The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

DD is an even split between which she wants more- MT or Acting, also, where she wants to be- Boston (close to home, great, familiar theatre scene) or NY (It’s New York). For me, it’s weighing all of that along with the cost vs. value. She had several MT and Drama acceptances she’s already eliminated. After some harrowing narrowing we are currently here:

A. BoCo Contemporary Drama acceptance- Her top choice drama program that she is absolutely in love with. Gave us no aid and we can’t swing it. Hoping for a magical FA appeal.
B. (Probably tied with A) Waitlist at Molloy/CAP21. She connects to the program and the school. Could potentially have decent financial aid, considering her strong academics, but they don’t release details to WL students.
C. Emerson Theatre and Performance/Acting acceptance- such a great option, still too much money, but less than BoCo. She has friends that go there that are happy, but she doesn’t seem to be feeling it for whatever reason.
D. Marymount Manhattan MT waitlist. I think the program is bigger than she wants, but the college is rewarding her strong academics, with a presidential scholarship making it the most affordable option by a lot.

So, 2 drama programs in Boston- one she loves but can’t afford, one she appreciates but doesn’t love (and that is still a lot of money) and 2 MT waitlists in NY. 19 days until May 1, and still no idea what’s going to happen!

Anyone else still undecided? How are you all doing?

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@starbuck71 oh my goodness!! that is a lot to navigate!!

my dd was on the mmm wait list but decided it was too urban for her. so that was an easy release. she found her sweet spot happy medium with wagner, where she is right next to the city and just a ferry ride away, but still at a cozy tree lined campus.

only other wl she hasn’t released is syracuse. because, well, it’s syracuse. should that be an option she will consider it. but if not she has settled on her new home , wagner college. she will be a vocal performance major and either w dance or theater studies minor.

i guess you have to meditate a lot and just see what happens in the next 18 days. do keep us posted!!!


omg that should say new HOME not new joke!! jeez

Pretty much in the same boat here. I will spare some of the details in the interest of not annoying my daughter lol. But basically the same conundrum: the favorite is also BoCo ($$$!) and the second favorite is awesome with very generous scholarships… but…

We’ll visit both faves (I guess just lurk around the buildings?) and hope for a new decision on the FinAid. But I have a feeling we’ll be working on this until 11:59 on April 30th…

Also on some waitlists. One of them is Emerson, so not likely to solve the money issue, as you said. The other two are super small programs so we really can’t count those eggs as chickens yet.

I do remember a similar amount of angst with my oldest kid but the CoA’s were much less disparate, so the decision was more on him than on us. (the middle kid just made his decision immediately and packed his bags :slight_smile: go figure.)

Edited to add: that my D is all Acting (not MT)

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starbuck71 If BoCo doesn’t come back with an offer that works for you, it sounds as her preferrence is Molloy and then MMC if she got off their waitlists? And Emerson is her fallback option if nothing springs?

We are officially done! I have a Slice! We paid the deposit to Syracuse on Friday!:tangerine: Waiting for “approval” from him on my Final Decision post.:roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: So grateful to my fellow '25ers for the support and the BTDTs that help navigate us through what was - according to my son - "arguably the strangest college audition process in recent history. . .":performing_arts:



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Yahoooo! That’s fantastic! Congrats! I’m super excited for you both!

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Congrats !! Welcome to the Orange family :orange_heart::orange_heart::tangerine::tangerine::blue_heart::blue_heart:

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Thanks everyone! What an adventure!

@dramamama3 - Big hug for answering all of my questions! :kissing_heart:

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Down to 9 …with only a few weeks of deliberation left. :flushed: :flushed:
Open to feedback on any of the following MT programs -
Marymount, Pace, Emerson or Point Park.
The good, the bad, the beautiful, the pros, the cons!
We are having a hell of a time narrowing choices down.

Have you toured Point Park? It is not particularly campus like if that is important to you. It is in downtown Pittsburgh. The campus is a few highrise buildings in a close grouping indistiguishable from the rest of downtown. Classes and dorms are in the same buildings. Its more of a vertical campus. Downtown Pittsburgh is pretty amazing (which surprised me). It was clear from the comments from our tour guides (not MT people) that the students freely utilize the resources of the city. Downtown Pittsburgh is not what I would call a super commerce part of the city. There are not a million people walking every which way like Boston or NYC. It felt like the general population of the city may have jobs downtown but they live elsewhere. Completely different vibe than NYC or Boston. We visited during covid but there were a good number of students around and they seemed. . . content. Not cheerleader chirpy or super frantic. Just normal. Maybe a bit more serious and mature than your average college student. If you don’t get any other feedback that is more specific on Point Park, feel free to message me and I will give you more of my impressions.

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In regards to Pace, go to the Pace student Instagram page See Our Truths and listen to the students who speak to their personal experiences of systematic racism by staff and administration. The students have created a community organization to eliminate the racism and demand for inclusive positive, thriving teaching/learning environment.


I would just add that even white people should watch this before committing to Pace. If you are going to ask students questions about it, ask students other than Freshmen, because even at its worst, most students did not feel the problem until after freshman year. (it took hours of watching for me to note that trend) So you really want to know how the older students view the changes, if any, that have occurred.


Thank you for your reply. I have watched, listened and read the statements by the students. Also Googled for more information and articles. I believe it is important information to gather, in order to have a well rounded college decision and for sure ask questions.

(PACE) Are there any BTDT folks that have upperclassman at Pace MT? My son is attending a virtual event tonight and plans on asking the moderators if he can be connected with upperclass BIPOC MT students. I really want to know if the changes are meaningful or just performative.


(Point Park) We did tour and noticed there were not a ton of people around. It was hard to tell if covid played a role in that. But, now that you mention it, it did feel different than Emerson or Marymount. We have not yet visited Pace but I would think it might feel similar to Point Park, being in the financial district. I feel that all 4 schools(Point, Emerson, Marymount and Pace) don’t have a “campus” and are, as you said, “a few high-rise buildings…indistinguisable from the rest” of the city.

We would love to know this too. My daughter is waitlisted, but has really ruled it out (and did so months ago) because of the controversy.

My son loved Emerson’s program and the thought of being in Boston was exciting. Sadly, he applied very late to Emerson, due to he discovered this program after his original college list and applications were sent, which led to an almost last day audition. He did not get in. He just committed to a great BFA Acting program and is happy.

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(Pace) My son is biracial(I am white, my husband is black). I am concerned about the Pace See Our Truthes videos (as well as the stories that have surfaced from other MT/Drama programs). My son feels he might rather be in a school where the racism has been revealed and may be actively addressed. As a mom, I am conflicted. My son virtually sat in on a class that he LOVED.