The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

I don’t know if I attended the same parent meeting you’re speaking of, but my notes say that the total number of applicants was 1,572 (which they said was the largest ever), “about” 700 auditions offered, for a class of 22-24 students. Farther down in my notes I have “final audition Feb. 26, so early March” for notification. The date for my notes was back on Jan 27. Early March could be anywhere from now to mid March I would think.


My D did not get info regarding the decision timeframe, unfortunately. She also did not get asked to participate in the “see more”/callback session Sunday night. Did you attend?

My S was in the callbacks. I read that they’ll be notified after the callback weekend, but it doesn’t say when

Just an FYI, the “see more” is not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing. My daughter and a few others in her cohort did not get a “see more” when they auditioned. The faculty has already made their minds up on certain students, a definite yes or a definite no. The “see more” students are ones that they believe are talented but that the faculty might be on the fence about and feel like they need more info about their personalities and how they would mesh with the cohort.


In 2019 my daughter was called the day after callbacks. They were rolling for the week after and the call came from Maija Garcia.

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So they do phone calls for the accepted students?

My daughter just got her first BFA Musical Theatre acceptance. To Rider! And with a nice scholarship as well. I’m over the moon and so so so relieved. (She got a Wright State rejection email today too.) Things are happening in March! Hold on tight, friends. Blessings and good juju to all of us for the rest of what March (and April) have to bring.



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Congrats! My DD was accepted to Rider too! We are also still waiting on Ithaca.


Ithaca emails coming out!! Check portals!


Nothing has changed in D’s portal

Did you get acceptance emails?

My D doesn’t think she has a portal at Ithaca yet. Did your child get accepted to the school and is waiting on the artistic decision?

Correction! She does have a portal but nothing there yet!

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The link to the portal was in the email entitled, “You’ve applied! What’s Next?” Look for the IC Connect Custom Link

Nothing there for us either

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My S was like your D. He auditioned this weekend, but did not get asked to the “see more” callback.

Okay. Thank you! Good to know!

Sounds good. My S didn’t get any info at the callbacks, so we weren’t sure. Thanks for the info!

Was your S asked to sing? I know in past callback weekends the kids were asked to sing. I have not heard of anyone asked to sing this year. But we only know a small portion of the 90 called back. Just curious…

Do you remember if your daughter was asked to sing? I had heard that during callback weekend they are asked to sing.