The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

This is the problem, is it better that it’s revealed and therefore being addressed? Is it really being addressed? It’s hard to really know. My daughter was disturbed by the videos early on and just said she didn’t know how she can go there “in good conscience.” I really don’t know how to advise her except to support however she feels. It’s just crazy because it was on the list for years…


The main video to watch (IMO) is the one that details the university response to their campaign. As recently as December the students were still being gaslit and shut out, so I am not sure meaningful change has happened. Worth noting, is that one student’s (Cindy) story includes the story of her transfer from Emerson for the same reasons and if you google her name you can read an essay she wrote about racism at Emerson. That obviously highlights the fact that most programs have systemic issues, but some pretty egregious things happened at Pace and Emerson. Many professors that the videos discuss are still there and still influential.


I have read Cindy’s essay and also saw she was part of the Pace protests (speaking at one of them that I watched on video). I have not seen the video that details the university response - can you point me in the right direction?

Watch the ones titled, “Movement Report” There are three videos that detail the how the university reacted and actions they took in response to the students organizing.

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Double-check to see if there are any virtual Admitted BIPOC Students Zoom meetings. Syracuse specifically scheduled one for the Department of Drama that my son attended. I am not sure if prospective white students understand that they can - and should -attend these meetings. It was a very honest discussion which at times made it an uncomfortable one.

As a black mom, I specifically sought out the black students at every campus visit. At SU the students were very forthcoming about the issues at the school and the MT industry. They also felt that SU_Drama was listening, but still tone-deaf in certain areas. It took 2020 to push everyone into action. In the virtual meeting last week they outlined the progress which included removing some faculty, setting up peer boards/reps, adding black playwright material to the syllabus, and continuing to keep the channels of communication open. The freshman on the panel felt they had their voice and could use it.

If there aren’t Zoom meetings scheduled have him reach out to current BIPOC students or professors. Feel free to DM me if you have any specific questions. And remember, we have to trust them to listen to his gut. He will find his way - his parents have prepared him.:blue_heart:


Thank you very much!

My son was at Syracuse’s BIPOC zoom Sunday:) :blue_heart:


Where you all by chance driving? If so he had the best questions! (I was totally ease-dropping from the kitchen :joy: )

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Lol, yes! We were on our way home from an insane driving spring break - Point Park to Millikin to SEMO to Oklahoma City to TCU and then home to NJ🤪


indigo790 here is another take on the situation at Pace. After watching all the videos in earnest (and so heartbroken for all of those kids and others), and seeing many BIPOC pro performers talk about the treatment they’ve endured - I think part of something to consider is it seems the program took their casting and opportunities as a way to reflect how the system works (and was often the rationale or excuse when confronted). Sure we want our kids to learn how the industry works, but to simply replicate it (and the worst of it) is not why I send my kid to 4 years of training . They are still young and college is ALSO a crucial time to grow up and develop as people and artists. I want my kid in a program that nurtures their artistry and enables them to develop so when they go out they can deal with the good, bad and ugly. Also I got the sense the early interaction with pros and reputational carrot/stick was part of the toxicity going on.


re: Pace videos: what upset me along with the racism of course was the utter lack of boundaries between faculty and students. The faculty knew everything about the students, AND tried to interfere, for example, in one case to make the person come out as “gay by May.” NO THANK YOU!!!


Agree! I thought the same thing about the lack of boundaries between faculty and students. Dysfunctional and toxic environment.


Which video in particular had the “gay by May” reference? That is insane! I did not catch that when watching them.
I will also say that I saw a video that had been posted by a freshman during their orientation meeting on his social media (fall 19). It involved chanting about “your safe here now” etc. It referenced being outsiders in high school but now you are free to be yourselves kind of stuff. Many kids were cheering and chanting back but I noticed there were a few kids in the audience who were just sitting there. It seemed aggressive for an orientation that’s all. Didn’t sway my kid from auditioning that year at all but as a mom… seemed kind of intimidating. I would add that I always thought (bc of that snippet of video?) that the program seemed very inclusive and progressive (Les Miz switched out genders- 3 years ago!) but I guess you don’t know until you are actually in a program.

Congratulations! My son is a freshman there and loves it. Happy to answer questions. Let us know where you land when you learn your studio placement!


I can’t find the account now, what is the name?
It was a young Black man speaking. It is his story to tell not mine, but if you remind me of the account I may be able to identify it. But it was awful. And that chanting is just downright cult like and creepy and fits with the lack of boundaries, to me, and IMHO!!!

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Instagram Page or YouTube: See Our Truths
Episode 7-Brandon’s Truth
-the disturbing situation he was put in by a head faculty member is awful and definitely lacks boundaries. Yes, his story to tell.

Do you mean that your son is at Pace as a rising sophomore?

Do you mean that your son is part of the PACE accepted class of 2025?

No, my son is at Tisch. I clearly missed an entire conversation on this thread about Pace - I was responding to a senior who just committed to Tisch. Sorry, I can’t speak to Pace!

Thanks. My son has a friend at Tisch. Great school !