The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Heard through the grapevine that Point Park and Chapman prescreen news is starting to trickle in!

im desperately awaiting point park! it seems they havenā€™t sent out any news so i may be waiting a bit due to submission on 10/26

@kmwah1 I am a last year parent and I know of only one kid who actually deferred a year so in our large circle that we know, it was very uncommon.

@MTMom2024 i just meant to hear back from them!! i assume theyā€™ll go in order of submission :slight_smile:

To all the kids doing Moonifieds this week - BAL!

If anyone needs more info about CCPAā€™s MT programme holler at me, Iā€™m a current student here.

Hey everyone!! I just wanted to say when scheduling auditions on Acceptd in this crazy virtual setting-- CHECK TIME ZONES!! Time zones on acceptd are in whatever zone the school is in, not yours:) I was writing down all my audition times and went back to double-check and saw a few sneaky ones outside my own zone. So glad I double-checked

Wow, took me a bit to find this thread again.
Is anyone else feeling like academic as well as artistic acceptances are coming randomly. I have heard of people getting academically accepted to some schools within 10 days of applicaitons and some have had theirs in for months and have not heard anything. I have also heard that some people have already heard from Montclair and UHartt, but many of us have not heard anything. Tonight my son just got an email from UHartt stating they are just starting to review prescreens and that he will hear from them mid-December, followed by a list of callback dates for interviews. Earlier today and last night two people posted they go in to UHartt and just submitted their prescreens so not sure whatā€™s going on.

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Last year Harrtt and Montclair did not have prescreens so there could be issues because of that. Are you sure those posts werenā€™t about passing prescreens? Or academic admittance? They stated they were artistically admitted? Seems off bc Statistically that would be very early to have that many acceptances in such small classes with months to go.

Itā€™s so hard to know, when asked they keep saying accepted or no waitlistedā€¦Given that my son recieved an email tonight from UHartt that they are just starting to review prescreens and he should expect to hear back in Mid-December and they included a list of callback interview dates starting 1/17, I think you are right that some folks are confused. He also had a webinar with Montclair and they are also just starting to review submission and will not be ready until Mid December to make any offers. So I am not sure what people have and what they are expecting. We also donā€™t know because LIU has been a wild ride too. My son applied in September, he was asked to provide his SATā€™s which he had not taken yet, and I know of several students that were admitted without scores, but we sent them to them on Oct 15th and he still has yet to hear from them about an academic acceptance. While other students have had 7-10 day turnarounds without providing scores. He also had his audition on Nov 13th and was told at the start that they would be meeting at the end for QandA but then was dismissed right after his audition, this happened to a few others, but they then received an acceptance to the program the following Monday, weā€™ve heard nothing. He did reach out to their admissions department and they said all info is in and they are still reviewing his application. It could not possibly be his grades, he has been accepted to as of tonight 9 schools academically and several have invited him to the Honors College. It all seems so very random to us.

Hello Everyone,
This thread has not been too active since the update, but I am going to try.
I wanted to post how things are going so far and see if anyone can share some insight on some of the programs:

Arcadia University-Waiting on Academic and Artistic. We submitted through Accepted on 11/9 when it opened
Ball State-Academically Accepted, waiting on a video audition
Castleton University- Academically Accepted, audition for scholarships scheduled
Coastal Carolina-Academically Accepted, redirected to the BA Program
College of Charleston-waiting to hear
Dean College-Academically and Artistically accepted to their BA MT Program
Elon-waiting to hear on both ends website says the week before Christmas for Prescreens, and March 20th for academics
Emmanuel-Portal says Dec 15th
High Point University-waiting to hear, non-audition but asked for his videos and he had an interview two weeks ago
Keene State College-Academic acceptance non-audition
LIU- waiting to hear on both, had a virtual audition on Nov 13th
Manhattanville-Accepted academically waiting on audition submission through Acceptd
Marymount Manhattan College-Waiting to hear on both
Molloy/CAP 21 waiting to hear on both
Montclair State University-waiting to hear on both
Muhlenburg-waiting to hear
Pace-No on prescreen, heā€™s not too concerned about the application, it was already in process when he got the no.
Plymouth State-Academic Acceptance, Audition Scheduled
Rider-Redirect to the new BFA Acting Program, he auditions next Friday. They release admission only if you are in the department
Slippery Rock-Academically accepted waiting on video audition submission
SUNY Cortland-crickets, waiting on both and has not been contacted by admission since the original email saying they received his application.
SUNY Fredonia- Academic Acceptance, Redirected to their BA program
UHartt-Waiting on both Academic and Artistic
Wagner-waiting on Academic so that we can get an audition
Wells College-Accepted, non-audition
Western Connecticut Universtiy-Academic acceptance, redirected to their BA Program
He has choices, but only one so far is in his top 5.
We are being patient, but it is so hard when many have already heard from several of these schools. He has had almost all of his applications in since the beginning of October.


I think we are all on the Facebook page :joy: But I totally understand where you are coming from. We still have over 10 schools that we have not heard anything from regarding prescreens. I am just assuming that they are completely swamped but do hear of others getting passes and wonder if there will be any audition spots available. This is so stressful and I have a younger one who wants to go this same route. Yikes!

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Also, it seems like those that do hear about schools are passes. So it makes me wonder if the noā€™s will be just sent all at once. Ugh!

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@sonnie323 we have quite a bit of overlap, 9 of the same schools and almost the exact same results (one we havenā€™t heard a word from that you have)ā€¦ I have to say itā€™s been a difficult fall, prescreens havenā€™t been very successful and itā€™s a tough reality to face. My student is more on the needing to grow as an artist in college, and is not fully formed with just polishing needed. Throw the pandemic realities of no live auditioning on top of that and the loss of so many artistic endeavors, particularly the special senior moments, and itā€™s been hard to maintain positivity.

Anyway, just wanted to say youā€™re not the only one waiting on so many and patience is in very short supply here too :slight_smile:


@iowamtmom I am hoping it means maybe, that it wasnā€™t an early yes, but they liked it enough to hang on and take a second look. Fingers crossed!

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I like that better :smile:

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@outofmymind21. fear not, while its great to pass lots of prescreens ( we did not last year) it is NOT a predictor of ultimate success. I canā€™t comment on the whole video audition process as MY D was one who fared better in person , so I Understand your current feelings, but hang in there, its a LONG marathon and you are still in the early stages.


Not having the best of luck with the prescreens, and did not expect this. My D is a singer with lots of training, and got multiple call backs for Dear Evan Hansen on Broadway. Didnā€™t think we would pass all, but the number of rejections is nerve wracking.
Pace, Syracuse, and Penn State did not pass
Ithaca and CMU redirected to acting
Got an audition at The New School, applied EA
She did BOCO and NYU Steinhardt summer programs so got through on auditions there. Waiting on ED NYU and EA BOCO.
Got an audition at Juilliard but got cut after audition. Not surprising as most auditioners were older.
Waiting on UMich, USC, UCLA, Cincinnati, Manhattan School of Music and Elon for prescreens
Also applied to some BA programs (Bard, Bennington, Sarah Lawrence) with theatre interest
Really hoping we cast a wide enough net

Your D sounds similar to mine: singer first and foremost with lots of training and lead roles and some professional work. Decent actor with training, and has had lots of dance class and is ā€œfineā€ but never gonna be a solo dancer, although she can tumble. And covid took dance out the window since last March.
My D chose to send prescreens for only ten schools (and applied elsewhere in music education) because she wants the ā€œtypicalā€ college experience rather than a conservatory, and a few of the schools she likes do not offer musical theatre as a major. At any rate,
Did not pass prescreens at Pace (fine by herā€“did not want to apply in first place but was talked into it by coach), Ithaca (same story), or Penn State (this one was a bummer as her best friend is attending Penn State on a volleyball scholarship). Rejected after auditions from FSU and U Arizona. Hopeful about her audition experience at TCU, Ball State, Indiana, Texas Tech, U Miamiā€¦but who knows. Hard to get rejected before any acceptances, and like your daughter it feels like a sting when she has had success in ā€œreal lifeā€.
But as we know, this is the way it goes in this crazy business so I suppose my D has to get used to it if she wants this life. I feel like her dancing is gonna be the kickerā€“she rushed her video and I donā€™t think it was her best work (but she was ā€œover meā€ at that point so I backed off), and her wild card was a tumbling pass that looked great but I donā€™t think MT profs care about a tumbling pass. But of course I canā€™t say anything because I am mom and what do I know. To her I know absolutely nothing except when she needs me lol.
Anyway I just wanted to reply to your post because your daughter and mine sound like they have had similar experiences. Best of luck to your daughter! Keep me posted! <3

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@Skymomla @shine19ā€¦I posted this in the prescreen thread back in September but I think it bears repeating. I have no horse in this race, my daughter is class of 2024ā€¦

I say this with the utmost respect and a true desire to be helpful.

these schools you name are in the tippy top tier of ultra competitive lottery type programs, they get tons of applications and your amount of training or the awards won often are meaningless to these directors, the pre screens are an absolute crap shoot.

there are MANY GREAT programs that simply dont get the national pool of applicants ( AKA LESS NUMBERS) than those you listed.

its great that you got a yes from from some top programs, clearly she is super talented- but these programs you list ultimately accepts in the neighborhood of 1-2% of its MT applicantsā€¦thats more competitive than HPY, Stanford, etcā€¦ you have to cast a wider net than those tippy top schools. I have seen reports where many kids w perfect SAT scores, 4.0+ and valedictorian get rejected from those Ivies- THATS WHAT THIS IS COMPARABLE TOā€¦

there are many threads on this board with ideas on where the numbers are more regional and the percentages are a little bit better ( like 5-10%)

your D might be the greatest thing ever , I say this honestly and not with any sarcasm but we know a Jimmy finalist last year who had 1 yes and 1 waitlist out of 15 auditions.

hope that helps, best of luck its a brutal process, dont let the prescreen Nos discourage you- if you cast a bit of a wider net you simply improve your chances of having OPTIONS come May. ( just my 2 cents FWIW) feel free to check out our final decision thread from last year, we had a rough pre screen season with ( in my humble opinion)a great outcomeā€¦ill let others be the judge of what a great outcome is bc in the end the right fit is different for everyone.