The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Did you check out this thread? Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where - #1964 by flippedout
It’s not super complete, and it might not apply to this year, but it’s a start. We’ve received a few emails stating April 1 as the response date :pensive:

Yes! That’s the thread I read last night. My heart sank when I got to mid-March and things started shutting down because of COVID. All of those folks hoping for offers by Spring Break so they could plan travel to accepted schools suddenly had to face deciding on schools sight unseen. And now this year our kids didn’t even get to physically be in the room to get a feel for the auditioners. What a stranger-than-ever ride it has been for these kids. But we persist because it’s what they love. Wishing everyone the best!


Quick question…My son was just sent an email from the College of Charleston and has an interview with the Theatre Department on Saturday morning, we have not heard if he’s been admitted to the school. They are supposed to release EA decisions as of 6 pm tonight. Do you think if he’s been asked to interview and previously had been asked to submit a video for scholarship consideration that he has a good chance of getting into the school since it’s a non-audition school?

have also been perusing that thread!!! i think we will hear something at the beginning of march…like march 1 to 15. and of course spring break is march 8!!! what a year it’s been and yes it feels like at least a year!!!

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I don’t have any knowledge of that school at all, but from what you have said it sure sounds like it to me.

Are any of your kid’s schools doing shows now or this spring? Wouldn’t that be a welcome diversion from the waiting?!?

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sadly no! that’s what makes this year so agonizing! none of the joy of being a theater kid…just the agony! and of course senior year is a big time for great roles and recognition.

Yes! We are one of the lucky few. School is built for 2500 but only takes 350 so makes it easier to social distance. They have put on a play and now rehearsing for a musical. Fingers crossed the show will open in 3 weeks and run for two weekends. Each student can bring up to 5 family members (who live together) to the show and it will also be live streamed.


Fun! Our school is doing a smaller play now and a musical is planned for spring that they plan to do outdoors in May. At this point no parents allowed to see the play live, which is breaking my heart.

We heard they are doing Jimmy’s this year…virtually. Not sure how that works, but better than none at all. What a year!

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My Ds school is doing a musical and they cast it a couple of weeks ago but have not set a date to perform it yet. So I’m not sure it will happen. It’s the same show they tried to do last spring that got cancelled. I hope it’s not another heart break!

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He was deferred to Regular Decision.

Would anyone recommend emailing a place to check on status if they said 3-4 weeks and it’s almost been six? Or is that not a good idea?

yes as long as the student does it not the parent it’s totally fine

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My daughter was just cast in an operetta, which I’m told they will perform outside and for limited guests, and they are preparing for their Broadway variety show at the end of the year, which will be limited to two guests per performer. However, she also was just notified that the community theatre show she booked last year that was delayed for COVID would not take place this year either. That is a huge letdown for her but she is still dancing and singing, so at least she has those outlets. Thank God. Helps her to remember the joy of performing, not just the stress of auditions.

Grateful for anything at this point, for sure. When this is over we’ll have a new appreciation for so many things we used to take for granted!


Good morning all. Just got pinged by a parent with a question, Haven’t been on the board in nine months. Good to see some familiar names.

Happy to answer any question based on our experience with BW, Pace, Elon, Carnegie, Michigan, Penn State, MSM, BoCo, Emerson, and TCU. Good luck all!!!

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Hi Everyone!

After many many months of lurking and learning, I wanted to finally chime in. This is my third time through the college application process. My first went through athletic recruiting and my second was a straight academic applicant. I have to say, that this whole MT/acting application and audition process has been, by far, the most brutal. I claim absolutely no expertise in this realm, but I find myself obsessively pouring over these MT/Acting discussions and now feel ready to share/support where I can.

I would describe my son as an actor who loves to sing and dance. He attends a “regular” public high school which, fortunately, has active performing arts departments and that is where he discovered his love for theater. We have been playing catch up ever since. Very limited community theater experience and certainly no professional gigs. Just high school shows, choir groups, a couple years of voice lessons, and summer camps. Next to no formal dance training (though he does, admittedly, have a lot a natural ability). If we had known this was the path he would choose, we would have done things differently. Ah well. Nothing to do at this point but just keep pushing forward.

We cast a very wide net (which grew wider after a bunch of prescreen “no”s!) to both MT and acting programs. There are still a lot of schools that he has yet to hear from. Fortunately, to date, he has acceptances to Michigan State (BFA acting), Ohio University (BFA acting), Viterbo (BFA acting), VCU (BA to possible BFA theater; they do not accept first years directly to BFA), and Marymount Manhattan (BFA MT).

I would really appreciate any information anyone wants to share about any of these programs. Decisions will be so difficult this year without on-campus auditions/visits. I’m really hoping we’ll be able to visit programs in the spring.


Congratulations on having so many offers at this point in the process. Though my daughter has been a performer since basically birth, she had been a dancer and singer primarily, with some musical theatre workshops thrown in here and there. It wasn’t until Sophomore year that the director of the local theatre told me she was born for musical theatre. And I said “Yeah, but she’s not an actor.” I thought that since she had very little straight acting experience to that point. And he said “I’ve seen her on stage. That kid is an actor.” So yes, I feel you when you say you’ve been playing catch up. I feel the same way. None of the schools you mentioned are schools my daughter applied to, so I can’t help you with research, but I wanted to chime in and say big congratulations for what you have on the table so far!

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Hey there. Did PennState notify on a rolling basis? My daughter is currently a sophmore there in a differnet major because she decided she didn’t want the angst of trying for a career in MT. Then… after doing many shows with the Penn State Thespians, she decided she really should have gone for it. So…she applied this year for next fall. She got a call back and auditioned live zoom on Jan 23rd. But, I wasn’t sure if they waited until all auditions were done before notifying applicants. I was told by another parent that they will notify within 2 weeks if they made it to the “final” round. I thought this was the “final round”!!!

I am not sure how they are doing it this year. My D was notified on the date they indicated they would notify. Does she know if any Sophomores/Juniors have left the program?