The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

When should we expect to hear back from Univ of AZ MT following the audition?

true wisdom! itā€™s like a cast list only weā€™ve been waiting six months for it lol!!!


Iā€™m sure most everyone has seen this by nowā€¦ but just in case not,


So funny. Only it wasnā€™t funny this year when my D didnā€™t get cast in her last show! ā€œSome Senior Girl is Going to be Very Disappointed!!ā€

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we can all relate to that one!!!

SO FUNNY, and no I have never seen it!!

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All of this!!! LOL

Ouch. Iā€™m so sorry.

is that bc they arenā€™t doing a show??

They did Urinetown on Zoom and cast her in a small role. Only gave leads to JUNIORS. This was after canceling the Spring show last year, she was Sister Mary Robert in Sister Act and never got to do it. Sheā€™s fine but obviously Iā€™m not over it!!! And this happened right when she had to do her prescreens. Anyway, onward and sheā€™s gotten into some good MT schools so it all worked out okay.

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thatā€™s so awful about casting the juniors!! where is she accepted at? thatā€™s truly wonderful bc this ainā€™t easy

That happened to my D here as well in the teen group she performs with. Juniors and sophomores. :frowning: Thankfully she found some great things to do with another group we love, but none are musicals. Oh well.

This is a ruthless business, even in high school. My D is hoping for better in college and beyond, but not sure if that is realistic. Developing resilience, never taking anything for granted, and finding your identity in something bigger than all of this are all lessons she is already learning. Could be more important than all the hours of dance and voice combined!

May positive news come all our way soon!


My D just got a YES for MT at JMU! Check those portals!!


Good news from a portal check! Yay! Congrats!

Terrific news!!! Congratulations

YAY!!!:tada::partying_face::confetti_ball: how exciting!


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Congratulations to your daughter!