The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

I hear FSU MT is making some calls. My D has a friend who just heard good news.


Awesome!! Both of mine as well!! Congrats :slight_smile:


Yay! Congrats to both!!!


I can confirm. If you feel up to it, PM me your D’s friend’s initials. We may be connected. :slight_smile:

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(Ithaca) My D just got a no from Ithaca. Now she’s starting to feel really anxious. No from Juilliard and BoCo. Yes from Marymount. We’re waiting for Carnegie Mellon (Acting), NYU Tisch, Pace (accepted academically already) and Boston University and that’s all she’s got!


Hang in there. As they say, you only need one! I don’t know if my dd has checked her Ithaca portal, but I’m not asking, lol! This process certainly is a blow to their confidence.


Are there email notifications when there are portal updates? Hang in there everyone!

Wow this process is a killer! My child is taking it better than me, for sure, but for myself, I think I’d better lay off this forum for a while! Too much anxiety building as the phone stays silent, I kind of think it would be better for me to just not know and letting the process evolve naturally. Can’t even imagine what it must be like for the kids who get those calls, congrats! We’ll be fine, I know, but this info is definitely stressing me out!


Hang in there! March is a loooooong month.


One step closer to finding out! We got a redirect and a no today. Thank God we have that one strong acceptance, which had already knocked those two out of consideration for her, or this would have been a much harder day.

Yes they get an email.

Hang in there, @theatremom1314! March is going to be tough for all of our kids. BU sent an email today that notifications come out March 27th, so long wait still. NYU will be around the same time. Not sure when Pace and CMU will notify. We’re in a similar boat and trying to stay positive.


Yes she saw the BU email thanks. It’s frustrating that other schools are earlier because the excitement builds and the wait is long - but as you say, we’re all in the same boat!

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I read mid-March on the portal for Pace.


FYI for those keeping track: We know someone who got an offer from Carnegie yesterday, so those offers are starting to go out. BAL to those who were still in the running! I also know that TCU, Otterbein, Ithaca, Arizona, FSU and UNCG have made offers within the last couple of days, and TXSTATE has been making offers over the past couple of weeks. Let me add, as a BTDT parent, that I know from experience how hearing these things can raise blood pressure and cause heavy hearts. But I also know that it ONLY TAKES ONE! And when you find that place where your kid is loved, all of these feelings subside quickly. You WILL find that match!!! Hang in there!


Has anyone not gotten anything from Ithaca yet? My daughters portal is still the same. No yes no no.

Hi there. Was the Carnegie admit MT or acting?

My DS received an MT yes from Ithaca on Monday, March 1. Best wishes during this crazy process!


What does “BTDT” stand for?

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Congrats to him!!!