The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Haven’t heard anything about FSU. Where did they get their intel from?
Ahhhhh, the waiting…

She has a friend who auditioned and wrote that down from the orientation. We think it’s wrong. She recalls they have auditions through the end of the month and wasn’t expecting to hear until March! Oh the waiting.

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At the FSU info session they said that all artistic acceptances will be made at the same time. The last audition is at the end of Feb. Academic acceptances are posted tomorrow. A FSU parent shared that if DS is accepted or waitlisted - he is still in the running for MT. If he doesn’t we un-bookmark it. sigh

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Thank you! You are exactly where we are in the process then. The waiting is killing me. I don’t know how my daughter is so “chill” about it.

Ok thanks for this. That explains the confusion. My D really liked them but since they take approximately 8 people I’m definitely not holding my breath lol!

We are waiting as well. Interestingly, if you read their Covid updates (particularly the Jan 12 spring plan update), they were supposed to start the spring semester Feb 8th, but it was moved back one week to Feb 15th. Perhaps this explains the delay.

I know! That number :sob:.

Great detective work! That’s a good point.

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I’m not sure. I only know of 2 girls. She was told that acceptance calls will go out on the 21st so not much longer to wait. Thank God.

Anyone here audition for USC? Wondering when we will hear back and if there is a second callback?

I got tagged here so I came to clarify about FSU :slight_smile:
Academic decisions come out tomorrow for those who had a complete application by December 1st. Applicants with a Music Theatre audition appointment will receive one of two results: an academic acceptance to the University OR a deferral until the outcome of the audition.
For the Music Theatre program, we see everyone before we make any decisions. Our last audition is February 27th, so you should hear around March 8/9. (This is a ballpark- it could be a little before or after!)
Although we are looking for a class of 8-10, we accept about 18-20.
As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions!


Hey- my son had his audition for USC last weekend. I have not heard that there will be another call back. I have heard they only chose 50-60 for the callbacks. I think that was it! Good Luck!!

I have heard that it is a call for an acceptance to UMich and an email for waitlist or for a rejection.

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Oklahoma University MT sending out notices through Acceptd that they have completed all auditions and (in my daughter’s case) letting kids know that they are still in consideration for a spot in their Class of '25. Deliberation begins next week and offers expected to go out the week or two after that.


We got the same! BAL!!! :slight_smile:


My S was invited to sit in on some MT classes at Ball State. Is this sent out to everyone after they audition or a good sign? :wink:

My D got the same email, “Department of Theatre/Dance - Invites you to Observe A Course”. First contact from theatre dept. since her audition


My S got the same. Can we just consider it a good sign? :wink:


Pretty sure it went to everyone! BAL!!

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Or maybe we’re all just special on this page :smiley::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: