The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

No CAP here, even though our daughter uses Dave Clemmons as a coach. She likes the format of Moonifieds better and through our local theater she can do them with out using Mary Anna as a coach.

Two of my kids attended CAP last year and had a great experience. With everything (for now) going virtual, we don’t know how any of this is going to go. I think more opportunities, the better this year! :smile:

Hi, folks!

Shooting prescreens for a few schools this week (all contemporary monologues for these). Many of the ones on my list are either straight to audition or have December/January deadlines so I’ll be working on those monologues for longer.

Any tips are appreciated! Lessons learned, things that you feel helped make the day go smoother, etc.

Thanks and good luck to all!


Does anybody know how strict Syracuse is with the time limit? I was about to submit my prescreen when I realized my best take is 96 seconds long (they ask for under 90). I could use a slightly shorter take, but the 96 sec one is really noticeably better.


Does anyone know when Oklahoma City auditions open?

Hey everyone! just wanted to give a heads up that Baldwin Wallace auditions are filling up super fast so to schedule ASAP if that’s on your list

@sparklyunicorn36 - S got an email saying they will open on Nov 2. They’ve updated the website and will be accepting audition videos through Acceptd with an interview scheduled at a later date.

@sparklyunicorn36 Oklahoma City sent an email out this week saying their website is now updated with current Audition information. I believe they have extended application deadline for MT until February 1, 2021.

Prescreen question! For the full length monologue video, there’s a lot of stuff showing on the side of the backdrop. Nothing crazy distracting, but a desk on one side and the door on the other. Do we submit as is or use one of those apps that can crop the video? It seems like some quality is lost when we use the cropping app. Not sure if there’s a better one out there. Suggestions?

@SoMuchDrama I would crop it, as long as you can crop it while still getting the shot you’re going for (don’t crop out a lot of the body, make sure it’s still landscape). Quality doesn’t have to be amazing, everyone I’ve spoken to agrees that clear audio and a solid video where the performance comes through is enough.

Thank you! My D actually figured out that if you crop it in the iPhone, it keeps the quality. First she tried iMovie, but the quality was pretty bad!

We experienced a down today followed by a huge up 3 hours later. We heard from Coastal about prescreen, and they said no. However just a few minutes ago he got an email from Dean College, they updated his portal, went in and he was accepted both Academically and Artistically with a very generous 4-year scholarship!! He feels so much better now and validated that he’s on the right path.

@Sonnie323 Congrats on the Dean YES, as we know its a roller coaster, but a yes in the books before Thanksgiving is a hugely positive step in this long brutally arduous process.

Oh my goodness, yesterday was certainly a rollercoaster ?ride of a day. We had our first down when he got a No for Coastal Carolina’s prescreen, then a HUGE high with and acceptance to Dean College, then another down when we heard from his first acceptance IUP that they are no longer going to carry the Musical Theater department staring next year, then another hit when Western Connecticut gave him a re-direct to their BA program, it was worded nicely and they still can audition for all musicals, so we are anxiously awaiting today’s results.
Good Luck? to everyone on this long journey!! As I tell my son, it’s a marathon, not a sprint…he’s a runner so he appreciates that.

@Sonnie323 Just a day in the life of an aspiring artist. Not for the faint of heart for sure. Good luck to all of you! Most will find a really good home. It’s just getting to the end that’s a killer grind.

@rickle1 and @NYYFanNowMTdad Thank you both. I followed your journey’s this time last year and I know the ride we are on is just beginning. Thank you for sharing and cheering. Very excited to have Yes from one place before Turkey day!!

Congrats to your son @Sonnie323. An early acceptance is awesome!

Thank you @Twelfthman !!

anyone else have a larger-than-usual list due to Covid? So nervous many 2024 kids deferring means less spots for this year!

@Sonnie323 congrats on Dean! It’s such a weight of of your shoulders with an early acceptance.