The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

How does your daughter like NYU? Is she in Tisch? My D is hoping to get into Steinhardt for MT and I was wondering what it is like socially for kids at NYU? Also do the kids get enough support there from faculty? My D loves visiting NY but I wonder about the how she’d navigate such a big school in the city. I’d love to hear about your D’s experience!

@puzzleschool D is in Tisch and loves NYU and being in the city. All of her classes have been virtual this year, but she starts blended studio classes on Monday. Hooray! As a freshman last year, she had plenty of social outlets (lots of good deals on Broadway/off-Broadway tix and she went often) and formed solid friendships. This year, of course, has been different, but she has not considered coming home. Fortunately, some of her friends (and roommate) returned so they have done some socially distanced outings. Her instructors (academic and studio) have been top notch and accessible. She considers some of her studio teachers mentors. Good luck to your D.

Hi there. Was that email from TXST only to kids still under consideration. I don’t think my D has heard anything from them yet.

Oh @MTDad2025 thx for letting us know about that email. My D got it too!!

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My daughter is MT, but says she hasn’t received anything…

Thank you!

Hi All: I’m a MT mom of a junior BFA MT. Just hopped on to see how upcoming class is doing. Surprised to see so few posts vs. Prior years. Is it because everything is so virtual this year audition-wise? I live in Texas and was thinking how relieved I am not to be traveling in this yesr’s winter storms. That would have been so stressful with all the winter crazy we’ve had this last week. Grateful for electricity, heat & water. I’d have been a wreck if it was a regular audition year like pre-pandrmic. Wishing all the HS seniors wonderful offers. Blessings to all. If you have any Missouri State inquiries happy to help. Break legs.


They just unfollowed most of the kids on Instagram that they had followed after auditions. Still following about 15-16…assuming they met and made their decisions.

TX State only follows currents students. They never followed my daughter through her audition process and she is still under consideration.

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I would not read too much into the following or unfollowing. A MT program that said “no” after auditions is STILL following my kiddo…

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My D was just unfollowed by OU, so I’m thinking that is not a good sign :frowning: She got the “still in consideration” email last week. UGH. Almost feels like a text break-up.

I think it’s nothing to read into. With Instagram, you never know…I’m serious, this process has shown me that there is NO rhyme or reason and you don’t know anything until you know!!! I initially felt the same, but thinking about it more, and knowing how lovely the school is, I’m sure it means nada.


i think a lot of the posts stayed in the prescreen thread! that’s up to like 865 posts!!

So wait, these programs follow kids on Instagram and then unfollow them sometimes if they’re not going to be accepted? I find this kind of weird and unprofessional.

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Yes- both of my sons got the same. We also know of friends who have gotten no’s and yes’s…not really sure what their process is. I understand there is no waitlist.

Did any of your kiddos hear from Ball State today? If so, how was the notification made? I hear they made some offers today, but my daughter has not heard either way, beyond the “still in consideration” she got a month after audition and some back and forth checking in a month ago.

BSU emails all the time, but nothing from Theatre Dept of Ball State since audition (end of Jan) except recent invite to observe a class. They did just finish walk-ins, good to learn they are making choices. Hoping to hear either way soon!

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Thanks for the good wishes! It’s wonderful to see a “future theatre parent self” that’s still bright-side-looking (especially with the storm consequences you’re dealing with) It’s almost like there is happiness and peace on the other end of this crazy process! Hard to imagine right now, but you give me hope! (take care Texas!)

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My S received a call Sunday afternoon from Ball State and another call from Coastal Carolina. We were surprised that schools are doing this on a Sunday!


Congrats to your son!

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