The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

guessing “been there, done that?” but not sure


Thank you! (I was trying to use abbreviation for “dear son” as DS.) Anyway, he is very happy. Not sure what “BTDT” means but could be “been there done that” as mentioned above.

Hello! Nervous Nelly/Obsessive Refresher/First Timer here…
Can anyone help me understand the process or reasoning behind slowly rolling out acceptances? It’s obviously not intended to cause me to have to repeat to my child over and over again that he is indeed talented and will eventually have all the information he needs to make a decision about college… :slight_smile:
TIA for any insight on this extraordinarily confusing and all-consuming process.


The CMU acceptance was for MT.


We are still in Limbo with Ithaca for my D. Haven’t heard a thing since November when she got the “still in consideration” email after her audition.


Same here with Ithaca…nada.


Waiting on Ithaca too. No no, no yes


Same. In limbo on Ithaca. Friend’s DD got a yes to TCU yesterday so that’s exciting!

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Also in the “Ithaca limbo” club


Knowing AZ has been going out for a few days, has anyone gotten a no? Or are only yesses going out so far …

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One more Q re CMU – do you know whether it came through an email or call?

D is waitlisted at Marymount Manhattan for MT (Is everyone WL there? Feels like it.) And no’s this week from UNCSA and UNCG. Feeling very demoralized and like there will not be a yes anywhere. Waiting on Malloy, Emerson, BoCo, NYU, Shenandoah and Western Carolina. Also applied to Brown.


Keep the faith! We have a lot of March yet to go. Keeping good thoughts for your D.


This is a loooong process and when it starts with the nos it is so hard! My S started with no for prescreens to the dream and a few other schools and then the yeses started to roll in (including one that we thought was a beyond expectation)! Keep the faith, there is still plenty of wonderful options out there and March is a long month! Good luck to you and your D!!


Wishing for some good news to you. I feel it! And keep in mind most students applied to a lot of schools this year because of virtual auditions. One school per kid means so much movement on those waitlists!


I believe the CMU acceptance was a phone call.

Did the no from UNCG suggest a BA in the Drama program? I’m just wondering if that is what all the No’s received?

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Hang in there, @namenotusedyet! Try to find distractions!! Sending good vibes your way.


We received that suggestion as well!

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Yes, BA in Drama was suggested.

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