The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

New thread is up! Final MT Decisions Background - Class of 2025 - #2 by E2L1DC

I’ve asked Admin to pin it, so it should be easy to find once the deposit is paid! Only a few more weeks - break a leg everyone!!


oh I’m glad! that’s good to hear about CMU being useful

Overall, the experience was great. The faculty was really nice. But now we are in uncertain state since we haven’t heard anything at all, and people she knows got answers already. She jokingly said “maybe they forwarded my application to the college of engineering” :smile:

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@mollytodd21 You might want to shoot CMU an email and check in, because I thought they notified everyone now. Did she check Acceptd? That’s where the most recent no and waitlist notifications are. I’m not sure if yeses got notification there in addition to the phone calls or not.

No phone call, no email in Accepted either. Portal hasn’t been updated at all. This time I can’t tell her “no news is good news”, as it just adds stress. Hopefully, we’ll get some answers soon.

(CMU) Actually my D’s letter said that “Please note that official admission decisions are released by the Office of Admission in late March.” This was in the message in the Getacceptd portal that also said, “we are not able to recommend you for admission” etc etc etc

Although the final decision not ideal, the five auditions sounds encouraging. Your daughter must be very talented to get to that point with a top school. I am wishing the best for her and glad that she has at least one very good school (Marymount) that has already offered her admission.

Would love to answer any questions you might have. My DD is a Sophomore at Millikin University (Major BFA Acting with a double minior in Dance & Business). She loves it there!


I’m sure I’ll have questions for you going forward. My D has a BFA Acting offer from Millikin. We watched their live stream of She Kills Monsters last Friday! Was your D involved in that?

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Thanks @Daddio67 - she certainly loves what she does. She was very selective with schools and didn’t audition for UMich and a couple of other schools because she wanted a different environment, so that didn’t leave very many options. I’ll admit that after the CMU results she spend a few days saying “I’m not good enough” but thankfully has bounced back!


Although my D (MT) hasn’t made her final decision, Millikin is at the top for her! Visiting on Monday!!! Would love any info you might have for us.

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My son is still waiting too.

My son just found out he is waitlisted at DePaul. Anyone know how many people are on the waitlist?


Anyone heard anything about decisions from IU Bloomington? Or when they might be coming?

My daughter was just waitlisted for DePaul stage management. What was your son waitlisted for? I have no idea how many they waitlist. It’s obviously program dependent.


My DS also waitlisted for DePaul! Any idea how many usually move from WL?

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Are they doing in person tours?

Which school?

My son also waitlisted at DePaul! Seems like a fair number of WL kids.

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Wondered if they were doing in person tours at Millikin University.