The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

@absehamom I’m hoping the acting page for 2025 ends up being active! I guess one of us should get it started soon. With so many kids applying to both types of programs, lots of MT kids getting redirected to acting, I sometimes think the two boards should be merged and posters can just focus their titles if it’s a specific question. But what do I know?!? Haha!

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@SoMuchDrama mine sings and moves well (in our market there are a lot of musicals and professional companies are more likely to cast a younger actress in those). She hopes to continue voice and would love to take dance as an elective but she really wants an acting program, specifically one where acting is not seen as “less than” MT. I wish redirects weren’t a thing because I think it perpetuates the idea that acting is “less than” sometimes when it’s really very different. Let me know if you start a thread.

@absehamom Yes the kids tend to think of BFA acting as “less than” MT which is crazy. Don’t know the typical breakdown by numbers. A few schools shared their app / prescreen/ acceptance, class numbers for both. Some were essentially the same where others made it appear as Acting auditions had better odds (still super competitive - 800 kids to get 30 vs. 1000 to get 30).

Would be great to really know what schools silo their programs vs. collaborate. D auditioned for both programs at CCM and the acting track info session made it pretty clear that acting did not mix with MT or take similar classes (but could do private voice / dance).

It’s tough because most HS programs focus on the musical and that’s what these kids know. D attends a Performing Arts HS. They do both but the emphasis is definitely on MT. The kids self worth is tied to getting cast in MT productions.

Funny but I frequently tell my kid (not scientific proof but it seems this way to me) there are more actors that sing than singers that act. There seem to be more performance opportunities in movies and TV and streaming than major theater. Interesting how a lot of programs have added “acting for the screen” to their curriculum.

I’ve also noticed there are plenty of acting alum doing professional MT on Broadway, Tours, etc. Not sure about MT alum doing straight acting in plays. Interesting.

@absehamom and @SoMuchDrama

It’s a great time to start an acting thread for the class of 2025. The parents in the 2024 acting thread will be more than happy to answer questions and most of us will be on here through April when decisions are made.

Admittedly the class of 2024 Acting thread has been quiet. That can be for many reasons though. Some kids don’t feel comfortable with their information being shared online for one reason or another. So the parents contribute where they can. Friendships are sometimes formed offline in private chats rather than the forum. We all try to be supportive of each other. Cheer each other on.

@TheatreDad69 I am glad it can be done because the number of schools he definitely wants to audition for is 17. He might want to add a couple more. We are still researching the programs.

@anastasiasmom That’s a good point, if we start it now, we could gain some early traction. I was a little leery to do it because I remember last year someone got mad that the 2024 thread was started before the 2023 class had finished their process. I think it was stress and nerves that led to the in fighting, but I certainly didn’t want to step on any toes! It seemed like when CC changed its format, a lot of people didn’t come back. I had to get a new account because I couldn’t retrieve my old one, so I’m assuming others had similar difficulties.

@absehamom My D started as a dancer, then got into MT, then started doing more TV/Film type stuff, then plays. I always thought she’d want to do MT, but she’s realistic and knows she’s more of an actor that sings, like @rickle1 was talking about, than a singer who acts. And yes, the redirects do seem to make the MT kids think that acting is less than, but I know when I see a show, I’d rather see an actor that can sing well than a singer that can’t act. Okay, I guess I’ll take the plunge and start the thread later today! See you on the acting board!


I started the 2024 Acting thread in May last year. And I know most of us on the 2024 Acting thread will be cheering you on.

@SoMuchDrama great memory, someone did in fact get mad @muttsandMT ( who you could not meet a nicer person). & most people did support the early thread. yes nerves are fried right now & its not even March, but my advice like @anastasiasmom is YOU DO YOU…your job is to do the best you know how for your kiddo, trust me you will need it…the process is BRUTAL…but dont be scared, just be PREPARED. MY 2 pennies :smiley:

Can’t believe we are gearing up! Excited!

Yes @AmarilloTX my daughter was accepted also MPulse and is SO excited!!

@S1974N One of my son’s best friends is also attending MPULSE for MT. It has been fun watching both grow up in our community theatre. Amarillo, Texas will be well represented at MPULSE.

Now that we’ve gone through the actions and are in wait mode, I would just start getting prepared as early as possible (without making it all consuming - it will become that on it’s own anyway). Looking back I would have had D do some different things, but this is her journey. Financials come in to play a lot too (which is not fair but resembles life). Can you afford summer programs, coaching, travel, etc.

One thing I would have changed was doing more on campus auditions. The few we did were a much better experience than Unifieds. Don’t know if the results will be better or worse (and they shouldn’t matter) but assuming we get a yes or two, we certainly know more about the school, program, area, etc.

It really makes a difference if your kid can be prepared and actually shot their prescreens early (preferably in the summer). Make sure they’re good, not just done as it will determine who you get to audition for. Don’t have to be perfect but should demonstrate really good work. Using good material is important too. D figured out her best audition material late in the game (like after 75% of her auditions) and switched it up. Maybe that matters, maybe not.

Better prepared = calm. Calm = better experience. Better experience = fun (vs. frantic).

I wish I would have known about CC this early in the game! If I had, here is what I would have done differently:

COACHING - I would have had my daughter do Moonifieds and/or get her prescreens done professionally with MTCA. We came into the game late and VERY naive and just threw her videos together thinking all they needed to see was raw talent. I had NO idea how seriously we needed to take that part of the process and it hurt my daughter in the end.

BUILD A BETTER LIST - This likely could have been done if we had a good college coach, but we really didn’t know what we were doing when we picked schools for her to audition for… we went mostly on reputation as a “top” school and then threw in a few “safety” schools but I didn’t understand how important “fit” is or that certain schools tend to look for certain types of performers.

Things I would have done the same:

GO TO UNIFIEDS - We got lucky here. We traveled to NYC and LA for Unifeds and my daughter had great live auditions. We avoided illness completely (get your kid a flu shot and a personal steamer!!!) and Unifieds made it possible for her to audition live for close to 20 schools without having to travel to 20 campuses (which we never could have afforded).

Things to note: The sooner you audition, the sooner you get answers! Moonified kids get a lot of early acceptances. Do early action when possible. We have most of the answers to our NYC Unifieds now but are still waiting on most of our LA auditions.

Good luck and have fun! Spring is BRUTAL as you wait and wait so enjoy the process of researching, prepping, and traveling with your children over the summer and fall. We made some great memories together.

@rickle1 and @NeensMom Thank you so much for your advice! It is so helpful for us to learn from your recent experiences. Any others currently going through the process want to give observations to us Junior parents? :smile:

Here is a newer list of “Hidden Gems” in the North East. We have several on our list already, one that I’ve asked for info on this site, but have not been able to find much on but to see it on this list gave us some indication we are headed in the right direction.

I want to echo what @NeensMom said about Moonifieds. We decided to go with Moo (Mary Anna Dennard) because of her very good reputation as a coach and the financial sense of going to Moonifieds. From my S’s initial list of dream programs, I knew that two of them, BW and Shenandoah, would require extra travel because neither go to Chicago. Both, however, do final auditions at Moonifieds. In fact, there are 15 programs on my S’s current list that do final auditions at Moonifieds. It was very nice knowing that, because of Moonifieds, Chicago Unifieds would be much less hectic and all his final auditions could take place during those two trips.

Recently Moonifieds has taken on an added importance. It appears that the 2021 Chicago Unifieds is the week of February 8. That is the same week for Texas All-State Choir in 2021. My S has made Texas All-State Choir his first three years of high school. Without Moonifieds, my S would have been forced to abandon his chance at a 4th year of Texas All-State Choir. With Moonifieds, he can likely finish his auditions with the two days left available in Chicago. It will be a hectic week but it is doable.

Bottom line, Moonifieds has provided much flexibility and peace of mind. I don’t know if Moo is taking more kids. If she is, you should seriously consider going with her.

In addition to what folks have shared I would add that early auditions (fall) are great but not right for every kid. Mine needed more time to work on everything and do mock auditions to get ready. If yours has a ton of experience then this isn’t a factor - and those fall auditions are absolutely a great idea, but mine was a dancer learning vocal tech and monologues pretty fresh out of the gate, every extra week/month made a huge difference for her.

@intheburbs makes a great point. Knowing where your kid is in terms of readiness is important. Think my kid would have benefited from doing things earlier. Can’t say for sure but I think getting through prescreens and possibly audition results is easier (albeit still quite competitive) at the beginning of the season prior to them already accepting kids. Really tough with fewer spots left. Almost certain this caused a few "no"s on prescreens. In other cases we got a “yes” but there were no audition spots left (that we could make work - that happens A LOT!)

@NeensMom I think that personal steamer saved my daughter’s voice this winter. Used it every day before auditions and many evenings the night before.

@rickle1 my large suitcase for Unifieds looked like the home pharmacy section of CVS, with a room sized humidifier, oil diffuser, water filter (small brita to avoid lugging water bottles) and all the bags of tea, honey etc to get thru the week! So another tip, make sure one of you has a giant suitcase to check in! And a scale to weigh it, very proud of my 49.5 lb bag that barely made the weight cut off with the airline.

@NeensMom @rickle1 What personal steamer would you recommend?