The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

@S1974N My S is going to MPULSE

My daughter was accepted to TPAP and Point Parkā€™s new summer program for MT. Still waiting to hear from a few others but looks like TPAP may be the winner:)

@theatremom10 congrats! TPAP was absolutely one of the best experiences for my D and Iā€™m grateful every day for the friendships and wonderful lessons she learned there!

@iowamtmom If your vacation overlaps with any of the SSTI performance weekends, I highly recommend seeing one of the productions. They.Are.Amazing! The first summer my D went, I sat there in disbelief ā€“ there was no way I was watching HS students. I was completely blown away by Tuck Everlasting (2018) and Cabaret (2019).

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Texas State has cancelled NEXUS. Very disappointing news.

@AmarilloTX hey man, class of 2024 feels your painā€¦

we have no spring musicals in kids senior year
we have no spring sports
we cant visit colleges during the spring break where we were planning on visiting accepted schools bc they are all shut downā€¦ lets see what else???

no prom
no graduationā€¦UMMMM oh yeah

& if you are lucky enough to be on a waitlist they just extended decision day to June first so you might go into JULY or August still waiting to hear somethingā€¦

Oh yeah & people are suggesting a gap/deferment year if this is gonna delay the opening of the fall semesterā€¦ lets do this all again & make the class of 2025 double the # of applicants for same number of spots next year bc this process was sooooooo much fun!!

so yeah I get it hearing that summer camp is off is truly upsettingā€¦

just sayinā€¦

@NYYFanNowMTdad I have been following the class of 2024 so I am fully aware of the situation. I canā€™t imagine, however, a kid not accepting an offer from a school just because the start of fall semester might be delayed. Wouldnā€™t the kid enroll with the school and adapt like every other freshman at that school would have to adapt?

To go further, if this lasts as long as some are saying (12 to 18 months) then that means that the class of 2025 do not get fall audition dates and Unifieds in 2021 are cancelled. In fact all auditions could be by video for us. Not exactly peaches and cream for the class of 2025.

That being said, I didnā€™t know it was a competition.

Just sayin ā€¦

@AmarilloTX not a competition at allā€¦was pointing out that on the grand scheme of things, a summer program being cancelled is small potatoesā€¦I have tried to be as generous as I can be with my experiences and gained knowledge, certainly happy to help those who come after meā€¦I also believe in being self aware & sensitive towards others.

I personally would NOT delay enrollment, but it absolutely has been suggested and discussed in the MT threads on CC, since you are following, I assumed you were aware of that- but no, for my kid- we auditioned at a program she loves on campus so we are in a good placeā€¦others not so much. I feel really really bad for them, more than I do for a summer program that got cancelled, if that comes across as competition of who has it worse- not my intent whatsoever

as far as what COULD happen for 2025, surely we donā€™t knowā€¦everything you mention COULD happenā€¦ agreed, no fall auditions, no unifieds would be awful- far fetched but not impossible.

what we know for FACT are the things I noted And the summer program you noted those are facts for today. I certainly hope those things do not happen to the class of 2025. you might like to know many from the class of 2024 pmd me after my last post noting how they agreed with me- just for perspective not competition

Lastly, Im sure the class of 2023 who paid for a spring semester of training and performances & somehow now have to accept online as " training they paid for" thats a kick in the gut too.

i was just trying to offer some perspective.

IN my experience, perspective is something that will be needed throughout this whole process & people at this time of the year are on their final nerveā€¦if my statements somehow irked you or anyone else in the class of 2025, Ill be happy to leave cc as my time here is nearly over, I am thankful my kids is almost setā€¦I only planned to come back to pay it forward.

Feel free to completely disregard all I am saying, we are set & there is no competition. I truly hope your kid has as great an outcome as my kid has AND she gets to do her spring musical as a senior, gets to walk thru graduation and go to her prom.

Iā€™m thrilled with the choices we have, disappointed in how this final inning or two are playing outā€¦just like you are disappointed about Nexus.

@NYYFanNowMTdad with all due respect, in the times we are living in right now, I donā€™t need your lectures about perspective.

@AmarilloTX with all due respect, all you could have said was hey I realize you guys are going through ALOT right now , no offense intended and this would be over.

I only responded to the remarks you made in post #86, you may or may not care but I got a ton of private messages thanking me after I replied to you post #84, so maybe you didnt realize you inadvertently hit a nerve with many.

Iā€™ve said my peace, like you noted, bigger issues at hand than this.

@AmarilloTX All of us 2024 parents are frayed and frazzled. And I will tell you, having a NEXUS alumna, they saved you money. Much better off with the other programs you mentioned. BAL!

@NYYFanNowMTdad I really donā€™t care about how many pats on the back you are getting. My original post was on behalf of my S and 59 other kids that found out that they are not going to NEXUS summer intensive. I would imagine that all of them are very disappointed as are the people at Texas State. So I am not sure why you felt the necessity to denigrate the feelings of all of those people.

@MTisNutz What you say is very possible. The unfortunate truth is that NEXUS is just the first. I am pretty sure all summer programs will be cancelled.

@AmarilloTX if you read any of my 500+ posts I NEVER intended to denigrate anyone. im one of the biggest cheerleaders of the downtrodden you will ever find on this siteā€¦

clearly stating you donā€™t care what others said to me pretty much says all that needs to be said here. that was the point I was trying to make from the get goā€¦ if you dont care thats your rightā€¦if I made any one of those kids feel denigrated, I sincerely apologizeā€¦

Ill go back to the 2024 threads but as @MTisNutz there are quite a few people that think you actually dodged a bullet, I have no opinion on that as my kid attended the CMU summer program & Frenchwoods

@AmarilloTX Itā€™s possible that all summer programs will get shut down. If that happens I think weā€™ll all have more immediate concerns.

China and Korea provide examples that suggest that we donā€™t absolutely need a vaccine for life to resume once the outbreak is contained. However, the American public may not have the patience to comply with the restrictions the situation requires.

I expect the measures being implemented now, if adhered to, plus widespread testing coming online in the near future will allow things to normalize by sometime in May (7-10 weeks).

I sure hope so because we need to make campus visitsā€¦

I post a very short and simple post about the true feelings of my S and others who feel disappointment over the constellation of a summer program that a great number of kids wanted to attend. I then get a response from someone with no connection whatsoever trying to put me on a guilt trip for my lack of perspective. If a person canā€™t share something and vent a little on a thread designed for that very thing without getting called out, then I am not sure why I am even involved on this thing. People of the class of 2025, I wish you the very, very best. I might read this on occasion but my involvement is at an end.

As a Class of 2025 parent, I donā€™t see it that way @AmarilloTX . You have every right to vent and I would consider @NYYNowFANMTDAD commiserating much more than lecturing or trying to belittle your disappointment. We are all suffering here and having children who are upset makes it that much more difficult. My junior will also likely have her HS musical cancelled (where she was a lead) her prom, her summer college prep program and her summer production as well. The class of 2024 will miss a TON of hugely important milestones; musicals, graduations while also dealing with the unknowns of college admissions. I think there should be enough sympathy to go around, donā€™t you?

Nerves are getting rawā€¦to be expectedā€¦look weā€™re ALL, literally ALL dealing with a lot right now. Time to truly be empathetic towards others (redundant I know). Think about this yrā€™s seniors (college) who are missing their showcases and opportunities to get signed after working their whole lives for that moment. Think about all those HS senior athletes who wonā€™t get their final season, and for some, that scholarship. Think about college seniors who wonā€™t get hired because we are facing some very tough financial times and firms will be laying off, not hiring.

Most importantly, think of the very ill people, some who will die, from this terrible virus. Our little worlds arenā€™t the only thing affected.

Itā€™s really sad for everyone but we will get through this and our kids will find a way to move forward. Letā€™s just all calm down a bit.

Everyone deserves a chance to vent and acknowledge their disappointments and frustrations, big or small. And I think this forumā€™s participants are really great at commiserating with one another and being supportive.

At the same time, I know when something is not going well in my own life, I try to also remember that in the scheme of things, it really is not that bad and I see others suffering much worse than I. It helps to think of that! I try to look at the big picture. Still, itā€™s OK to feel disappointed or down about something.

Everyone is affected by the current situation going on. Some are suffering in huge ways and some in little ways. It is disappointing for all and worthy of venting, but at the same time, feel lucky if the effects are on the small side compared to others. Itā€™s not a contest, but merely a sense of commiserating together.

AmarilloTXā€™s post was made in a 2025 thread. I could see getting snarky if it were on a 2024 thread but it was a valid point to the folks that are reading this one. I feel for what the kids and their parents are going through right now, but shuttered summer programs might be the least concern for next yearā€™s crop. And honestly delayed final decisions might be the second least.