The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

I would recommend spreading out your auditions. Definitely do some early (Nov/Dec), if you can. An early acceptance can really give you breathing room through all of the rest of them. My D got better and more confident with every audition she did, I think, so spreading them out gives your kids an opportunity to grow and improve along the way. It also mitigates against the risk that your child will be sick during all of their auditions if you spread them out. My D’s first audition was early Nov and her last is this Saturday. Getting sick is nearly inevitable given the horrible timing of these auditions, but better to have it potentially affect a few auditions than most of them. Unifieds were great for us. My daughter’s list was long and it was the only feasible way given time and money constraints.

^^ I’ll check with D and get back to you on the brand. Pretty compact. Put your face right into a mask like device connected to a small (hand held) steamer.

I HIGHLY recommend Mypuremist. Cordless handheld and one of the few w temperature control. Worth the money!

I second the Mypuremist steamer recommendation.

We also have the Mypurmist steamer but we have the plug-in version which is cheaper and works exactly the same, you just have to be plugged in to use it.

^ That’s what D has.

My D has had a MyPurmist, but has switched over to a Vocal Mist, which is an actual nebulizer. She loves it because it has a mouth attachment she can use when she has already applied her makeup. It has the face mask as well, but she mostly uses the mouth piece. It’s super small, cordless and she feels it works better.

There is an Class of 2025 Acting discussion for those talking about having one, and I just posted my long winded recommendations & regrets there which probably apply equally to MT, for what they are worth.

@intheburbs lol , that made me laugh - we actually packed light and went to the Target down the street and bought the cheapest humidifier we could buy and several other things - which we had to leave most of them there… so worth not having to pack extra bags for the flight to Chicago .

I second early auditions - and more importantly we picked some early ones that we knew were rolling admissions - and that we thought might be good “safe schools” in the attempt to get at least one early acceptance before Christmas. My D did get 3 offers before Thanksgiving and that was key - None of them were top programs, but rather hidden gems. This gave her a lot of confidence heading into the winter audition season. It also allowed us to cancel about 10 auditions that she considered “linear schools” or had some other concern for us - expense, too far from home, too small etc.

In the end she ended up doing two auditions in November and two in January before Chicago. She did 7 in Chicago . The early acceptance was key for her because she felt validated and then helped in the long haul and when she was getting some prescreen No’s . By the time those started rolling in, she already had a BFA Acceptance in hand. That is what got her through the crazy roller coaster of emotions and I would highly recommend a few early auditions!

What other summer programs have/are people applying to?
Haven’t heard from any yet.

@rainbowparent my D will be going to SSTI this summer. Where have you applied?

@iowamtmom My D is returning for her third summer at SSTI! (She is a senior, applying for BFA Tech programs, so I’m just peeking in.) Has your D attended before? It’s such an amazing experience!

@Loganator This is her first year and is doing their essentials program. She is so excited to be part of this program plus, it is a good excuse for us to take a vacation :smiley:

@iowamtmom S.T.A.T.E at Penn State, Florida State, Ithaca, Indiana U, Marymount Manhattan
Now admittedly, I’m letting my child do the whole process so I don’t know the status of anything, but they haven’t told me any results.

They only wanted 2-3 week programs so they could work this summer.

@rainbowparent My S applied to these summer programs: Perry Mansfield, Interlochen, MUNY/Webster, ArtsBridge, Texas NEXUS, Michigan MPULSE, OCU Pre-College and Penn State

Have you received notifications for any yet? Your S was really on the ball; some of those had pretty early deadlines :smile:

@rainbowparent So far he has been accepted to all. He is going to MPULSE. The Texas State and Penn State decision dates are upcoming. We might bite the bullet and send him to a second program.

D will attend Artsbridge and TX State’s Nexus.

My D applied EA to NHSI for film and video and got in, so good news is only one summer app fee. Bad news is, all these programs are costly but the program looks awesome!!!

Anyone’s child going to TPAP? MPulse?