The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Eggshells, yes. I got so tired of asking my daughter to check her email all the time that I just bring her iPad with me and check it myself. Works better for both of us!

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Hi everyone! Have any of your kids gotten a call from UNCSA this week saying that they are in serious consideration and should keep the weekend for admitted students open? Mine is super excited but I’m wondering just how excited we should be. I don’t want her hopes to be too high if sometimes this happens and then kids don’t get in.


BoCo was maybe 2 weeks ago? I think they gave decisions out to everyone who has auditioned because we know other kids who did or didn’t get in. Good luck!

UNCSA makes those very select calls every year only to the students that they already plan to accept, but do not issue official offers until all auditions have concluded. Last year we knew of two kids who got them and both were accepted. Congratulations to your daughter!

Thanks so much for responding! Phew! This is such a rollercoaster ride. He told her calls will be made on the 21st so not too much longer to wait.

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My daughter auditioned for BOCO 2 weeks ago and she hasn’t heard anything. Nothing on GetAccepted, no email and portal just says we have received your application.

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Well maybe she’s still in the running then! We know a handful of kids who were accepted. I don’t know how big their MT class is for 2025.

BOCO notified all of the early action kids on January 29th. Everyone who auditioned after January 15th will be notified in late March. Decisions typically come out all at the same time through an email that tells you to check your portal, however I’ve heard that in recent years there have also been some calls made to accepted students.

My daughter wasn’t early action and auditioned after Jan 15th but she and a couple of other friends were notified about 2 weeks ago. It’s in the app and she received an email.

I will just stick with the no news is good news theory,lol! Thanks for the info!

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When did your D audition? My D was notified on Jan 29th. She received an email and a phone call, but only AFTER they mistakenly sent out an invitation to a webinar for accepted students. Oops. My understanding was that people who got decisions at the end of January were those whose auditions were considered “early action” and were done by January 17th. (I originally thought Jan 15th, but went back to check and their website says January 17th). I could be wrong, but I don’t think they’re doing rolling decisions.

She auditioned Jan 30. We are in waiting mode, but I was just curious, as a few people that weren’t early seemed to get notice.

Hi everyone. Since the title is venting, I thought I would do just that! My D submitted materials to Belmont on 12/23. It says 3-4 weeks to hear back and she’s already been accepted to the university. We are going on 8 weeks with no response. She has emailed twice and both times gotten “should know very shortly” and “all responses will come through the mail” but no confirmation that anything has been sent. So we are still waiting but certainly anxious. To make things worse, she checked her portal and is somehow now listed as a Journalism major??? But never designated that on her application. I know no answer is still better than a “no”, but can’t help feeling like we’ve missed something or it’s a no and they changed her portal before we got notice. Anyway, we will keep waiting. Anyone with insight or similar experience, please let me know! So brutal, and a top choice for her. Ugh!

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Sorry, I stand corrected. She says she was early action, which I confused with early decision! And she seems to remember auditioning on Jan 20th because it’s my Dad’s birthday :slight_smile:


Hi! Does anyone know when Indiana University sends out their MT decisions, if they are rolling or have a notification date? Has anyone already received a decision from them? The waiting is so difficult!!

Last year my D heard from Indiana on 3/7. They sent all results out that week as I recall (yes, no, WL).

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Ugh! 8 weeks is a long time when you were expecting an answer in three to four. Belmont was a late addition for us, so we are just sending material now before Monday deadline. Also, I read somewhere that she had to record entire songs for them. (I asked in an email and the response was yes.) But I now see instructions that songs should be cut to one minute or less, which we already have and could have sent weeks ago! (I swear that was not in the reqs last time I looked!)

We are not-so-patiently waiting for OKC results. Sent everything almost four weeks ago. Thought we would know by now. I’m assuming a high volume of applications is the culprit. I wanted to know if they are a serious option so that we could plan a trip up to Oklahoma City to tour the campus.

I keep reminding myself that in one month or less we will have at least SOME answers. Daughter, at least on the surface, is handling the waiting much better than I am.


Anyone hear from Wagner College? They said they were going to start notifying students on 2/8/21, but as far as I know no one has heard anything.

I know it’s too late for you at this point, but one of the recommendations that has been made before that we made use of my son’s audition year was to create a new email address and standard password that we shared. That allowed me to check portals as often as I wanted and then only encourage him to check when something had been updated. It worked well for us, and I highly recommend this for any parents getting ready to start the merry-go-round next fall.


Yes. Unfortunately(or fortunately), my daughter wanted to do this entire process by herself. And she has done very well. She said, “When I graduate, I will be managing my schedule and my auditions by myself. I may as well start now.”