic counselor at that school to discuss the financial side. If we can get just a little more scholarship/financial aid, her decision will be made!

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We have a financial aid question out to his final choice. Regardless of the answer, we are ready to put the deposit down this weekend. He’s released all school except 2 which will happen in the next couple of days. I didn’t realize how hard the releases would be - even the academic ones.


So excited to have my DD come home from colorado and tell me what she’s thinking. My mom gut has a strong sense that she’s close to committing. Oh please please please, LOL!!!


OK…just shared in another group. Starting to narrow things down. Just let go two spots (boys) at JMU, Oakland, Millikin, Alabama, Ohio and Rider. SO sad- as each program has amazing qualities!! Hopefully waitlist movement will pick up!!


Anyone know if there is an actual page that lists what colleges people have released? Looking to feed my anxiety!

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Saw some questions about Syracuse WL… I know someone on the Syracuse Acting WL last year who was offered a spot in early August.

Are you on MT parents FB page? People don’t always post WL releases but they sometimes do

Yes, I am on the FB page. But very few people have been posting releases lately. Thought maybe there was something along those lines here. The whole deposit thing is freaking me out. We really cant afford to just throw away a few hundred dollars by putting down a nonrefundable deposit and just walk away based on a waitlist decision. But I would be willing to gamble if there was any hope of some movement before May 1. LOL

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Haha! Yeah, we wont be waiting that long. Its still a few weeks before May 1 so we are keeping our fingers crossed we hear something(either way!!) by then. We know where she will be going if she doesnt make it off the waitlist at least. We just need that one final piece before we can commit!

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If your child is on Elle Woods the kids are posting what they are releasing very regularly


She is on there! She hasnt mentioned anything. I will have to ask!

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My son said there is a thread where they post acceptances and where they are withdrawing, it seems to be pretty active! Good luck!

I just created a new topic and asked the Admins to pin it. Hopefully it will get some traction here.:performing_arts:

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Thank you!!!