The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

(IWU) We are still waiting as well…but based on this info, won’t throw in the towel yet.

Interesting - in giving this a read, there’s a subtle difference in the wording. According to the actual document: “Members are encouraged to work with other campus offices such as academic departments, housing and financial aid to create a consistent deadline that does not require students to make a commitment or accept an offer prior to May 1.” The word “recommendation” is also used here.

Note that this is not a rule nor is it a requirement - it is encouraged/recommended. Hopefully, all your colleges will adhere to the encouraged date. :slight_smile:

Yes, there is a big difference between “should” and “shall”. So far it looks like a very large percentage of schools are doing what they should do.

We did and my d was accepted! Exciting!


Got our first yes! Columbia College of Chicago BFA. Truly is the best feeling after so many no’s!


WONDERFUL!!! yup i slept much better after that first yes!!!


Congrats to you jayamylee! You must be so relieved and excited.


Congratulations! Was that MT or Acting? Waiting on Acting over here


Hi, it was MT-fingers crossed for Acting!


One of the few BA Theatre audition programs my DD applied (most were MT) was Fordham. A week or so ago I heard about a student receiving an audition, but I haven’t heard anything recently. Anyone still waiting?

We have confirmation PACE has started making calls. (Not to us)


Is it for Musical Theatre

Yes it was a PACE MT


agreed & could add that last year schools extended decision dates to June 1-Aug 1 due to Covid.

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Sorry - receiving a decision, not audition. I guess I still have auditions on the brain!

My son just got acceptance call from PACE MT !!! :purple_heart:Yesterday a yes from UArts and day before a yes from Muhlenberg! It’s been a great week!:tada: Sending good vibes to all who are waiting on calls today.


that’s fabulous!! congratulations to him and you as well!

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Congrats to your son! What great news!

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Woohoo! Congrats to him! :blue_heart::performing_arts::blue_heart:

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Just giving a heads up…Pace is also making calls today to recruit students for their general virtual welcome event. Excitedly returned the missed call, left message, only to receive a call back with this general information. Very disappointing! Congrats to those receiving the MT call!!! Sending good wishes to everyone!!!