The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Congratulations to your son!

agree with @Sitzprobe ā€¦this might be a good time to read last years final decision thread as yours will be starting soon believe it or notā€¦I spent a fair amount of time in our summary saying exactly what Sitzprobe just didā€¦sooooooo many talented kids, most land somewhere. others choose a gap yr. and do amazing the following yearā€¦Anyway hang in there, you have done all you can do, the talent level is crazy high, so those still waiting for their first yes are by no means " less than"ā€¦like I said worth reading the 2024 final decision thread- many people were struggling at this point in the process, but most of us landed in a great situation. hang in there!!


Sorry, @tennessee1 Even though it was a long shot, hard not to get your hopes up when you make it that far.


My daughter made it through the voice and another audition and was super bummed she was rejected after that. I know itā€™s hard, but itā€™s amazing to make it as far as you both did! Well done!


thank you @SoMuchDrama and @mythreelulus.

Hi @chabrymom . curious where you saw that post. We do know that TXST MT has extended offers to several kids at least. Not aware of acting offers going out yet.

It was in this thread this morning. Look back around comment 874. Maybe Iā€™m reading the school wrong. Ty for clarifying it was MT.

I think that was meā€¦yes, the offers I know of were for TXST MT, not acting. I havenā€™t heard of any ā€œnoā€™sā€ for MT since the ā€œstill in considerationā€ emails went out.

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Thank you. :slight_smile:


So this may seem redundant but I know sometimes I miss posts so I wanted to reiterate something that @NYYFanNowMTdad said above.

If you read the class of 2024 sharing and venting thread, you will see that exactly at this time last year (first week of March) the thread is filled with anxiety and angst. (Sound familiar). Then if you keep reading you start to see things shift, esp. around the second week in March. Many more of the decisions come in. Then, as you keep reading you see the wait list angst, but indeed even that shifts into happiness sometime in April (or sooner in some cases) as the wait lists start to move and people get offers.

Iā€™m not saying everyone ends with sunshineā€¦but even people who got in nowhere and were about to commit to a non MT program got very last minute offers they werenā€™t expecting.

So my point? I for one have been SICK of people telling me all yearā€¦itā€™s a marathon and you have to wait and have faith. I feel like Iā€™m always saying to myself, just two more weeks and we will know a lot more. BUTā€¦we will not be in purgatory forever!! Things will shift and offers will roll in and wait lists will move.

We will get there.

Anyone want to do a thread of favorite coping strategies???


Venting to a friend I have made on these boards, exercising, and now that Iā€™ve finally been vaccinated getting massages! (Oh happy day)

Whatā€™s your favorite coping strategy?


Booze. Lots of booze.


Coming to this forum and the MT Parents on facebook is my coping mechanism. It may at times add extra stress, but in the end - I could not get through this without it. It is waking up and being able to see what new posts are here that get me through the day. Also the 30 x a day I refresh this thread to see what is going on with everyone else. :slight_smile:


Ya. Wine for sure!


Ok so full disclosure, I am the coping mechanism for my bestie. Iā€™m here getting intell for her and DD. Our children are great friends and both in hs theatre program together. My ds is a thespian but no pipes for MT! :weary: Heā€™s heading to Vandy in the fall and to distract from scholly news (hopefully tomorrow) Iā€™m learning everything I can for My youngest MT kid who is still in 7th grade. Iā€™m reading everything and learning so much so thank you!!

(And gathering info for schools that besties daughter is waiting on. Cā€™mon Ithaca!!! :heart_eyes:)


As for the marathon, you are at mile 20 ( or whatever runners say is the point when you hit the wall) you make it past this point & it starts to get a little bit better till May 1


Commiserating with fellow MT/Acting Moms has been a lifesaver. We pick each other up when weā€™re down, each of us on a different roller coaster ride.


Thought Iā€™d share that the no came in from CMU yesterday, along with a waitlist from Ithaca.
These boards are definitely a coping mechanism, along with all the friends Iā€™ve made through this process. Sending you all positive vibes as the calls, emails, & portal updates roll in this month!


(Just for the record I think that Ithaca decisions are available? We were a no but have friends with yes)

Still in limbo land on Ithaca


Same :slight_smile: