The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

They said that her “theatre decision” will be ready in about 2 weeks. She auditioned back in early December. It said to keep an eye out for an email with a decision. My D is MT only :slight_smile:


thank you!

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My daughter did the November audition for Marymount last year (2019), was wait listed, and came off the wait list in later March or early April.


Sorry to hear your disappointment. Would love to know what your daughter decides (BA TCU or go elsewhere?).

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Oklahoma City just resumed classes Monday after unusual severe weather including more than a week of sub zero temperatures, and 12 running days of below freezing highs. Staged productions had to be moved to this weekend, and professors and students are working hard to catch up on schedules. This may account for some delay. Be sure to also check the email you used on your original application.


Thanks for the insight. I did know they probably had interruptions in Oklahoma but didn’t realize it was so severe. We in Texas were in our own freeze-related craziness, but only for about five VERY LONG days. Hope they didn’t lose power for long up there and that students and everyone else were able to stay warm.

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My D was accepted about 3 weeks ago.


Thank you - same to your daughter. Hope she lands a place she loves! At this point she has one bfa mt offer from video audition back from November. Followed by 4 rejections after auditions this past2 weeks. Still waiting to hear on 5 more but only 1 maybe 2 she would be excited about. She applied academically to several schools for non mt majors as a back up -some after not passing g prescreen at the school and others that did not have musical theater as a major. She wanted to be in traditional college setting so no conservatory schools and limited the svjhols she applied for for mt.

Hi all. I may be slow, but when replying to something about a specific school, please name it in your post. I find myself hunting around to which school some comments are referring to. Maybe I am the only one! I value all the comments and just don’t want to misinterpret something. Thank you!


Totally agree:)

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I’ve found something that may help, which maybe you might already know, but I thought it was worth mentioning. When looking at posts, if it is a reply to someone, on the top right of the reply it will say who they are replying to, then to the left of their name there is a little arrow. If you click that arrow it will open the post they have replied to. I agree it is very helpful for people to be specific in their replies, but if they forget that arrow should help.


Gotcha! Thanks for the tip. I know this thing is kinda hard to follow!

I finally realized that. I have responded to some posts that I thought were about uncsa that were actually about Ithaca! This forum could really use a refresh!!

Anyone heard yes from Ithaca MT yet?

Not a peep Ithaca MT!

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Have not heard from Ithaca MT here either! All quiet!

Has anyone heard anything from emerson from the regular admission cycle ?

Nothing from Emerson Acting either way. (Jan audition)

Waiting on Emerson T&P too, but don’t think RD responses are normally until mid-March

GREAT TIP! Thank you.