The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Hi @mom26mt - he’s not in the MT studio so I can’t speak very well to that. He has several friends in NSB, it’s a top-notch program. They weren’t too happy about zoom ballet earlier this year but I think some of those classes may be blended now and the point will (hopefully) be moot next year. Unfortunately, that’s all I know. Oh, and if you’re in NSB your voice lessons are with those Tisch teachers. If you’re in another studio you can take voice with teachers at Tisch or at Steinhardt. If that helps. I’m tagging @CaMom13 , who is an NSB parent, in hopes that you can get a better picture.


Thanks @tsamuique - not sure what to answer but if anyone wants feedback on NSB from a junior parent, I’m glad to be helpful. I’m not on CC regularly but tag me and I’ll reply. Cheers!

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Any parents of Rider or Ithaca students out there?! Would love some perspective.

I don’t think we’d call this fun, really. Lol. She auditioned for and got into both Acting and MT programs and is now trying to hone in on what is really the best fit for her.

#1 choice (acting) is by far the worst financial option (we are filing an appeal). 2 waitlists (both mt) rank high and might be best financial options if they work out, along with 2 other strong acting acceptances. 3 MT and 1 acting acceptance have been pretty much eliminated.

So looks like it’s down to 5- 2 MT waitlist, 1 Acting (bad financial aid), and 2 other Acting- one nearer to home, one nyc (the only one she’s toured.) I wish a. That we had at least one genuinely good financial option b. that we could visit more schools, and c. that we had more time to make this decision.

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D was just offered a spot off the waitlist at Cal Poly SLO as a theatre major. While it’s probably the 3rd toughest state university in CA to get in the theatre program isn’t on par with UCSD. Spent a few hours walking around UCSD today and we loved it. Looking like that’s gonna be it unless NYU Tisch comes calling off the waitlist


Which do you think the order of toughest for CA Theater majors are? - just curious :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m the parent of an Ithaca freshman MT. Feel free to PM me with any questions you have.

Great news for her! Fingers crossed for NYU, but yay on having fantastic options!


My daughter and I just got back from Rider two days ago. We absolutely loved it and she has now committed to Rider, BFA MT. Let me know if I can answer any questions or direct you to someone who can. The current students and their parents have been super helpful to us.


Very good. Can I call you later tonight?

Just saw your post! I am so glad you had good time walking around campus at UCSD. We plan on visiting LMU and UCSD next weekend. Was UCSD campus pretty open? It sounds like it was?

Yes open to walk around. Can visit bookstore, some dining options and walk all around. Plan on wearing masks the whole time and wear comfy shoes as it’s a nice size campus

Here’s a tip. Follow signs to Covid-19 vaccine parking. Hopkins parking structure. Just pull in and park. No one will ask questions. That way you can park free in middle of the campus without worrying about getting ticketed

there are a whole bunch of theatres on campus. At least five or six

anyone reached their final decision yet!!!??

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Lol, nope. Still holding out for a waitlist. She has not narrowed down between acceptances yet, but is at least auditing a class tomorrow.

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Nothing here either, and the coveted waitlist school just tantalizingly out of reach with almost zero hope of a pre-May 1st call. Sigh.

Trying to remain sane by reminding myself that I am not the person going away to college next fall and that I can barely decide what to buy for dinner these days, so where to commit spending the next four years is pretty overwhelming even in the best of times, which this isn’t.

At least there is a firm deadline - 19 days go to! :rofl:


Hello everyone! I have posted on this thread here and there throughout this process and just wanted to thank everyone for all of the insight. I’m an international student in a place where I am the only one auditioning for drama school. It was so nice to have this forum to feel less alone during the whole thing! I am happy and proud to say that after weighing out my options it is looking like I will be attending NYU Tisch for an acting BFA! I am wishing everyone the best of luck, and once again, thank you all for sharing your stories and support all throughout :grin:


Same here - narrowed it down to 2 schools and she will commit to one of those by 5/1. But really this is about waiting on the waitlist, which has her 2 dream schools (of course it does). Hang in there everyone!


Although my S is acting not MT I have really appreciated this group! He made his final decision today and will be attending UNCSA. Thank you all for the insight into the process!



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@dramastudent25 Congratulations! Have a wonderful four years at NYU Tisch.

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